Re: Nasties
I've always been a strong opponent of anti-kiddie porn measures, not because I'm into that sort of thing but because of the implications for individual freedom.
No. There is no "individual freedom" argument for possession or creation of child sex abuse material, you sicko.
Kiddie porn shot to prominence a decade or two ago despite it being something I and everyone I know had never heard of it.
You must have led a blessed and sheltered life if you never heard of child pornography before a decade ago.
Suddenly it was a great menace that warranted all sorts of intrusive investigation methods, cross border investigations and ultimately an entire infrastructure devoted to its suppression.
And so it should. The world of child pornography's a disgusting, reprehensible cess pit.
On the surface this might seem reasonable, it sounds super nasty, but the fact that the definition crept to include wholly artificial images suggested something was very wrong. But everyone went along with the program -- after all, its nasty.
Ah right, here we go - this is what you were building up to: you don't like that "comic book" depictions of child sex abuse are illegal also?
If you take a step back and look at the long view, though, the landscape looks very different. What has been achieved was the outlawing of a whole class of information
If the "outlawing of a whole class of information" spared one single, solitary child from the trauma and horror of sexual abuse it was worth it.