* Posts by SammyB

37 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2021

To kill memory safety bugs in C code, try the TrapC fork


Variable Names : Case Sensitivity

One thing that I think would greatly help in making any language memory safe is to make variable names case insensitive. That is always a potential bug in any language where variable names are case sensitive.

The US government wants developers to stop using C and C++


Re: Stop with the useless A better than B crap

If I had them, I would give you 10 thumbs up, as it is you get 2.

'Error' causes Alexa to endorse Kamala Harris, refuse to discuss Trump


Seems all the errors go in one direction.

Have we stopped to think about what LLMs actually model?


All I can say is GIGO

US elections have never been more secure, says CISA chief


Would he be willing to bet his life on that statement?

How deliciously binary: AI has yet to pay off – or is transforming business


Of course if had an economic effect, just not the expected one. Just like all the Y2K projects before.

Brace for new complications in big tech takedowns after Supreme Court upended regulatory rules


Experts? what experts.

Experts? what experts. Old joke, ask ten experts and get 11 opinions. After the last set of health experts destroyed the economy, I would prefer a laymen judge.

The Canon Cat – remembering the computer that tried to banish mice


Re: A Pebble is Not a Raindrop

So what you are really looking for is Wordperfect.

US senator claims UnitedHealth's CEO, board appointed 'unqualified' CISO



We need to fire 80-90% of the politicians and those that they selected/appointed for total incompetency never mind for lack of ethics and morals.

Codd almighty! Has it been half a century of SQL already?


SQL is a programming language?

Always thought of it as a data access paradigm not a programming language.

Hillary Clinton: 2024 will be 'ground zero' for AI election manipulation


Hillary is an AI creation

Hillary is an AI creation

Yes, I did just crash that critical app. And you should thank me for having done so



Reminds me of the joke of a young man working in a grocery establishment when a shopper walks in and asks the young man about buying a halve of a watermelon. The young man tells the shopper to wait and he will ask the manger about the price. Walking to the manager, the young man does not realize that the shopper is right behind him and says to the manager that some fool wants to buy a halve of a watermelon. He then realizes that the shopper is standing right behind him and quickly follows up with “and this fine gentleman wants to buy the other halve”.

The literal Rolls-Royce of EVs is recalled over fire risk


Just one question to potential buyers, Why?

Just one question to potential buyers, Why?

Microsoft braces for automatic AI takeover with Copilot at Windows startup


First thing on the ToDo list - Turn that monstrosity off

First thing on the To Do list - Turn that monstrosity off

Disease X fever infects Davos: WEF to plan response to whatever big pandemic is next


WEF is the Desease X

WEF is the Desease X

HP customers claim firmware update rendered third-party ink verboten


I remember they also had a date parameter which invalidated the cartridge even if it was still full and viable.

How thermal management is changing in the age of the kilowatt chip


IBM mainframes had liquid cooling in the 80s. The modules themselves were encased in liquids and the entire apparatus was cooled through a cooling tower where pipes were ran under a raised floor that was also used as a way to bring in cold air and hide cables. Ah, a trip through time, that's when a 2.5 GB disk drive cost $60K and was as big as a closet, never mid the mutli i/o channel controller in another closet size cabinet.

Europe inches closer to insisting gig workers are treated as employees


Just a method to increase union memberships. Would be tough to unionize independent gig workers, like herding cats, not so tough to do that to those so called employees. How about asking the gig workers themselves or do the so called elites think so lowly of the gig workers ability to think and act for themselves.

One door opens, another one closes, and this one kills a mainframe


Re: Tech support call - ASIDE

Some tires have a very specific tread design and are supposed to roll in a specific direction. That is the reason for the inside/outside designation.

Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11


The only support I need is virus protection. As long as I can get updates for Win10 (from anyone), Win11 can collect dust.

Google's browser security plan slammed as dangerous, terrible, DRM for websites


The last 3rd party that I would ever choose as the trusted 3rd party would be google.

Man who nearly killed physical media returns with $60,000 vinyl turntable


Re: Expensive interconnects vs cheap interconnects

Just wondering, how many skeptics out there would be able to tell the difference in the sound of a $1,000.00 violin and a Stradivarius?

On the bright side, solar investment finally set to surpass oil spending


Reminds me of the joke aoiut gambling

How do you make a million gambling, start with 2 million. It's not the investment, it the return on said investment.

Gartner: Stop worrying and love the cloud, with all its outages and lock-in


Can I borrow your watch

These kind consultancy statements always reminds me of the old joke about the consultant asking you to borrow your watch and then telling you the time.

Microsoft can't stop injecting Copilot AI into every corner of its app empire

Big Brother

Get the bot outa here ...

That's all I have to say.

Uber, Lyft stock decimated as US aims to classify gig workers as staff


Very simple, unions hate gig workers. Labor unions would love to turn gig workers into employees so then can work on unionizing them.

Scientists overjoyed after DART smashes into asteroid Dimorphos, contact lost


If it actually did alter its path, one has to then wonder if that new path might somehow alter the path of another object which then might alter another object which somewhere down the line would cause a major impact with Earth. Sometimes, leaving things alone, is the smart move.

Firefox 105 is here, and it's faster and more memory-frugal


Just updated now. It certainly reloaded itself much faster than I remember the last update.

California asks people not to charge EVs during heatwave


Re: Har Har

You are free to move to the "Golden State".

Smartphone gyroscopes threaten air-gapped systems, researcher finds


Re: Air gaps are all about physical security

Your TDS is showing.

Now Windows Follina zero-day exploited to infect PCs with Qbot


Just read the workaround. Instead of just deleting "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ms-msdt" as is recommended in the guidance from MS, I simply renamed it by adding a suffix of _x. Changed the URL as well. Simple enough to do. took less than 1 minute. Less time than to write/edit this comment.

Confirmation dialog Groundhog Day: I click OK and it keeps coming back


Re: Oh. My. God.

This is as good as the routine to send a message to the printer that the printer is offline.


Re: Sod's law

I don's know who Sod is but he/she/it was an optimist.

Worried about being replaced by a robot? Become a physicist


The ones writing algos that calculate who is most likely to be replaced by automation should be at the head of the list.

When the bits hit the fan: What to do when ransomware strikes


Re: Did Mr Connor ask the finance directorl

When communicating with higher ups regarding a situation where you feel it is ethically, professionally or morally wrong, always follow up with an email repeating the conversation stating your position and followi with a question asking how the other would react if/when the you know what hits the fan and the results is publicly published. Had to do that once, I was never asked to to implement a specifically requested process ever again.

It's time to decentralize the internet, again: What was distributed is now centralized by Google, Facebook, etc


Re: Shepherds and sheep

liked your comment until you brought in your political bias. This is a tech forum, please leave the politics out. Thanks.

The web was done right the first time. An ancient 3D banana shows Microsoft does a lot right, too


Re: old sites

Two thumbs up.