* Posts by Mad Ludwig

5 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Nov 2021

Twitter stiffed us on $2m bill, claim consultants in lawsuit

Mad Ludwig

So he really wants to stiff litigation experts?

I don't expect that to go well - surely they know better than most how to use the legal system to get their money.

With Mastodon, decentralization strikes back

Mad Ludwig

Re: issues

An example of the defederation that has already happened is with the Gab social network which by all accounts is a nasty far-right cesspool using Mastodon. Most other instance have not federated with them, so while the spreading of poison within Gab continues unabated, at least it doesn't get to spread to anyone that doesn't seek it out.

James Webb, Halley's Comet may be set for cosmic dust-up

Mad Ludwig

Re: The mote in JWSTs eye

Unfortunately, probably not - my understanding is that if the cold parts of the instrument are ever exposed to the sun, the thermal stress of the sudden heating would destroy them, so the telescope is very limited in what orientations it can be at.

First-ever James Webb Space Telescope image revealed

Mad Ludwig

Give the politicians a little credit on this one ... this rather went over time and budget, they could have pulled the plug, and didn't.

Swooping in to claim the glory while the On Call engineer stands baffled

Mad Ludwig

Re: Sleep

A 20 minute nap can have the same effect. I used to keep a foam mattress in my office for just that purpose.