* Posts by Daelos

4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2021

Metaverses are flopping – hard – says Gartner


Re: Surprise - Second Life reboot fails...

The thing is, Second Life did a better job of the Metaverse than Meta and with far inferior tech.

For metaverses to work, they can't be top down with a handful of megacorps hiving off parts of it for their own use. There needs to be a VR version of http, some common API where anyone can create content or host areas with whatever resources are to hand.

Why you might want an email client in the era of webmail


""who uses as a local email client in 2023. Doesn't everybody use webmail these days?"

Well to be honest, yes, most of us do,"

What parallel universe do you live in? I know very, very few people that use webmail as their primary access to mail. Everyone at work uses Outlook and those at home not on PCs use Mac Mail.

I've got several email accounts and whilst I have set up Edge and Chrome profiles for each account, I still use Thunderbird for my personal email accounts and Outlook for my work ones. I even use Windows Mail for my burner email accounts.

Gmail is okay for reading and writing the odd email but it's totally pants at mailbox management. Heck, you can't even sort by subject or sender email address and deleting multiple emails at once is immensely tedious compared to a real email application.

EU companies claim Google still abusing its Shopping power


Google are guilty of a lot of shady stuff but their shopping site is way down the list of offenders.

Surely they should be going for Amazon, Ebay, Ali Express etc than for Google.

Apple have pretty much cleaned up for music purchases.

Even ASOS has more presence in my searches for stuff to buy than Google.

I don't think I've knowingly bought anything via a Google search other than actual Google stuff.

User locked out of Microsoft account by MFA bug, complains of customer-hostile support


Had a vaguely similar problem with a client who lost access to a Google Workspace account.

Getting in touch with them is practically impossible. In fact I would say actually impossible for a normal soul.

If it weren't for the fact that I had access to an unrelated reseller account where I could actually contact a human being, I doubt I would have been able to get the issue fixed.

There's many things Google do better than Microsoft but support isn't one of them.