* Posts by Necrohamster

480 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2022


This malware gang plants incriminating evidence on PCs, gets victims arrested

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Nasties

I've always been a strong opponent of anti-kiddie porn measures, not because I'm into that sort of thing but because of the implications for individual freedom.

No. There is no "individual freedom" argument for possession or creation of child sex abuse material, you sicko.

Kiddie porn shot to prominence a decade or two ago despite it being something I and everyone I know had never heard of it.

You must have led a blessed and sheltered life if you never heard of child pornography before a decade ago.

Suddenly it was a great menace that warranted all sorts of intrusive investigation methods, cross border investigations and ultimately an entire infrastructure devoted to its suppression.

And so it should. The world of child pornography's a disgusting, reprehensible cess pit.

On the surface this might seem reasonable, it sounds super nasty, but the fact that the definition crept to include wholly artificial images suggested something was very wrong. But everyone went along with the program -- after all, its nasty.

Ah right, here we go - this is what you were building up to: you don't like that "comic book" depictions of child sex abuse are illegal also?

If you take a step back and look at the long view, though, the landscape looks very different. What has been achieved was the outlawing of a whole class of information

If the "outlawing of a whole class of information" spared one single, solitary child from the trauma and horror of sexual abuse it was worth it.

World's top chipmaking equipment maker claims Chinese rival may infringe IP

Necrohamster Silver badge

Par for the course

Reminds me of the documentary I saw on Channel 4 over a decade ago - some garden shed inventor invented a widget which could be fitted to air-conditioning units to reduce energy consumption, and wanted to bring it to production. Of course, the manufacturing ability wasn't available in Blighty so (contrary to received advice) he shopped it around brokers and manufacturers in China.

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, his device was cloned and he saw no money as a result. Good luck fighting a legal battle in Chinese courts.

BOFH: The Geek's Countergambit – outwitted at an electronics store

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Dibert has the answer

The "bug in the billing software" idea is a straight-up rip-off of (or homage to...?) Office Space.

Website fined by German court for leaking visitor's IP address via Google Fonts

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: So if

"...The bigger problem is the EU deciding that an IP address alone constitutes PII..."

If you can be identified from your IP address, then yes, an IP address truly is PII.

Post an anonymous death threat to BoJo or Joe Biden on Facebook or Twitter and see how long it takes to get a knock on your door ;)

The fact that the *EU* is saying an IP is PII doesn't somehow make it any less true...

12-year-old revives Unity desktop, develops software repo client, builds gaming environment for Ubuntu...

Necrohamster Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Already better than successful


Ugh. Living in your world must be tough.


No, I've not read the screen. Your software must be rubbish

Necrohamster Silver badge

Reading the screen before reaching for the phone?

I expect users to do dumb stuff like this, but our comany's got sales engineers who proudly admit to not bothering to take so much as a screenshot of an error message before making it support's problem.

The 'Troubleshooting' field in the case notes will read 'No', 'Nope', 'N/A', 'Non', or my favourite '.'

Flogging's too good for some people.

UK government responds to post-Brexit concerns and of course it's all the fault of those pesky EU negotiators

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Once again the reality is changed after the fact !!!

"At no point did I say it was legally binding BUT I would expect the word of the PM to have some value."

You, Sir, should consider a career in comedy as your observations are hilarious.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Once again the reality is changed after the fact !!!

"...Wrong, it was only non-binding *IF* the govt (Cameron) had not specifically stated that the result *would* be binding."

You're wrong. A UK referendum will only have the force of law if the Act setting it up says so.

Brexit vote 'not legally binding' says Supreme Court judge

Is the EU referendum legally binding?

2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

Was the EU referendum “advisory”?

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: .....but in the "sunny uplands" this sort of c**k up never happens, does it?

“BuT wEr’e tAKinNg BaCk c0NTr0L!!!”

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Bored by Brexit?

"Good news for you, it seems the breaking of the rules may be addressed soon-


Possibly not as pro-EU people may wish though."

Ah yes, CapX, the libertarian mouthpiece of the Tory-linked Centre for Policy Studies.

I'll be sure to pay special attention to whatever drivel they're spouting :rolleyes:

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Pick n choose

"I love the way the brexitters can argue about what they should be entitled to because it's in the brexit agreement without a hint of irony, While at the same time insisting that if the EU doesn't agree to rewrite the Northern Ireland agreement to their liking, they don't have to follow it..."

I believe the word to describe this trait is "exceptionalism".

They're superior to the those bloody foreigners, so why shouldn't they tell them what to do and how to do it...?

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: .....but in the "sunny uplands" this sort of c**k up never happens, does it?

OK tell me one single way in which the UK and the majority of UK citizens have benefited from Brexit - just one unequivocal advantage.

* Consumers can buy bendy bananas of any curvature by the lb, free from EU regulation.

* Blue passports!!

* Increased work opportunities in the fruit and veg industry.

* Has the Human Rights Act been repealed yet?

To quote Donald J Trump: "we're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning"

Necrohamster Silver badge

"Interestingly the one region of the UK with the most direct contact with the EU, Gibraltar voted 95.9% to remain."

As did voters in Northern Ireland. Even the Unionists saw the benefit of access to the EU.

Necrohamster Silver badge

"The core issue is not, though, what the results of the referendum were, or would have been. Rather, the question asked was too simplistic and the nutjob implementation was never put to the population. A sane referendum would have included a second question along the lines of "if in favor of leaving, what features of the EU should be preserved? (a) customs union (b) freedom of movement (c) etc. etc. etc.""

First of all, let's not forget this was a *non-binding* referendum. The government didn't have to implement the result.

Secondly, your "second question" suggestion is quite sane and reasonable but overlooks the fact that voters (and talking heads) had no clue what the customs union or FoM actually means.

"What is the EU?" is the second top UK question on the EU since the #EURefResults were officially announced

If I had €1 for every time some pro-Brexit "expert" claimed that we could have a "Norway model" of access to the EU after Brexit, while ignoring the fact that such access requires acceptance of the four freedoms (including FoM)...which is one of the things Brexiteers railed against.

Necrohamster Silver badge

"The inevitable people with the inevitable comments that will get posted eleventy times, identically to the last article about the subject: do you not bore yourselves?"

Judging by the ratio of downvotes to upvotes you're seeing on your comment, it appears that - contrary to your belief - people aren't bored by commenting about somthing which has fundamentally affected their lives for the worse.

Idea of downloading memories far-fetched say experts after Musk claim resurfaces in latest Neuralink development

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: I don't see a problem in his statement.

"We need people like him but I'm sure investors wish he'd pipe down occasionally with the nonsense."

There's a fine line between being a visionary and being a bullshitter.

Necrohamster Silver badge

Why is it that Musk’s enterprises seem to have one of two aims? Tax dodge or government handout

I wonder which one this is?

Necrohamster Silver badge
Black Helicopters

If the quality of the software in his cars is anything to go by... don't think I'd be keen on putting one of his devices in my brain

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel green-lights Mike Lynch's extradition to US to face Autonomy fraud charges

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Even if he is as guilty as hell..

In fact…


Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Even if he is as guilty as hell..

“Stop thinking the yanks are our friends, look at steel tariffs, look at the way they refused to share the nnuclear stuff with the people that helped them create it, look at the IRA, Suez and all the rest…”

Huh? I’m no fan of US tentacles around the planet but you’re saying they’re behind the Irish Republican movement? I could be wrong but I don’t think Ireland ever got support from the CIA to fight the British?

Necrohamster Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Scalpers

"...if HPE didn't do the requisite due diligence on the Autonomy accounts, then it's their fuck up, [...] HPE is looking like a bunch of sore losers and fuckwits here with buyers remorse to me treating the courts like the eBay dispute system."

Got it in one.

It's not like HPE never sold anyone a sack of s**t, but then again they have clout with governments all over the world (unlike the poor bugger who's up for extradition).

Bouncing cheques or a bouncy landing? All in a day's work for the expert pilot

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: VGA port = serial port

What about those stupid Lenovo laptops with the USB-A sized rectangular power supply connector? I’ve seen users who made them fit

US DoD staffer with top-secret clearance stole identities from work systems to apply for loans

Necrohamster Silver badge

Re: Dont use Ransomware targets

I don't know if you heard, but they have ransomware for Linux and macOS these days.

Do keep up Granddad

Necrohamster Silver badge

Go big or go home

He only scammed $244,500?

Hope it was worth it for a potential 20 years in prison.

You might want to consider the cost of not upgrading legacy tech, UK's Department for Work and Pensions told

Necrohamster Silver badge
Thumb Up

There...fixed it for you

"MPs said the DWP processes were is "not fit for purpose.""

'Please download in Microsoft Excel': Meet the tech set to monitor IT performance across central UK government

Necrohamster Silver badge

You want a ransomware infection?

Because this is how you get a ransomware infection...

"We kindly [request] that your department shares data with our team by completing the attached workbook; please download the workbook in Microsoft Excel for the best user experience,"

Don't forget to enable macros.

Multi-day IT systems outage whacks umbrella biz Parasol Group amid fears of a cyber attack

Necrohamster Silver badge

One Brolly company wanted me to email them my bank details...

How do you expect them to pay you if they don't have your bank details?

...and a copy of my passport.

Due diligence wrt money laundering or your right to work in Blighty?
