A very good question.
Posts by Tams
122 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Sep 2021
Google engineer suspended for violating confidentiality policies over 'sentient' AI
TSMC and China: Mutually assured destruction now measured in nanometers, not megatons
Re: Sure....
The Taiwanese will have rendered the fabs useless by that point.
And even with opposition to their destruction, it would likely end up Azovstal like. Some diehard Taiwanese fighters would likely hole up there and China would blow the place to smithereens (while likely not affecting the defenders much at all).
Microsoft brings tabs to File Explorer
Vivaldi email client released 7 years after first announcement
Old Man
Maybe I've prematurely aged quickly, but why on Earth would you want to rely on Teams, Slack, or any other *instant* messenger?
I mean, sure, they have private messaging functions and the ability to send files so it's not 'chat' like, but it's still pretty 'chat' like. Not to mention proprietary.
Email on the other hand... there's just something about it that makes it better for leaving around for a while (if you want), rather than needing an immediate or quick response.
But maybe I'm just a dinosaur.
I love the Linux desktop, but that doesn't mean I don't see its problems all too well
Next major update of Windows 11 prepares for launch
No Surprise
Well, it is mostly a new skin with bits removed or rewritten (often performing worse) just for the sake of it. New hires trying to push their 'vision' on us and justify the existence of their jobs?
Windows 10 was fine. No rehashing of bits that didn't need it and worked. It ran well. Compatibility and customisability weren't thrown in the bin.
Now we have this mess forced on us, and the complaints are either ignored or threated with condescension and scorn. It wasn't even this bad in the Windows 8 days And they added some actually useful functionality back then - Windows 11 as added what? Long overdue window tiling that doesn't even work with all programs?
Honestly, Microsoft, fire the Windows 11 leads and get the Windows 10 team back.
AI chatbot trained on posts from web sewer 4chan behaved badly – just like human members
Microsoft: You own the best software keyboard there is. Please let us buy it
I do like Swiftkey more than Gboard (especially after Gboard's recent update), but I'm in somewhat of a niche and like to use Gboard's Japanese handwriting input.
Swiftkey doesn't have Japanese handwriting support and likely never will (as Microsoft translate doesn't either - Windows has an IME for it though, so Microsoft have had the data for it for years).
I'd use Swiftkey and Gboard's Japanese handwriting keyboard together if only Microsoft would make switching between different company's keyboards quick. Instead it hijacks the keyboard and you have to go digging into the settings to change it.
And Gboard does allow quick switching to different company's keyboards. You just can't quickly switch back.
Minimal, systemd-free Alpine Linux releases version 3.16
DuckDuckGo tries to explain why its browsers won't block some Microsoft web trackers
Re: Right
For certain things they either don't give a shit about, or actively want to expose*.
*these need to be taken with a grain of salt as they also like to exaggerate or just make stuff up.
I wouldn't just say Yandex or Baidu for anything Uighurs or Ukraine, but I would on, as mentioned, a superinjunction in a Western country.
Why is any surprised about this?
If you use DuckDuckGo because of privacy concerns, surely you'd know it's pretty much just a customised version of Bing? And from that worked out that there would almost certainly need to be some allowances for Microsoft? I mean, you'd have done the research into that right? Because you care about your privacy so.
Oh, they're all fluff and are just lazy. Sorry, forgot about that.
Export bans prompt Russia to use Chinese x86 CPU replacement
Re: Russian politics aside
What was the point of this essay?
The only thing I can take from is it that you are salty that we're having a bit of irreverent fun. And if that's the case... then maybe this site ain't for you.
*I didn't actually bother reading it all as it really just seemed like a long boast about how great China is. And you have gall to call us pompous...
Surf the web from your parked Renault: Vivaldi comes to OpenR
Putin reaches for nuclear option: Zuckerberg banned
Twitter preps poison pill to preclude Elon Musk's purchase plan
ESA: Fly me to the Moon, just not on a Russian rocket
Re: Solo a space-mano
The gas money they get from Europe each day just about covers the cost of the war in Ukraine each day, provided, they errrr, don't lose any big assets... bit of a sunk cost now.
Everything else? Whatever money they can scrounge together from the back of the metaphoric sofa.
Why the Linux desktop is the best desktop
Re: "Linux Desktop"
I mean, there's a whole industry for customising Windows UI.
You can even wholesale replace it with the likes of Cairo.
There is a good point to having ine default UI. And until 11, Windows were good with providing a good one, while keeping tinkering even without third party stuff.
Re: Linux "Desktop"
You mock Office, but it has no counterpart after all these years. Apple come closest, and other than being restricted, their offerings range from an utter joke to competitive.
As for the open source world... LibreOffice, or whatever they are calling themselves this year, recently updated their website. It went from looking like an early 2000s one to a late 2000s one. So if they can't even make their website look decent (despite making much noise about it)...
First rocket launch from UK soil now has... a logo
Adobe anticipates $75m hit from Russia, Belarus pullout
UK's largest union to Arm: Freeze job cuts now
AMD to Intel: Take our GPU talent? Two can play that game
Boys outnumber girls 6 to 1 in UK compsci classes
Perhaps there is something putting women off compsci? Perhaps it's the sex ratio itself?.
But given how society is now, I think it may well mainly just be the different sexes tending to like different things.
Oh, and are we going to have an article about the sex imbalance in nursing? After all, the number of male nurses is around 11%. Or around 1-in-9 for the hard of thought.
What? No? Because it's not really a huge problem*? Well then....
*actually there are reports of male nurses being bullied and abused
Intel to spend €17bn on chip mega-factory in Germany
RISC-V keeps its head down amid global chip war
Re: Sorry, what was the problem again?
The CCP are a menace at best, evil at worst. We need ways to hinder them. I'm sorry, but if you can't see how they and Russia as they are making the world a worse place, they you're not the sharpest tool.
But doing so with instruction sets just seems like a waste of time and energy. x86, Arm, MIPS, RISC-V, they all get the job done. Shrug.
Arm's $66bn sale to Nvidia is off: Deal collapses after world's competition regulators raise concerns
Re: Typical UK short sighted profiteering
It was big the UK, where we have either let our industries decline or be bought up.
Companies like BAE Systems are only safe because they are major defence suppliers, and under the current lot I wouldn't even consider them 100% safe. They'd sell their own grandmas.
Geomagnetic storm takes out 40 of 49 brand new Starlink satellites
NASA taps Lockheed Martin to build Mars parcel pickup rocket
Geez, you Musk Bois are annoying.
SpaceX are not going to be landing a manned Mars mission in 2026. That's just not going to happen.
And while I do appreciate the effort of their innovation and success, they are also reckless. They wanted to send that Tesla crashing into Mars, with zero consideration for contamination.
Go fast and break things is give up to a point. A Mars mission, or any manned space mission is not the place for it. Hell, Starlink is starting to be troublesome as it is.