* Posts by Furious Reg reader John

189 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2021


Guess who left a database wide open, exposing chat logs, API keys, and more? Yup, DeepSeek

Furious Reg reader John

Re: New York but...

Sounds like you are an antisemitic bellend. Just saying...

Nvidia shovels $500M into Israeli boffinry supercomputer

Furious Reg reader John


Zoom in to the Middle East - notice anything?

Furious Reg reader John

What a steaming pile of bullshit. The very existence of the Adalah organisation as a legitimate NGO within Israel disproves the myth that Israel is an apartheid state.

Furious Reg reader John

Zionism certainly isn't antisemitism - Zionism is what gives Jews equal rights to Muslims in Israel. No other country in the Middle East give Jews equal rights to Muslims.

If you are an anti-zonist, then you don't support the right of Jews (or any other faith, or those of no faith) to have equal rights to Muslims.

If you don't want Jews to have equal rights to others, you are an antisemite.


Furious Reg reader John

However, if you prefer your tech to be Jew free, I'm sure you can find some pens and paper which were made without any Zionist assistance.

Furious Reg reader John

You don't need to worry about supporting a genocidal state - this computer will be in Israel, not any of the surrounding states, so it will be in a genocide preventing state.

Three more vulns spotted in Ivanti CSA, all critical, one 10/10

Furious Reg reader John

A perfect 10 out of 10 - well done

Well done Ivanti

Huawei handed 2,596,148,429,267,413,
814,265,248,164,610,048 IPv6 addresses

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Good for Huawei

Make all the Huawei devices in the world tunnel everything back to Huawei in China, and then give the device a public IPv6, so that everything the device does can be monitored by the CCP from inside China, regardless of the device's physical location?

DoJ wants Google to sell off Chrome and ban it from paying to be search default

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Google to be forced to sell Chrome.. But who would, could, should buy it?

That sounds brilliant - it would be great if the foundation could have a website at a snappy URL, something like chromium.org, for example.

Five Eyes infosec agencies list 2023's most exploited software flaws

Furious Reg reader John

"Slack patching remains a problem – which is worrying as crooks increasingly target zero-day vulns" - erm, I might be wrong, but Zero-day vulns by definition do not have patches?

Cloudflare beats patent troll so badly it basically gives up

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Well done Cloudflare!

All software is implemented in hardware......

Lebanon now hit with deadly walkie-talkie blasts as Israel declares ‘new phase’ of war

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Obviously this was planned as a two stage attack

"The British government was rightly outraged when Putin had two of his political opponents assassinated in this country" - Russian dissidents haven't usurped the UK government, are not being armed by Iran, and have not been launching near daily missile attacks on Russia from the UK. I'm not sure why you think the objection to acts of Russian aggression on UK soil is in any way comparable to Israel taking action against the people attacking Israeli citizens. Maybe you just think that anything Israel does is automatically evil?

Being accused of war crimes by your enemies doesn't mean you are actually committing those crimes. The ICC is currently establishing if there is any basis to investigate potential acts of genocide. The only ruling so far in the case started by South African is that the ICC has agreed that South Africa has the ability to raise a case that the ICC should consider. The next ruling will be to either start investigations, or more likely, to dismiss the case due to lack of evidence supporting the South African claims.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: If I were a world leader or in the administration thereof. . .

Expelled from their homeland by colonisers who are then kicked out by a different set of colonisers, but somehow you think it's wrong for the Jews to come back to their ancestral homeland. "open extermination tactics" - what absolute bollocks of a statement - you do a very good impression of a raving antisemite.

"The pagers in question are widely used by Lebanon's hospitals and EMTs" - no, not widely used, and only by Hezbollah members (not Hamas, who are a different Iranian proxy further "down south"). No one in Lebanon will have been on the fence - they are either Islamofascists determined to kill all the Jews before moving on to the Christians and the other non-Muslims, or they already hate Hezbollah and will have been glad "the mob down south" have dealt Hezbollah a blow.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: end Game

One side with equal rights for all its citizens, and the other following Allah's commands to subjugate all non-muslims to muslim control.

Public Wi-Fi operator investigating cyberattack at UK's busiest train stations

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Insider job

I'm sure the suspect will be rushed to court and given a very lengthy detention sentence, probably meaning that a serious offender has to be released early to make space for the newcomer.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Censored Message contents

Most of the message is a copy of the Wikipedia article about the Manchester Arena bombing. It's a shame El Reg feels the need to censor details of Islamist acts of terror, but I guess this is in line with the UK's current two tier approach to civil unrest.

Lebanon: At least nine dead, thousands hurt after Hezbollah pagers explode

Furious Reg reader John

Re: A domino effect.

There are lots of things that have been designed in Israel, either in part or in total, but not all that much manufactured there.

Good luck living in your cave without using any 21st century tech or medicine.

Microsoft says it broke some Windows 10 patching – as it fixes flaws under attack

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Interns

"sales and marketing people, aka lobbyists and liars."

maybe that should have been

"sales and marketing people, aka liars and lobbyists."


Transport for London confirms cyberattack, assures us all is well

Furious Reg reader John

Re: What for the Khanage disinformation

It will mostly be his own work that saved the decent, hard working people of London, and TfL only helped a little bit.....

Cisco calls for United Nations to revisit cyber-crime convention

Furious Reg reader John

What's not to like for the UNGA

Something being put forward by Russia, which helps dictators and authoritarian regimes pursue their political opponents internationally, with the added benefit of harming the US and Israel at the same time - absolutely guaranteed to be rushed through by the UNGA.

Chrome Web Store warns end is nigh for uBlock Origin

Furious Reg reader John

The reg shoots itself in the foot

Thanks for highlighting this.

uBOL isn't quite reformatting the reg quite as well as uBO did, but I guess that's not going to be too much of an issue to keep ad blocking working for me.

ZDI shames Microsoft for – yet another – coordinated vulnerability disclosure snafu

Furious Reg reader John

Maybe it's just me, but

when I read this, all I'm getting is a feeling that ZDI have a bruised ego that CheckPoint wrote up the flaw better than they did, and are whining about that.

As for complaining that vendors sometimes patch things quicker than expected - WTF....

ZDI need to grow up.

Microsoft forgets about SwiftKey's support site

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Looks like the intern

You can have all the calendar planners you want, but if the team that gets the reminders/sits in the room with the calendar no longer works for Microsoft because of redundancies, it ain't going to help much.

Microsoft hits snooze again on security certificate renewal

Furious Reg reader John


Who wants to bet against that the team responsible for the certificate renewals is no longer with Micro$oft?

Atos's UK auditor raises 'material uncertainty' about future

Furious Reg reader John

Why can't the UK business be nationalised for £1 the moment it goes bust? That would £1 over the actual value of the business at that time, so fair value and recompense provided to the French parent company for the assets. What the French parent does with the rest of the business is then France's problem.

Nokia demos upper 6 GHz band for mobile, but UK wants it shared with Wi-Fi

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Pesky buildings

Shocking - who would have thought that the telcos actually have to invest to keep their platforms working at a sufficiently minimum level to provide for their punters.

Apple says if you want to ship your own iOS browser engine in EU, you need to be there

Furious Reg reader John

Cunning move?

Are Apple trying to appease the EU by making more EU based jobs, and so hope Apple will then be allowed to get away with other shithouse moves?

Shame that Apple themselves won't be moving devs to the EU to implement this bit of fuckery.

Watch out for rogue DHCP servers decloaking your VPN connections

Furious Reg reader John

What am I not understanding about this?

From what I can tell, the VPN traffic is still encrypted. All that is happening is that it goes on one extra hop on an untrusted network, just like all the other untrusted hops is goes through while traversing the internet.

Exploit code for Palo Alto Networks zero-day now public

Furious Reg reader John

PA should be doing better

"Users who have a Threat Prevention subscription with Palo Alto Networks can also block attacks using Threat IDs 95187, 95189, and 95191 which are available via the Applications and Threats content."

Perhaps PA should be providing this for free for every device.....

Apple stops warning of 'state-sponsored' attacks, now alerts about 'mercenary spyware'

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Very NewSpeak, that

Isn't it amazing how many times you mention NSO when you allegedly aren't talking about NSO.

Your second diatribe is also a steaming pile of bullshit.

Yet another case of NSO Derangement Syndrome.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Very NewSpeak, that

What utter bollocks.

NSO don't sell to the private sector or to private actors - your entire diatribe is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Another case of NSO Derangement Syndrome surfaces.

Polish officials may face criminal charges in Pegasus spyware probe

Furious Reg reader John

Re: in 99 percent it was used against criminals

Take a deep breath and process the information. There are two possible reasons that Pegasus exists that are being discussed here - the first is that it is created to be used as a law enforcement tool. The second is that NSO decided to create a tool, Pegasus, that was specifically designed to enable "countries using it for illicit goals like spying on political opponents, dissidents and free press", but somehow NSO got a bit chicken with doing that, so had to come up with the cover story of it being a law enforcement tool as some sort of cover, but they absolutely still want Pegasus to be only used on political opponents, dissidents and free press. Now, which one do you really think is the reason?

Furious Reg reader John

Re: in 99 percent it was used against criminals

"the reason NSO exists is because of countries using it for illicit goals like spying on political opponents, dissidents and free press." - er, no. Pegasus exists as a law enforcement tool. The fact that it is sometimes abused by the users of the product doesn't alter what the tool was created for.

Stalkerware usage surging, despite data privacy concerns

Furious Reg reader John

So many comments

It is now Thursday afternoon, a full 24 hours after publication of this article, and this is the first comment on this story.

What makes certain apps be called creepy "stalkerware", other apps with the same capabilities branded as scary "spyware", and some have the even scarier moniker of "super-spyware"? What happened to the more accurate "commercial surveillance technology" or more generic "snoopware" descriptions?

Perhaps Jessica and the Register mods might want to compare the response this article has generated against the responses to stories about the "stalkerware" app called Pegasus, and consider what triggers the large number of Pegasus comments.

London Clinic probes claim staffer tried to peek at Princess Kate's records

Furious Reg reader John

"not being able buy a meat pie with a credit card"

"not being able buy a meat pie with a credit card" - I don't think Paul Kunert has ever been to a Greggs, given they don't sell meat pies even when their credit card payment system is working.

Judge orders NSO to cough up Pegasus super-spyware source code

Furious Reg reader John

Re: What's that app fixed

You are forgetting that antisemitism isn't based on fact or a realistic view of events. Common sense and logic don't apply when people have irrational thoughts about Jews.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: I'm glad

The ruling doesn't say they must stop, because you can't stop doing something you are not already doing. The instruction is to continue to observe its obligations, with specific obligations highlighted, presumably because these are the ones the court feels would be the areas that would be targetted in the unlikely situation that Israel decided to become like most other middle eastern states and start to engage in genocide.

Israeli Law Professors’ Forum is a political entity, and your quoted opinion does not make it a fact.

You've completely made up that I "equated criticism of actions of the government of the state of Israel with being antisemitic", but as you've raised this, let's be clear, if the criticisms are based on antisemitic sentiment, then those criticisms are antisemitic. It would be Islamophobic to criticise Hamas for being Muslim, but it is not Islamophobic, for example, to criticise them for being a genocidal set of thugs driven by Jew hatred, or to criticise them for deliberately putting non-combatants in harms way, maximising their fatalities and casualties as a tactic in the fight against Israel.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: What's that app fixed

It would be awful if were true, but it isn't. Never Again was back in October when Hamas went on a killing, raping and hostage taking rampage, and then withdrew back to hide amongst the civilians in Gaza.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: I'm glad

Are you sure about that? There has been no such ruling. The court recently requested they continue to not commit genocide.

And then you roll out the broken apartheid accusation, just to unfurl your true colours.

And who claimed the government of Israel speaks for all jews? Where has that come from?

Furious Reg reader John

Re: What's that app fixed

What the F, dude? Indeed, What the F. Israel is NOT committing crimes against humanity. It's fighting an ideology driven bunch of thugs that wants to wipe Jews off the face of the earth and is happy to sacrifice as many of its own women and children as possible in order to further that aim. Why are you carrying water for the genocidal ideology of Hamas? What the F, dude....

Furious Reg reader John

Re: I'm glad

Depending on the circumstances, opposing Israel may not be antisemitism, however, suggesting that Israel controls the USA is antisemitic.

Stating that Israel is perpetrating a genocide is also a grossly antisemitic distortion of the facts. It is Hamas who wants to commit genocide. While Hamas still exists and uses the civilian population of Gaza as human shields, it is also committing crimes against humanity on the Gazans.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: "It has helped to save thousands of lives over recent years."

A Saudi killed by other Saudis. What prompts your "They are Arabs, so they don't count." comment?

Furious Reg reader John

Re: What's that app fixed

Just a short hop away from "The Jews killed Jesus". You seem to have forgotten to wedge "Jesus was a Palestinian" in there as well.

Furious Reg reader John

Re: I'm glad

"Me thinks it's the other way around..." - Ah, the good old "Israel controls the USA" antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Ivanti releases patches for VPN zero-days, discloses two more high-severity vulns

Furious Reg reader John

Ivanti looking like bumbling idiots

Portal log in problems all day.

They deleted the original workaround files but haven't published the new ones. Update - they have just fixed this - https://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/Download-Links-Related-to-CVE-2023-46805-and-CVE-2024-21887

Haven't released a patched version of the latest train of the OS for the latest product line, so those people on older trains can't upgrade to the latest train now while they are doing the patching.

Documentation being updated without clear revision histories.

All very amateurish.

Zen Internet warns customers of an impending IP address change

Furious Reg reader John

Re: It depends on the use-case

"Anyone using the IP for a self-hosted mail server" should just stop - it's 2024, not 2004.

US judge rejects spyware slinger NSO's attempt to bin Apple lawsuit

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Interesting argument from Apple

Ah, I think I've got you. Are you going with the CCP view that these aren't flaws and Apple deliberately instals "features" for western spy agencies to use? The loss Apple has suffered by NSO's sloppy use of the feature means the feature is no longer a feature, and a new feature has to be developed to replace it?

New cars bought in the UK must be zero emission by 2035 – it's the law

Furious Reg reader John

Re: Think of the Grid!

Wow - electric whales now as well as electric cars!

Think tank report labels NSO, Lazarus as 'cyber mercenaries'

Furious Reg reader John

You were the one suggesting that the availability of the NSO tool makes governments abuse the tool - I'm asking questions to try to understand why you think that. Personally, I think you are putting the cart before the horse. A government who abuses the NSO tools is going to abuse whatever tools are available to them, even the manufactures of something as simple as a saw, for example. The story is about governmental abuse. Anybody who wants to make NSO the centre of the story is deflecting the focus away from the actual problem. What is the motivation for that deflection?

Furious Reg reader John

Can you explain to me how NSO forces its clients to abuse the tools? Do you think that NSO forces all its clients to abuse the tools, or do they only force some of their clients to abuse the tools? Can you also explain how the manufacture of the saw used to cut up Jamal Khashoggi after he was murdered forced KSA to abuse him?
