* Posts by DogRuff

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2021

RIP Sir Clive Sinclair: British home computer trailblazer dies aged 81


Thanks Sir Clive

A true legend: entrepreneur, slightly eccentric and stereotypically British engineer and genius.

Although I cut my IT teeth on the slightly bigger 370 series IBM, but when the chance of having a computer at HOME came along I rushed out to get the kit form ZX81, having bought a red led dot digital watch from Sinclair late 70s and loving it. I remember the ZX81 being quite amazing at the time for the price and complete with *gasp* a whole 1k ram, although I later bought the fag packet 16k wobbler..

Many many a happy eve typing stuff in from computer mags then waiting with innocent wonder after 'run'ning the prog for the first time... then debugging!

50 years later - still pretty much doing the same, so thanks Sir Clive for helping bring home computing to the masses.


Think you can solve the UK's electric vehicle charging point puzzle? The Ordnance Survey wants to hear about it


Re: In a civilised world this might be conceivable, but..

@skeptical i

- Thanks!


In a civilised world this might be conceivable, but..

Apart from the above observations re the how/where of EV charging, I reckon that the One Big Thing that has been overlooked is that the local oiks/pikeys/teal leaves will have a field day - abundant supplies of "free" copper conveniently laced twixt post and car just for the taking. Don't even need to break in to a substation: Simples!

Can't think how to mitigate that risk.. Brighter sparks (ho ho) might suggest inductive charging via say coils in the parking spot but I wouldn't like to walk near one of those with a pacemaker fitted.

(there, popped my cherry..)