* Posts by Necrohamster

480 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2022


European Court of Human Rights declares backdoored encryption is illegal

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

Wikipedia: List of countries that have gained independence from the United Kingdom

"This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding this list." :D

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

The stupid Rwanda plan is only there because our halfwit politicians looked to Australia (another faraway place we used to send so-called criminals and undesirables) and noticed that the Papua New Guinea refugee offshoring thing seemed to be working out pretty well for the Aussies.

Not so much for the refugees though...

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

Well they're damn sure not coming for the weather or the food

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

"Just as the colonizers crimes can't be excused neither can the colonized."

Not true. Any fight to remove a coloniser is a valid one.

Of course a coloniser will claim otherwise, but you don't get to take over a country and act surprised when the population fights back.

I notice you use the American spelling of the word "colonise". Are you American, and if so, do you see the American Revolutionaries who defeated the British as criminals or heroes?

Necrohamster Silver badge

I know, right? He should have done some more thinking before voting.

"...the UK must stay in ECHR as a check against governments overreaching the power we gave them to make decisions on our behalf."

Translation: "...despite voting for Brexit I believe our government can't be trusted to respect our human rights without Europe's oversight."

Quite a convincing argument.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

I guess the acronyms for the Court and the Convention are different in each of the 24 official EU languages, so there are 48 chances to confuse someone (English-speakers in this case)

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

lol fair enough. My apologies.

Carry on!

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Problem solved

The military had info on some of them, the FBI (and the other three-letter acronyms, most likely) also had info on some of them...plus a network of informants.

The info stayed in the respective silos because nobody wanted to share with other agencies.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Cue Daily Heil headline "Euro Court Won't Protect Our Children"

Which is what Esther Ghey said in the article you linked to:

"Since the trial, she has been calling for smartphones to be banned for children under 16 and has started a petition, which now has more than 90,000 signatures"

If teens want a phone, they'll find a way to get one and there's nothing you can do about it. Same goes for drinking, smoking, etc.

Also from the article:

Ms Ghey told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I'm all for free speech but some of the comments I've seen on social media posts and some of the articles… they're just hateful comments.

If someone says "I'm all for x, but y", they are not actually all for the thing they claim to be. See also "I'm not racist, but [ insert racist thing here]".

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Cue Daily Heil headline "Euro Court Won't Protect Our Children"

I'm sympathetic to what Esther Ghey has endured, but once you have a child your primary role in life is educating and protecting them.

It's not the phone companies' responsibility.

It's not the social media companies' responsibility.

It's not the government's responsibility (except where they need to intervene for the child's immediate safety)

It's the parent's responsibility. And yes, life is hard, we all need to work, and time is in finite supply, Again I understand the lady's speaking from grief, but the government should not have to regulate aspects of *every* family's life to make someone's role as a parent easier.

And by 'educating' I don't just mean teaching them to count or read. Teach them to recognise dangerous situations. Teach them how to make good decisions and to think critically. Teach them that it's ok to ask for help. I suppose you could say that these things come under the category of 'protecting' too.

I don't believe in monitoring a child's communication (either with software or "hand over your phone, it's time for a check"). It sends the message that you don't trust them, and can damage your relationship (or drive a child away). Of course, some people will be ok with this...

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

"But I know your posting history and can assume only you're a Mail / GB News / Express subscriber."

If that's directed at me, I can only say you haven't analysed my post history very well

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

Ah, whataboutism...

Unfortunately for the purpose your argument, the crimes of others don't excuse your own crimes.

I suggest you write a strongly-worded letter to the French ambassador.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

Not strictly true. Irish citizens (who are also EU citizens) don't need a visa to enter the UK, nor do they need to apply to the "EU Settlement Scheme"

Necrohamster Silver badge


Yeah I stopped reading your clearly intelligent and well-thought-out post after that.

Even if you hadn't admitted to voting for Brexit we could've figured it out pretty quickly

Necrohamster Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Something like legislation never stopped the spooks.

Britain gets the US to do the dirty work and pass along the required info, and vice versa.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

Britain doesn't like to be reminded of it, but it invaded and colonised plenty of countries over the years. Think of this as the universe's way of giving something back to you.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Well good thing the UK had Brexit

I look forward to tens of replies to your comment from people who don't know the difference between:

the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)


the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)

Worried about the impending demise of Windows 10? Google wants you to give ChromeOS Flex a try

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: I could be missing your point, but

Thanks Doctor. The point was that neither one is particularly desirable. ;)

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: "hundreds of millions of Windows 10 devices are destined for landfills"

You might want to add a good 3rd-party antivirus, though. Good luck finding one.

I believe Avast works with Windows back to XP.

is it any good? Who knows? I doubt Which? or Consumer Reports are doing much testing of AVs for retro operating systems.

There are enterprise AVs which support everything back to Windows 2000 but you're going to be spending all your time troubleshooting certificate problems

Necrohamster Silver badge

Not on your nelly

Windows 10 vs ChromeOS is a Hobson's choice on the same level as herpes vs syphillis

Install Ubuntu, or Mint, or elementary OS. Anything really, just not ChromeOS.

Dumping us into ad tier of Prime Video when we paid for ad-free is 'unfair' – lawsuit

Necrohamster Silver badge

"C*nts from London"

My production company is moving forward with this concept (and the sister show "W*ankers from Up North"), which we hope to bring to More4 in the autumn.

Your royalty cheque will follow soon after.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Hardware sales

At least the Fire TV sticks are useful in that you can sideload IPTV apps for added "Yaaarr!", although I believe they plan to remove the sideloading ability just like the NowTV/Roku sticks.

Moving to Windows 11 is so easy! You just need to buy a PC that supports it!

Necrohamster Silver badge

Hey it wasn't a criticism of your comment, just my own tongue-in-cheek observation. Please feel free to dispute my comments whenever and wherever you see them :D

Necrohamster Silver badge

"...diseases like Polio running rampant, racism was socially acceptable, sexism was socially acceptable, people didn't know the dangers of smoking, cars didn't necessarily have seatbelts, and if you lived to be 70 it was like the equivalent of living to 100 today."

Apart from the bit about cars not having seatbelts, you could be describing the 2020s.

Microsoft might have just pulled support for very old PCs in Windows 11 24H2

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Linux's moment

I agree in theory, but Betty who comes in four days a month to do the accounts isn't going to fire up QEMU on her Linux box so she can get the payroll done in QuickBooks or Sage in a Windows VM.

Anybody who says otherwise has never dealt with the dear semi-retired ladies like Betty who do the books for small businesses. :D

And medium to large businesses simply don't use Linux on the desktop, so there's no discussion to be had there unfortunately.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: What?

"You only think it's "fair" because you don't know anything better. We enjoy better compatibility for older hardware."

Yes. I too find that my easily refuted points come across better when I open by telling somebody they don't know any better.


Necrohamster Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Linux's moment

I don't know why you're getting downvotes for this post. Have an upvote.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Linux's moment

"Chromebooks are Linux."

ChromeOS is based on the Linux kernel, so yeah kinda.

Can you install any Linux application? No.

You can install *some* Linux applications if you use the "Linux (Beta)" feature, but support wasn't great the last time I checked.

ChromeOS also lacks the userland you typically see in a traditional Linux distribution.

The only reasons that ChromeOS machines are attractive to organisations like schools are because the devices are cheap to buy and easy to manage. That's pretty much it.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: There's no need for the MELODRAMA.

lol I know, what was I thinking?

Asking bob not to be melodramatic is like asking the sun not to shine :D

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Linux's moment

Nobody's putting a gun to your head and forcing you to use Windows.

You don't have to take the FINGER from Microsoft. You don't need to COMPLY. You don't have to follow the RULES.

There's no need for the MELODRAMA.

Ukraine claims Russian military is using Starlink

Necrohamster Silver badge

Fella, you need to change your username from "Jellied Eel" to "Beluga Caviar" or something more fitting to your level of Russophilia.

I haven't seen so much copium and propaganda since Russia Today and Sputnik were banned from the airwaves.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Ah yes, these are the radios I was on about. AZART secure radios with a Baofeng inside:


The post dates from 2021, so this appears to be a long-running scam.

The AC would have us believe otherwise :D

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Weasel Words

Spasibo, Elon Muskovitch

Necrohamster Silver badge
Necrohamster Silver badge

"It seems a bit naïve to believe that a military superpower is using open radio communications."

1. Corruption. Some oligarch wins a contract to provide secure radios to the RU military. Instead the military gets basic Baofeng radios in a fancy shell case.

2. Stupidity. Ukrainian SBU monitors the phone calls the RU soldiers make on their personal phones.

3. Not just open radio comms. They use field telephones joined by cable just like it's WWI again.

"Superpower" is overstating things a bit. They just have a lot of cannonfodder.

Necrohamster Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: "Musk said, "no Starlinks have been sold directly or indirectly to Russia.""

From what I can read elsewhere, the alleged terminals may have allegedly been sourced in Dubai. Allegedly.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Isaacson's "clarification":

"To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not."

contradicts what he wrote in his book:

"Throughout the evening and into the night, he personally took charge of the situation. Allowing the use of Starlink for the attack, he concluded, could be a disaster for the world. So he secretly told his engineers to turn off coverage within 100 kilometers of the Crimean coast. As a result, when the Ukrainian drone subs got near the Russian fleet in Sevastopol, they lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly."

Now if Isaacson lost his mind or had an alternative recollection to what happened in reality, don't you think it's strange that the book mentions the oddly specific distance of 100km from the shore...if in fact the coverage wasn't there at all as Isaacson later claimed on Twitter? I don't believe a biographer would just invent such a random fact to fill out a paragraph in a book. I also don't believe the Ukrainian military would've sent out drones on the mere *THOUGHT* that they'd have coverage. Do you?

Anyway the book is still for sale with that same text, so I'd have my doubts that the "clarification" is real, and not the result of Musk's leaning on Isaacson to change the narrative because he realised version of events in the book made him look bad.

Like I said already: Musk is no stranger to revisionism.

Like you said already: he said/she said.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Musk regularly tries to revise the history of events, or put his spin on reality (like how Tesla recalls aren't actually recalls).

My money's on him being the source of the disinformation, rather than the Russians for once.

Snopes is great and all, but it's not the only source I look at when I try to figure out if something's true or not.

Necrohamster Silver badge

"...it was claimed that Starlink was never operating in Crimea ..."

The headline "Elon Musk sabotaged Ukrainian attack on Russian fleet in Crimea by turning off Starlink" suggests by its wording that Starlink was indeed active in the region until Musk ordered it to be turned off.

The article says...

"Musk on Thursday evening painted a slightly different picture to the one described by Isaacson. He said satellites in those regions were never turned on in the first place and he simply chose not to activate them."


After speaking to the Russian ambassador to the United States — who reportedly told him an attack on Crimea would trigger a nuclear response — Musk took matters into his own hands and ordered his engineers to turn off Starlink coverage “within 100 kilometers of the Crimean coast.””

Necrohamster Silver badge

"To the best of our knowledge..."

"To the best of our knowledge," Musk said, "no Starlinks have been sold directly or indirectly to Russia."

If wannabe Tony Stark denies it, that means Russia's got Starlink.

Quite an upgrade from the $30 Baofeng radios the Russians are accustomed to using...

Tesla's Cybertruck may not be so stainless after all

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Something I have yet to grok...

To earn kudos within their specific community of EV owners.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Truer words were never spoken

DumpsterFire said:

Yup. It’s Teslas world. We’re all just Beta Testers in it.

'Fanboi' icon because...you know

Billions lost to fraud and error during UK's pandemic spending spree

Necrohamster Silver badge


Measles cases are rising in the UK so obviously the "I do my own research" halfwits aren't any more receptive to that vaccine than the COVID vaccine.

Dying of a preventable disease is a hell of a side effect.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Oops, we stole it

I lol'd at "face nappy" because it's obvious you're one of those people who gets their medical facts from Facebook.

"I might quietly judge you to be a bit of an idiot but wouldn't say anything."

I'm sure many will join me in saying that the feeling is mutual...

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Oops, we stole it

"PPE dumped near a nature reserve"

Lovely. No consideration for people or the environment. Why am I not surprised?

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Oops, we stole it

"To hell with all of this anti-corruption malarkey. That's why we left the EU, right?"

I thought we left because of the foreigners. And unelected mandarins in Brussels telling us what to do.

Ok, so basically just because of the foreigners...

Angry mob trashes and sets fire to Waymo self-driving car

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Can't be all bad, these cars ==========>

I'm not sure whether to upvote or downvote that comment :D

Australia passes Right To Disconnect law, including (for now) jail time for bosses who email after-hours

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Flexi time

"Fucks with the ability for me to take the avo off to go run an errand and make it up on an evening."

A "right to disconnect" is supposed to prevent your employer from contacting you outside of your 9-5 (or whatever someone's working hours happen to be).

Your taking time off during the day and willingly making it up outside of your 9-5 isn't the same thing at all, as presumably you can work without your boss's minute-by-minute supervision.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Work-life balance and other considerations

Don't use employer-provided devices outside of your working hours. They're not personal devices, stop treating them like they are.

Don't configure your personal devices to access corporate email, Teams, OneNote, SharePoint, or whatever. You don't want to be pinged at all hours of the day and night, and you *definitely* don't want the contents of your personal device to be scrutinised in the event of legal discovery.

Don't allow your employer to put your personal devices on corporate MDM. If your employer requires you to receive work-related communication, let them provide a dedicated device that they pay for.

Configure your personal devices to block or silence calls from your boss. Your employer shouldn't call you on your personal number except in a dire emergency. And no, staffing issues or the location of the coffee machine filters aren't dire emergencies.

These things might help you achieve a work-life balance.
