* Posts by N Tropez

12 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Sep 2021

Tech support chap showed boss how to use a browser for a year – he still didn't get it

N Tropez

Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company"

see 'Yes, Minister' & 'Yes, Prime Minister'.

AI's power trip will leave energy grids begging for mercy by 2027

N Tropez

Re: > You mean like holding off until the next "AI winter"?

Yes, definitely a bubble - definite resemblance to the dotcom boom & bust (or any other bubble, going back to the Dutch tulip mania).

'Irresponsible exuberance' and 'the Madness of Crowds', anyone?

Hide the keyboard – it's the only way to keep this software running

N Tropez

Re: Wat?

This is why hydrogen will never take off as a fuel in the US - you go into a filling station; there are two sets of pumps. The sign on one says 'gas'. The sign on the other says...'gas'.

Skyscraper-high sewage plume erupts in Moscow

N Tropez

As the Article says, it's possibly "a planned air release after pressure testing during the construction of a gas pipeline." As other commentards have noted, you don't get that sort of eruption from any type of civilian pipes.

A thump with the pointy end of a screwdriver will fix this server! What could possibly go wrong?

N Tropez

Re: Lesson learned

At school I switched from Latin to German because I was told it more 'logical' and phonetic. O god - twelve ways of saying 'the', baffling genders - Mark Twain visited Germany and did a very amusing article on the language. (Oth, I've found most Germans very friendly, and, yes, they can have a very good sense of humour).

BOFH: The greatest victory is that which requires no battle

N Tropez

Re: Artificial Intellegence Isn't.

Quite right. 'AI' is ML. And I see a spooky resemblance in all this to the dotcom bubble that went pop in 2000.

The increasing billions spent on stuff that will definitely be world shattering quite soon - with concomitant huge energy usage.

The cracks are starting to show. Who knew that trawling the internet would lead to breaches of copyright that may lead to millions of lawsuits? Hallucinations? So much data needed that there is now 'cannibalism' of other 'AIs' data? People (including lawyers) depending on 'AI' data that turns out to be totally spurious?

I would think about going to Mars, if I didn't know that I'd either die on the way out or soon after I got there.

Warren Buffett voices AI fears, likens tech to atom bomb

N Tropez

Re: He's not wrong!

Interrobang! Upvote for amanfromMars1

Fintech engineer grounded by crypto fraud caper, including $300m spoof trades

N Tropez

'in recent years'

What's this 'in recent years'? Cryptocurrencies have always been like that - or do you mean that they've only been around in recent years?

BOFH: Just because we've had record revenues doesn't mean you get a Xmas bonus

N Tropez

Re: In the glorious past

merkins? As in 'President Merkin Muffley'?

I'll get me coat

Digital memories are disappearing and not even AI or Google can help

N Tropez

Re: Seconded

Obligatory xkcd - https://xkcd.com/1683/

Judging by the way your face lit up, my inbox just got more attractive

N Tropez


Yes, I saw that AI 'KNITTER' penalty thing - how long before before everyone in the UK is wearing a piece of paper on their chest with the numberplate of their most unfavourite person?

BOFH: Pass the sugar, Asmodeus, and let the meeting of the Fellowship of Bastards … commence

N Tropez

Absolutely brilliant - not just for BOFH, but universally. I'll drink to that!