* Posts by Warhead1954

3 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Nov 2021

Microsoft has reached $1M giveaway levels of desperation to attract users to Bing


Re: Doesn’t have the Edge

"That’s what everyone hates."

Particularly the repeated Clickbait that recommends that you (Check it out today)

To the Moon? Emojis can be financial advice, says judge


Re: Using emojis now comes with legal warnings

I've seen the rocket ship emoji, didn't know it was to indicate sexy time to come later. Is there an emoji for "going down well?"

In the '80s, spaceflight sim Elite was nothing short of magic. The annotated source code shows how it was done


Stuck in hyperspace with Thargons

I first played Elite on a BBC B in a Learning Resource Centre at a residential training centre run by the government department I worked for in the 80s. The manager used to leave me the the key so I could stay late and try out all the kit they had in the centre, but when I discovered Elite I spent many evenings engrossed in it. There were a few occasions when I was in hyperspace and being attacked by Thargon swarms, but instead of emerging into normal space after a couple of minutes, I was stuck in there for maybe 20 minutes, although it felt like hours. I don't know if this was a bug, or intentional. Sometimes I made it through, sometimes I didn't, but I'd be soaked with sweat every time.