* Posts by Rick Mo

12 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2021

The US government wants developers to stop using C and C++

Rick Mo

Well, at least we're not talking COBOL here...

We've been working to replace that, with JAVA & GO, for DECADES now!!!


post script: I'd recommend you switch to "GO"; it is simple to learn and easy to use - even the old guys in our shop like it!!!


IBM's vintage Db2 database jumps on AWS's cloud bandwagon

Rick Mo

Re: Db2 for z/OS is what we need on AWS!

So, who's talking about "porting" zDb2 to anything???

You MUST run zDb2 on the hardware platform it was architect-ed for, yes??

zDb2 is NOTHING without z## and z/OS, Baby!!



Rick Mo

Re: Db2 for z/OS is what we need on AWS!

Precisely, IBM thinking SMALL again!

FYI - IBM could, easily, cut a deal with AWS and/or GCP to run z-series, within THEIR cloud - ever consider that option??

BTW - I have been a zMAINFRAMER, for over 40+ years and the first thing out of other ancient "mainframers" mouths is - "NO, we can't do that, RICK" - That's why the zMF still lives in the shadowz...

By design, me thinks, maybe???


Rick Mo

Db2 for z/OS is what we need on AWS!

Come on, IBM, get Db2z on AWS, NOW!!

The most robust rDBMS in the world and still NOT-IN-THE-CLOUD!

eh, ibm cloud doesn't really count - as most of us leverage AWS and/or GCP!!


Bright spark techie knew the drill and used it to install a power line, but couldn't outsmart an odd electrician

Rick Mo


Drill into a wall, in your work office building, without knowing WHAT is on the other side??

HighSchool shot to the FEET sort of mistake, HONESTLY!!


People should always ask, before blundering around, what is it that I DO NOT KNOW??? Of which I SHOULD KNOW???

Then, FIGURE it out, before picking up an "exploratory" drill set!!


Life is HARD - however, not that DIFFICULT, REALLY!!!

IBM top brass accused again of using mainframes to prop up Watson, cloud sales

Rick Mo

z-Mainframe-z RULE!

GEEZ, if IBM would simply focus on making M-A-I-N-F-R-A-M-E-z and cut out the B.S...

They'd make 10x more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!


GET IT, I.B.M.?????

Boss broke servers with a careless bit of keyboarding, leaving techies to sort it out late on a Sunday

Rick Mo

Ah, war stories - always happenz during weekend 3am uplifts, which usually fail - and we techiez come in riding a white horse to save the company!!

All done before Monday Morning Market Open and/or Black Friday - whichever comes first...


Remember, GENZers - Old mainframerz never die; they just fade away... into quantum computing worlds to come...


Db2, where are you? Big Blue is oddly reluctant to discuss recent enhancements to its flagship database

Rick Mo

As a 34 year fortune 100 tech zDb2 vet - FINALLY - ibm is getting into the SMART marketing world!

All these years working in the shadows on the GREATEST rDBMS hardware / software set, EVER - FINALLY



IBM has seen the light, Hallelujah, Brothers & Sisters!!

IBM launches Db2 operator for Kubernetes on AWS

Rick Mo


Ah, yes, Db2 into the CLOUD domain!!

Finally, IBM is throwing our PROVEN BIG IRON relational DBMS monster into the GAME!!

Industrial strength rDBMS computing has been reality since the 1990s - IBM is FINALLY bringing it into the 21st and a half century and into the light!!


Hallelujah, Fellow Db2 Big Iron Aficionados - We are in the Promised Land - THE CLOUD, Baby!!


Open source maintainer threatens to throw in the towel if companies won't ante up

Rick Mo


Big Biz is ripping off "open source" - just ask any open source developer making $12 A MONTH!!


Honesty and morality are GREAT - they just don't really exist in a capitalistic business world!!

Take it from a grizzled zMAINFRAME developer, who actually gets paid a GREAT salary - that is REALITY!!


Rick Mo


See, the old adage RINGS TRUE, yet again - You get what you pay for and nothing still equals, NOTHING!

That is precisely why my zMAINFRAME is so SHOCKINGLY still in style, today!

Right, open source developers who make like, maybe, ¢15 cents an hour??? Might as well go work for UBER... better yet, wash dishes - you get fed!!

zMAINFRAMER and still shockingly in love with IT!!


MySQL a 'pretty poor database' says departing Oracle engineer

Rick Mo

PostRe-Gress, more like it!

You looking for a TRUE MONSTER RDBMS to leverage, to the starz??

z/OS Db2 - aka, zDb2, Baby!

That is the Rocket of all RDBMSs - billions of hits, per day - Just ask any Fortune 50, who run their BIZ on it!!


Yeah, cloud is cute, too!

TODAY, MAINFRAME zDb2 Rocks and/or Rolls!!