* Posts by mobailey

54 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Mar 2022


You're going to do what to the feature? Microsoft defines what it means by 'deprecation'


"This all leads us to the thorny issue of Windows 10. Has it been deprecated? While the AI overview provided by Google says..."

Oh, if only Microsoft had their own AI tool that you could have asked...

New Outlook marches onto Windows 10 for what little time it has left


"lacking some features of its predecessor....such as support for .pst files"

Have they tried just copy and pasting some code out of one of their other email clients?

BASIC co-creator Thomas Kurtz hits END at 96



Fired Disney staffer accused of hacking menu to add profanity, wingdings, removes allergen info


He should have just let it go.

Microsoft admits Outlook crashes, says impact 'mitigated'


Re: Intternationalisation!

I usually Reply All with a single word:


ESA's meteorite bricks hit Lego stores, but don't get your wallet out just yet


Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

We need a volunteer to literally crawl over broken glass to fix this network


Re: "I literally crawled over broken glass for this company."

re: "switch used on the stand had been given a static IP that conflicted with ones used elsewhere".

So wouldn't it have been easier just to change the IP on the one used elsewhere?

IT worker sued over ‘vengeful’ cyber harassment of policeman who issued a jaywalking ticket


Re: Strange thing to do someone for

Highway Code rule number 42.

Bing and Copilot fall from the clouds around the world


So, Bing is down...

But if a tree falls in a forest, and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Microsoft confesses April Windows update breaks some VPN connections


That made me think of a "Day Today" reference:

KB5036890 - no VPN died.

KB5036891 - no VPN died.

KB5036892 - one VPN died.

Tired techie 'fixed' a server, blamed Microsoft, and got away with it


Re: a utility we've chosen not to name that could clean up a Windows PC's registry

We're talking about CCleaner, aren't we? Where the first C stands for "Crap"?

London Clinic probes claim staffer tried to peek at Princess Kate's records


Re: "not being able buy a meat pie with a credit card"

I counted 3.14 pieces of meat in my Steak Bake.

The end of classic Outlook for Windows is coming. Are you ready?


Re: I need classic outlook

This is the way.

Windows 10 users report app gremlins after Microsoft update


> > cock-up rather than conspiracy seems more likely

> Which part of their track record makes you think this ?

To give Microsoft the credit it deserves: the number of their cock-ups does exceed their number of their conspiracies.

Microsoft sheds some light on Russian email heist – and how to learn from Redmond's mistakes


Re: weak password

Re: "So, what was the password?"

I suspect the answer is in your question.

UK water giant admits attackers broke into system as gang holds it to ransom


Not the first time my data has been breached by Southern Water

I’ve had to phone up Southern Water before, to discuss a broken drain leading out from my property. They couldn’t help.

Later that day, a local plumber pulled up and asked if I needed any work doing. I asked how he knew and he said “I’ve got a mate who works at Southern Water.”

Share your 2024 tech forecasts (wrong answers only) to win a terrible sweater


Elon Musk renames X to Zzzz but only when in Dark Mode.

After nine servers he worked on failed, techie imagined next career as beach vendor


Re: Sorry, is it just me ?


This just makes no sense:

"he attempted a repair of that machine.

It did not."

I suspect the article was written by AI.

Clippy-like AI at forefront of Windows update previews


Wait... autosaving NotePad?

re: "yet more tweaks to the veteran Notepad applications in terms of autosaving."

That sounds like a nightmare. I'll be switching off that option.

Imagine using Notepad to type a new line into a website's Web.Config file. You're halfway through typing it, and NotePad thinks "this is a good time to save the changes so far"....

Farewell WordPad, we hardly knew ye


Re: Missed opportunity

Or marked down the price, and paid us to use it?

Nobody would ever work on the live server, right? Not intentionally, anyway


Re: Don't let that guy work without supervision

re: "After taking photos, camera users took those films to a retailer"

So, Han shot first.

Network died, hard, during company Christmas party, leaving lone techie to fix it


Yippee ki-yay, motherboard.

Virgin Media email customers enter third day of inbox infuriation


Speaking of redundancies

"Speaking of redundancies"

VM/O2 have told their UK workers than many of their jobs are at risk. Soon after this, their email service stops working for three days....

Source: https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2023/06/job-cuts-set-to-strike-more-of-virgin-media-o2s-uk-staff.html


Cunningly camouflaged cable routed around WAN-sized hole in project budget


In other words - just a network joining one branch to another?

Eric Idle tells infosec world to always look on the bright side of life



If Elon Musk was posher, then he'd be the Upper Class Twit of the Year.


Google: If your Android app can create accounts, it better be easy to delete them, too



"As the new policy states, when you fulfill a request to delete an account, you must also delete the data associated with that account,"

So, if I delete my Barclays banking app account, then all my bank accounts will be closed and the money disappear?


When it comes to database security it's down to people, not tech fixes, to save the day


Kaspersky's People Problem

For an example: Putin rounds up Russian family members of Kaspersky staff. Demands that staff member(s) insert a line of code which will wipe any western PC that it's installed on.

Hence me unsubscribing and uninstalling.

Microsoft squashes Windows bug exploited to inflict ransomware misery



Acronym may as well stand for "Monster of the Week".

Dole production plants crippled by ransomware, stores run short


Don't Blame Ransomware

Don't try to blame empty supermarkets in the US on a hacked agricultural supplier.

Everyone knows this is down to Brexit.


A tip for content filter evaluators: erase the list of sites you tested, don't share them on 100 PCs



re: "All of the laptops were returned to IT and reimaged"

Is that really the easiest way to delete a single item from the browser history?


Super Bock says 'cyber' nasty 'disrupting computer services'


Oh Great

Just when I finished Dry January.


LUMI supercomputer puts GPU partition through its paces with hardcore science


But Why?

But why advertise this story with a picture of slice of chorizo?

Nice smart device – how long does it get software updates?


Case in Point

Hive Cameras. and other products, which are being turned into bricks from this summer. Hive is switching off our devices for us, for so-called "environmental reasons". Because ending a product's life artificially early, and forcing a replacement (Non-Hive) product to be manufactured, purchased and installed is great way to achieve Net Zero.


Third-party Twitter apps stopped dead with no explanation from El Musko


Re: Mars Ahoy

re: "Sorry, when exactly are you going to sod off to Mars, mate?"

But as soon as he got to Mars, he'd fire half the astronauts.


Fraudulent ‘popunder’ Google Ad campaign generated millions of dollars


Re: Never heard it called that before

Gives a new meaning to their song "I Am a Rock"


Financial authorities fine UK bank nearly $60m for platform migration disaster


> Too much septicisation going on.

We should be spelling it "septicization" now.


NIST says you better dump weak SHA-1 ... by 2030


In other news....

US National Institute of Standards and Technology advises against writing passwords on PostIt notes by 2040.


You can hook your MIDI keyboard up to a website with Firefox 108


Re: Now Available

re: "I suppose you could set the bookmarks bar to be on all the time."

I did this for many years, until recently.

But I regularly need to screenshare / send browser screenshots for my work. It got a bit unprofessional to always include my bookmark icons for Amazon, Just Eat, Spotify, Facebook, Register... (and worse).

ALSO: for security purposes. To avoid using the bookmark toolbar to switch a tab between banking and a less-reputable site. I'm now forced to close the tab when finished with it, and open a new one.

Hiding the bookmark toolbar, except for new tabs, is a good compromise that helps with both of these problems.



Now Available

Just updated to Version 108 after visiting Help | About Firefox.

Shift+Esc shows the new Process Monitor tab. Looks like this will be most useful when dragged to a new monitor - so you can use Firefox and monitor the brief CPU spikes at the same time.

But I'm failing to spot any improvements to the bookmarks toolbar shown on new tabs.


LockBit suspect cuffed after ransomware forces emergency services to use pen and paper


Track, Track*, Track++, TrackMax, NowThat'sWhatICallTrack, ICan'tBelieveIt'sNotTracked...

re: "Track, Track*, Attend, and Act"

Could they not have spent two more minutes thinking up better classifications? E.g. you can have these for free:

Aware, Track, Attend, Act.



Twitter, Musk, and a week of bad decisions


For a Comparison

Twitter under Musk is looking like the UK under Truss.

What's up with WhatsApp? Messaging platform suffers outage in the UK


Oh No!

How am I going to communicate with only seven other messaging apps on my phone?


Fake sites fool Zoom users into downloading deadly code


Re: Extra domains

Spoken like an American.


You've heard of the cost-of-living crisis, now get ready for the cost-of-working crisis


Re: Email remains the most used communication method for work

What tune are we supposed to sing this to?


Halfords slapped on wrist for breaching email marketing laws


I received that email!

I demand my 6p.


Scientist shares spicy pic of 'James Webb' discovery


If anyone moans about this hoax, then the scientist should just tell them tapas off.


Google calculates Pi to 100 trillion digits


Re: Measurement creep

You didn't open your pedant tag.


An international incident or just some finger trouble at the console?


Re: Figured out what THAT meant

re: "originally going to be called the BFR series – until marketing people figured out what THAT meant"

I would advise never using the letter F in an acronym. That would be a BFM.


Eggheads demo how to fool share-trading bots with carefully crafted retweets


Re: "ingest the tweets of widely followed public figures, such as Donald Trump .. and conduct trades based on the sentiment of their musings."

Buy covfefe!


Microsoft Edge's 'Secure Network' sounds a lot like a built-in VPN


Re: Neutron privacy bomb

The frankly boring explanation is:

If you have a process that runs once every day, and that process takes less than an hour to run: then all that you can promise is that it will be completed within 25 hours.

