* Posts by VoiceOfTruth

1682 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jan 2022

Ransomware isn't always about the money: Government spies have objectives, too


So how about an article on when Western government spies do the same?

Jessica Lyons should write an article about that. The idea that the USA and the West in general are 'the good guys' and therefore get a free pass does not hold up. From supporting murderous regimes in South America (as long it's the 'right' people doing the murdering), to illegal wars everywhere, the list of things to look into is endless.

How about an update on the Gemalto hack?

The Register has become just another mouthpiece for CIA propaganda.

UK, US, Oz blast holes in LockBit's bulletproof hosting provider Zservers


The old diversionary tactic

Britain is hardly squeaky clean. The City of London is rife with corruption. Billions and billions of stolen money knowingly 'washed' through its banks. But people in power get paid off for doing nothing about it, so it continues.

The London Laundromat has not gone away.

US datacenters in for shock as Canada mulls cutting the juice over Trump tariffs


Re: Erm

On top of that, you simply cannot beat pipelines economically. Nothing else comes close. Hence, even though they cost huge amounts to build, they are profitable long term.

UK biz dept overspent by £208M prepping to pay workers hurt in Post Office IT scandal


Re: The wheels of British so-called justice turn extremely slowly

Why do I blame the judges? Because their job is to ensure that justice is done. Now I would like to see every one of those judges who handed down WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS apologise in person to the victims of these miscarriages of justice.

I have knowledge of court procedures, and don't need your shortlist. I have sat in the public gallery enough times and listened to the holier-than-thou judges delivering their OPINIONS on people who have . I listened and watched as judges (in magistrate courts) being ALL EARS to the prosecution, the evident bias in their decisions as they convict people who were later exonerated. The big flowery words they use, as though they are infallible beings delivering the word of $YOURGOD. Not one of these mother fucking judges has ever been held to account.

Parliament should act, and take this away from the judges completely: an act to overturn every one of these wrongful convictions, and a life lesson to the judges and prosecutors.


The wheels of British so-called justice turn extremely slowly

"A statutory inquiry into the mass miscarriage of justice was opened in 2021 is ongoing."

I predict the outcome: a lot of hot air and big words saying "this should not have happened and it must not have happen again". As if we didn't know that.

I accuse these people of dragging their feet. I accuse the self-righteous British 'justice' industrial complex of living in ivory towers and seeing themselves through rose-tinted spectacles.

Not a single judge or prosecutor will be admonished for this. The 'justice' system did not uncover this injustice - a reporter uncovered it. Meanwhile the prosecutors were slapping each other and themselves on the back on a 'good result', and the judges were giving homilies to wrongly convicted victims.

Fuck the prosecutors and fuck the judges. These people are another part of the establishment who will not be held to account. They will go on as they always do as they will not be held to account. At the same time the 'inquiry' will keep paying the same motherfuckers to sit around on their arses as they rustle up some crocodile tears.

Motorola appeal over £200M price cap for Airwave service rejected


Politicians and tech

"Successive governments lack understanding of how to buy tech"

Years ago some tosspot Tory MP was talking about giving lessons to schoolchildren about how to use a web browser. This chinless nobody actually thought this was something necessary.

There are too many lawyers and PPE+law graduates in parliament. They know how to waffle, but are basically useless if you broke down in the middle of a desert.



Should just pull out completely and say "fuck you".

The CMA had nothing to say about shovelling billions to DIdo Harding for a useless piece of shit system for covid. I don't wonder why.

Intel has officially missed the boat for AI in the datacenter


Intel Graphics

AKA not very good graphics. Intel graphics on any laptop was not just a deal breaker, it wouldn't even make the short list. I never understood why they trumpeted it, given how poor it was. It might as we

"combine the best of Intel's Xe Graphics capabilities"

There's two ways to look at this: 1, it raises Xe up somewhere. 2, it drags down the thing it combines with.

Google to Iran: Yes, we see you using Gemini for phishing and scripting. We're onto you


Does Google see America or Americans using Gemini for phishing?

If not, it is turning a Nelsonian eye to its home turf.

I must give Gemini a try. I will start by asking "which country does the most spying around the world".

HPE's $14B Juniper takeover slams into Dept of Justice roadblock


Let it go through

Then when HP doesn't do their due diligence, they can sue Juniper.

Trump eyes up to 100% tariffs on foreign semiconductors, TSMC in crosshairs


Re: What fucking dipshits

> going to entirely dismantle the public education system in America

Thank Ryan Walters. I saw a video of home marvelling at how great education in Oklahoma is. He neglected to mention it is about 5th from the bottom in national rankings. Keep 'em stupid.


Hahahaha. How I laugh

TSMC started doing the USA's bidding vis-a-vis China. Now it gets shanked in the back.

The world needs to get it into its head: when the USA says it is number one, everyone else is at the bottom of the heap. Yet still the idiots keep sucking up to the USA. It's probably due to all the spying that America does around the world - it knows the peccadillos and indiscretions of the politicians. BUY AMERICAN GAS OR IT WILL BE MADE PUBLIC. Yes, Oh Master. How far do you wish to shaft us?

How to leave the submarine cable cutters all at sea – go Swedish


What a load of bollocks

"a result of Russia's peerless efforts to enlarge and re-energize that organization."

I think you mean due to American pressure, including reports of a non-existent 'Russian submarine'.

Who do you write this crap for? Russia is a lump of land. It is not going anywhere. Meanwhile, which way is NATO moving?

A little bit more Swedish history for you: Sweden was officially neutral in WW2, but mysteriously was more neutral towards us than it was towards Nazi Germany.

China to probe US chip subsidies as export curbs rattle allies


Welly welly well

echo "some of its allies" | sed s'/allies/gullible idiot slaves/'

"The latter point might be futile, of course, as the single market means that goods can flow freely from one EU country to another". That is until the USA rewrites the rules for the EU. EU rules mean nothing to the USA. Europe is occupied territory and will do what it is told to do. The occasional bone will be thrown to keep the slaves happy. But the truth is this: USA number 1, means everyone else doesn't even count.

IBM swoops in to rescue UK Emergency Services Network after Motorola shown the door


National security implications

What are the national security implications here? Will any data be transferred to the USA for processing (siloing)?

Will any equipment used be audited for backdoors and/or gaping security holes?

Russia's Star Blizzard phishing crew caught targeting WhatsApp accounts


Drip, drip, drip

The Register is now just an American mouthpiece. We see it, the endless articles about (supposed) Chinese and (supposed) Russian and (supposed) North Korean and (supposed) Iranian hackers. We get it. All these bad commies/reds under the bed/this/that/the other. Whoever is the bogeyman of the moment.

But what we do not see is the elephant in the room, the invisible part of the iceberg: American hacking the whole world. It is not as though American spies do not get caught. It is not as though American hardware and software is not regularly discovered to have magic holes in the security, which gets brushed under the carpet in a couple of seconds.

Let us have an article about American hacking.

China's Salt Typhoon spies spotted on US govt networks before telcos, CISA boss says


"China is the most persistent and serious cyber threat to the nation and to our national critical infrastructure,"

On the other hand, the USA is the most persistent and serious cyber threat to the whole planet. When the USA stops spying, including on supposed allies, it can complain. Until then, it's STFU.

FBI wipes Chinese PlugX malware from thousands of Windows PCs in America


The double standards

The Feds had been tracking a crew called Mustang Panda, aka Twill Typhoon, for years, and claimed the Beijing-linked team had broken into “numerous government and private organizations” in the US, Europe, and Indo-Pacific region.

Which is exactly what the USA does. So where are the court filings? The egregious double standards, the Übermensch mentality of the USA is in plain sight.

“This wide-ranging hack and long-term infection of thousands of Windows-based computers, including many home computers in the United States, demonstrates the recklessness and aggressiveness of PRC state-sponsored hackers,” US Attorney Jacqueline Romero said in a statement today.

Ah diddums. If the USA didn't do it 1000 times greater, it might be able to play the victim card. What goes around comes around.

Apple shrugs off BBC complaint with promise to 'further clarify' AI content


Re: The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

Evidently you have missed the point, so let me state it in small words so you more easily understand. The BBC has long made, and continues to make, mistakes. Yet when somebody, or rather some thing, makes a mistake, the BBC acts as though its farts smell like freshly-cut daffodils when it points its finger elsewhere.

As for 'reluctantly printing apologies', try reading the BBC's words. Their so-called apologies and corrections are so mealy-mouthed they would feed a herd of horses.


The BBC - hardly a paragon of virtue

Like the rest of the establishment, it promotes itself as being holier than thou. It peers down its nose at the great unwashed, smug in its attitude that it is better than everyone else.

The BBC makes plenty of errors. Here is its own list, which is by no means complete: https://www.bbc.co.uk/helpandfeedback/corrections_clarifications/.

Charter, Consolidated, Windstream reportedly join China's Salt Typhoon victim list


I imagine all these companies are using American equipment

Ya know, that stuff that leaks like a sieve. That has backdoors. That has hardcoded admin credentials 'accidentally left behind'. Perhaps they use Solarwinds to manage it all.

Perhaps they should have bought Huawei. Ya know, that stuff that was actually audited and found not to have backdoors.

Encryption backdoor debate 'done and dusted,' former White House tech advisor says


Re: I bet . . .

In the UK, the general population are considered to be unwashed serfs by the establishment. The word "subject" was removed passports years ago, but the mentality remains.


The world needs E2EE to keep the USA out

"Just this week, CISA published formal guidance [PDF] on how to keep Chinese government spies off mobile devices".

Yeah. Try passing that on to Angela Merkel.

"threat actors"

Where does the USA get the front to say this? The gall of the biggest snooper and interceptor on the planet.

My heart bleeds for those poor innocent American politicians who now know what it feels like to be snooped upon.

Chinese cyber-spies reportedly targeted sanctions intel in US Treasury raid


What goes around comes around

Well shucks. Looks like somebody is doing to the USA what the USA is doing to the whole world. Here's the sound of the world's smallest violin: waaaahahahaha.

US reportedly mulls TP-Link router ban over national security risk


It won't

No matter how insecure Cisco is, and it leaks like a sieve, it gets a free pass. Cos it's American.

Trump administration wants to go on cyber offensive against China


Look in the mirror

"We need to start changing behaviors on the other side, "

Yeah. How about the USA stops hacking? Make no mistake here, the USA is not the good guy. The USA cannot point a finger and claim itself to be 'exceptional'. Much like the oft-mentioned 'rules-based international order', who wrote those rules, what are these rules, and if somebody breaks the rules who holds the rules-breaker to account? The USA would be at the top of the list of rules breakers.

Telco security is a dumpster fire and everyone's getting burned


Pathetic anti-China hit piece

If the author is so concerned about hacking, how about calling for shutting down RAF Menwith Hill? It seems that hacking is OK as long as it is America that is doing it. Rupert Goodwins should stick to watching John Wayne movies, where he can 'grab the Winchesters and head off injuns at the pass'. The biggest hacker in the world does not have the privilege of crying victim.

We'll answer any questions DoJ has, HPE CEO tells us as Feds probe $14B Juniper buy


News prediction, a few months later

HP is suing Juniper's old owners because of not being able to add up. Also, all connections to the new Hunipers will require original HP connectors until they are sued otherwise.


EU charges Corning with antitrust violations over Gorilla Glass dominance


The EU.

It will soon shut up when Washington tells them to. The silence when ASML was effectively ordered to lose its most lucrative customers...

UK orders Chinese biz to sell majority stake in Scottish chipmaker


Re: Whack a mole

-- what horrors they could sneak into their proprietary Windows drivers

Do you have the same attitude to American companies? If not, curb your racism.


Pathetic little serfs

The politicians in the UK are more beholden to what their Washington overlords tell them to do, than what is in the best interests of UK citizens. When the last bit of technology is sold off or shut down or turned into ashes, will they still be able to lick the boots of their masters? Good boy, here's a bone.

ASML faces turbulence amid stock drop, customer delays


It's goodbye ASML

The USA wants total domination of everything. If that means European companies and countries suffer, so be it. WHEN WILL EUROPE WAKE UP? The USA is a competitor. Shutting down competitors is what it is good at.

China’s infosec leads accuse Intel of NSA backdoor, cite chip security flaws


Cue the deafening silence

If this is proven, what will be the response of the UK government? Silence? Ignore it and carry on as usual?

It was notable that Huawei was subject to 'national security checks', while Intel and Cisco and every other US company is extended a welcoming hand.

Dutch government takes ASML export measures off Uncle Sam's hands


"ASML has not always been pleased with the export restrictions placed on it as these curtailed its sales to China, the company's largest export market other than Taiwan."

Mealy mouthed. ASML has NEVER been pleased with these restrictions, and suggesting anything else is dishonest. The USA is cutting ASML's business. Looking ahead, China would be a bigger market for ASML. Instead China will develop its own technology, and ASML will shrink.

UK water giant admits attackers broke into system as gang holds it to ransom


For your safety and security

We will indefinitely retain "Scans of identity documents such as passports and driving licenses". You can be assured our (your) data is as leaky as our pipes.

Users now keep cellphones for 40+ months and it's hurting the secondhand market


No need for an 'upgrade'

My phone from three and a half years ago is still good, apart from the battery. So I recently bought another one, exactly the same, new in the box. It's a third of the original price, and less than a quarter of the price of a new phone. I'm getting the battery replaced on the old phone. Mad? I don't think so. I now have two chargers, two charging cables, two sets of earphones for identical devices.

No doubt the cameras now are better than three or four years ago. But the old one is more than good enough for me.

FBI: FISA Section 702 'absolutely critical' to spy on, err, protect Americans


It does depress me

I like what the USA ostensibly stands for. But what it actually does, the FBI is no different to the Stasi.

The USA paints itself as a democracy while several states are trying tooth and nail to disenfranchise voters of the "wrong" colour. If it was anywhere other than the USA the usual hangers on would be proclaiming about the "disputed" and "sham" elections.

The prison industrial complex in the USA is just slavery by another name.

It wears very thin after a time. We read about the FBI spying on people protesting wrongful deaths caused by the police, but not about the FBI spying on police officers causing wrongful deaths. The FBI may say it has "changed" but it's like changing my socks. They are still my socks and the effects are the same.

Nexperia left off subsidies list as Germany chips away at Chinese connection


Re: decision made at the higest level, eh ?

-> So, which lobby group won that round ?

Washington. Do as you are told.

Will Flatpak and Snap replace desktop Linux native apps?


Linux is going down the bloat path

And all because the whole Linux community cannot come up with one definitive way to package apps and libraries. So instead there are the worst options of the immense bloat of fully packages apps + libraries. It sounds good but it isn't. It is bloat and lazy. Backups come to mind? If you can't do a bare metal recovery you do not have a backup.

The Linux crowd, me included, used to laugh at the NT people whose backup/recovery process was reinstall the OS, reinstall all the apps, reinstall the data, because in those days handling open files on NT was a real PITA. If anyone tells me now that Linux recovery is reinstall the OS, download all the apps again like it's some kind of smartphone, put back the data then get lost. App bloat (due to containerisation) = backup bloat.

I have run into this on Macs too. NamelessImageApp stores its thumbnails as well as all the metadata in a SQLITE database. Very good when you have a few photos. But when your SQLITE database is 2GB in size, if you so much as tag a photo that means a 2GB backup. Now multiply that by the number of people who have the same NamelessImageApp. This idea of backups is lost on people who it seems to me do not do backups or have endless backup disk space.

Gnome is bloated. Why? Perhaps because the people who code Gnome don't understand about using resources wisely. I have seen Yum update crash due to using too much memory on a small system. The solution is not 'get a bigger boat'.

AI weapons need a safe back door for human control


UK trying to look important

Much like the UK's importance in technology these days, it's noise from unelected politicians whose whole life was spent polishing chairs with their tailored suits.

UK government to set deadline for removal of Chinese surveillance cams


Re: British 'government'

Your comment is fair enough. My English was bad in this case.


British 'government'

Memo to the USA: You're spying on us is OK.

New York City latest to sue Hyundai and Kia claiming their cars are too easy to steal


Re: The only option is....

-> You make the punitive cost so ridiculously large that any business simply can't risk the cost to themselves and their shareholders.

Which may well cause a business to move out of your jurisdiction = less choice for the consumer = higher prices.


While I agree good security is a good thing

This is like suing window makers because windows can be broken with bricks.

New York streets are peppered with 'preventative scaffolding'. It is frankly an eyesore, all brought about with good intentions. Read more here (2nd link on DDG): https://streeteasy.com/blog/scaffolding-nyc-why-so-much-scaffolding-new-york-city/

MediaTek accused of setting 'patent troll' on rival, says it will defend itself


Chaebol vs Chaebol

The movie. Only the lawyers got rich.

Clop ransomware crew sets June extortion deadline for MOVEit victims


Use of language

-> Of course, it should go without saying: these are criminals, so taking them at their word isn't a good idea.

The same also holds true for the 'authorities'. Then they get found out for the nth time, and tell me why we are supposed to believe them ever again?

Oh Snap... Desktop Ubuntu Core to arrive in 2024


Re: This is probably worthy of an article on its own

Office in the browser definitely does not have the same feature set as desktop the apps. Office on the desktop is 100% not dead. Please don't spread FUD.

Huawei could be banned from 5G networks across the EU


Very well

-> using kit from companies deemed to be a possible security threat

Cancel all Cisco orders immediately.

Florida man (not that one) sold $100M-plus in counterfeit network gear


Because the cops are too busy arresting people who drop litter. Easy 'crime' solved. Numbers look good.

Google snubbed JPEG XL so of course Apple now supports it in Safari


You are always free to use another browser.