RE: So remind me, if this was Iran...?
You wouldn't be able to read this website, and your would live in fear of the secret police locking you up!
9 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Sep 2007
Seeing as the Silkworm was actually aimed at a US Battleship, whose CIWS had missed intercepting that Silkworm, then actually the Sea Dart performed damned well.
The sea wolf is by no means obsolete, seeing as its just been upgraded to a vertical launch system and provides principal air defense for the duke class frigates.
As for Britain not being able to produce missiles, what rubbish are you talking about? Skyflash? Alarm? seriously if you not even going to do a five minute google search on teh subject, don't report on it
The one thing you did seem to get right :
Yes the Type 45 are too expensive, but that what happens when you allow everyone to consolidate to survive your held over a barrel. But hey it means etc money can be made available for endless chav's to be bought up to mug pensioners.
The Intel chip at 45nm just about matches and surpasses the AMD chip at 65nm? and this is something to be proud of?
Is it just me who has anyone else spotted that Intels design is therefore so bad that it requires a die shrink and speed upgrade to stay competitive with AMD??
Jesus the sleepless nights I spent trying to get that piece
of dog excrement to work!
As for the poster pointing out peoples spelling mistakes,
seriously that is the ultimate in net Geekdom.
Make an English sentence out of the following words :
a Get Life :D