I wholeheartedly agree.....
..that this is a bloody ridiculous idea.
I'm a cyclist (mountain biker - not the skinny tyred roadies) and a driver and I've seen a fair share of idiots on the roads.
On three occasions I've been over the bonnets of cars on my bike because the driver 'didn't see me' (despite it being in broad daylight) - one time it was over a bloody police car and they actually suggested I ride on the pavement! WTF! The most recent time was a car turning into side road in front of me without indicating (I was at the petrol cap when they turned) - the driver started having a go at me for damaging her car and said 'why do you f**king cyclists insist on riding down the side of the road' (I calmly pointed out that if I rode on the pavement I'd get arrested, and if I rode down the middle of the road I've get killed by someone in about 5 nanoseconds).
Since I've been driving, I've been forced onto the centre of a roundabout twice due to people talking on their mobiles whilst driving, had to avoid cyclists riding two abreast (usually roadies, but mountain bikers are also guilty), and have screeched to a halt due to retarded pedestrians walking out into the road without looking (sometimes I think they're just suicidal).
As has been said many times - speed isn't the issue. It's the complete morons that seem to populate many areas of the UK.
I remember the first year in primary school (I'm 25 at present) where we were taught how to cross the road safely; Look right, look left, LISTEN, look right again - then cross if it's safe.
I'm really starting to think that something I read a few weeks ago makes a lot of sense (can't remeber where I read it unfortunately); UP the speed limits to 40mph - if you want to survive on the road on foot you'll have to run away from the car at 10mph - It'll soon sort out the child obesity (forced exercise) and weed out those too damn stupid to breed!
Hehe - Roadkill icon!