* Posts by Mikehhh

5 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2021

Viasat spills on the Russian attack, warns of continued risks


Joe Saward, a F1 Journalist who lives in France was affected by this too, so it was definitely more widespread than just Ukrainian access.


"I live in rural bliss in France. The mobile phone coverage is non-existent. Sadly, Mr Putin and his chums took out the satellite I use to get Internet access (strange but true).

Thus life is a bit complicated until a new service provider get things up and running.

(This was written on an iPhone, while I sat in the dark under a mobile phone tower… I’m off home now…)"

Okta now says: Lapsus$ may in fact have accessed customer info


Re: 2.5%

The article estimates 375 tenants ("Okta claims to have more than 15,000 customers, so if 2.5 per cent have been compromised that could be 375 organisations")

Okta claim it's 366 tenants in their follow up post https://www.okta.com/blog/2022/03/oktas-investigation-of-the-january-2022-compromise/

How do you call support when the telephones go TITSUP*?


Re: Divert

Sounds like she would set her phone to divert to an overseas number, then that would allow her to make an overseas call by calling her own local number, and presumably only have to pay for a local rate phone call? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

YouTubers fell for shady 'sponsors' who seized, then sold, accounts


Re: What's the business model?

Videos on channels with larger audiences are more likely to be suggested to new people, so even if they hook a few people by doing it then it's probably worth it to the scammers.

AWS Lambda was already serverless, now it can be x86-less too


Re: Serverless?

"Serverless" is also more eco friendly as the servers underneath are more fully utilised. Running 1 server at 90% uses less power than 2 servers at 45%.