Variable Names : Case Sensitivity
One thing that I think would greatly help in making any language memory safe is to make variable names case insensitive. That is always a potential bug in any language where variable names are case sensitive.
37 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2021
Reminds me of the joke of a young man working in a grocery establishment when a shopper walks in and asks the young man about buying a halve of a watermelon. The young man tells the shopper to wait and he will ask the manger about the price. Walking to the manager, the young man does not realize that the shopper is right behind him and says to the manager that some fool wants to buy a halve of a watermelon. He then realizes that the shopper is standing right behind him and quickly follows up with “and this fine gentleman wants to buy the other halve”.
IBM mainframes had liquid cooling in the 80s. The modules themselves were encased in liquids and the entire apparatus was cooled through a cooling tower where pipes were ran under a raised floor that was also used as a way to bring in cold air and hide cables. Ah, a trip through time, that's when a 2.5 GB disk drive cost $60K and was as big as a closet, never mid the mutli i/o channel controller in another closet size cabinet.
Just a method to increase union memberships. Would be tough to unionize independent gig workers, like herding cats, not so tough to do that to those so called employees. How about asking the gig workers themselves or do the so called elites think so lowly of the gig workers ability to think and act for themselves.
When communicating with higher ups regarding a situation where you feel it is ethically, professionally or morally wrong, always follow up with an email repeating the conversation stating your position and followi with a question asking how the other would react if/when the you know what hits the fan and the results is publicly published. Had to do that once, I was never asked to to implement a specifically requested process ever again.