The DEC keyboards were like that. VT220, Rainbow.
Posts by M. T. Ness
18 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2021
WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free
No link between internet use and poor mental health, according to Oxford boffins
Lenovo Thinkpad Z13 just has this certain Macbook Air about it...
CERN celebrates 30 years since releasing the web to the public domain
Should open source sniff the geopolitical wind and ban itself in China and Russia?
There should be room for common sense too, not only licences and laws. If releasing a piece of software to the bad guys would make the situation worse for someone, then that could be weighed against the benefit to the good guys before a decision is taken about releasing source code.
A unified policy in such matters would not IMHO cover all cases well.
But I'm sure this happens already.
Original Acorn Arthur project lead explains RISC OS genesis
Original killer PC spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 now runs on Linux natively
AI-designed COVID-19 drug nominated for preclinical trial
A chemical substance is not a drug
It is the equivalent of the hardware of a computer. A drug has a dosage and a dosage schedule, which is the software.
The first thing to have a plan for is what to do when the substance doesn't seem to work in a living animal, or only works at doses that kill the animal.
Why the Linux desktop is the best desktop
Academics tell Brit MPs to check the software used when considering reproducibility in science and tech research
Re: this is true
The importance of mediators is underrated. Fred Brooks (in Man-Month) highlights the essential role of leaders with broad knowledge and experience. Only with their help will there be fruitful communication between systems and people that do not communicate well unmediated.
Mediators will be very powerful, and my experience is that the tops of the hierarchy only rarely tolerate them.
A related question: How is it possible to recruit the right people, and how can their competences be maintained? I have no answer.
Seaberry carrier board turns a Raspberry Pi into a desktop PC with 11 PCIe slots
Theranos blood-test machine demos for VIPs rigged to hide any failures, court told
Arrogance of investors?
If I were to invest millions of dollars in a microfluidics system for in vitro medical diagnostics, I would have insisted to see the details of the working principles like pumping and detection, and trivially: the storage of the reagents.
The investors trusted their gut feelings, it seems, and did not ask the opinion of independent experts. Whatever happens next, serves them right.
Samsung: We will remotely brick smart TVs looted from our warehouse
Facebook sat on report that reveals most-shared post for months was questionable COVID story
Adverse events
VAERS are spontaneous adverse events reports from the public. Attributing a case of dying after vaccination to the vaccine substance requires elimination of all other possible causes of death. This requires evaluation by personnel who have access to and understanding of all relevant medical information. If relevant information is lacking, the case cannot be classified.