My vote..
.. would be for the "Ghost in the Shell" semi-auto recoilless rocket launcher, from Batou's "personal" collection :)
4 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Sep 2007
I'd have to say, I'm more interested the reserch that came out a few years ago hooking into the brain directly. Then it dosen't matter if the nerve endings still work (such as with a broken spine) and the results showed far more dexterity.
And I would not mind my own army of cybernetic monkeys...
I found a quick link regarding it but Im too lazy to look up anything more recent
Let our new monkey overlords deal with the details
Would not the large explosion / heat kinda wreck any pre built containment before it could be of any use? The explosion from the original melt down did vaparised the giant concreat slab that was on top of it, sending radioactive dust all the way to Sweden. How well would the new cover stand up to that sort of stress?