7 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Oct 2021
In a Salesman?
I almost spat my beer out!
Plan?I suspect that the boss has been taken as a Cupid Stunt once again - by jove, he snuffed it in 95!
vegan - that would be onion bhaji's - a win/win scenario!
the only queueing for releaseat midnightthat ever worked for.me was the.night before my (then) GF`s 16th ~ obviously helped by being a queue of one!
They already have a chief executive who does what he wants & a Supreme Court that they selectively ignore, throw in the 3rd piller & no one will notice when they ultimately merge!
I for one, welcome our new dystopian masters!
Think share structures - currently he has majority votes but minority shares - a quiet exit?!??
I think you mean SellafieldBook :)