* Posts by Julian Garrett

32 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Sep 2007

US distrust of Huawei linked in part to malicious software update in 2012

Julian Garrett

Re: Another Bloomberg "article"

The spy chip saga was 100% true.


Huawei thanks Uncle Sam for returning its seized comms kit ... two years later, ya jerks

Julian Garrett

Re: "should be subject to legal constraints"

And how does that compare with the annexation of the SCS.

And Xi putting a cherry on the top by promising never to militarise them.

In the Rose Garden no less.

Huawei goes all Art of War on us: Switches on 'battle mode' and vows to 'dominate the world'

Julian Garrett

Re: Seriously

Huawei is ANYTHING BUT liberal when it comes to its own IP. I have worked for them several times and the restrictions they place around their own info as fairly extreme.

Oh dear. Secret Huawei enterprise router snoop 'backdoor' was Telnet service, sighs Vodafone

Julian Garrett

I have stuck my neck out here by adding my name to this reply - have 20 years experience in mobile networks, worked for every vendor and 12 operators.

It’s very routine to have the vendors engineers do the entirety of any software upgrade.

A) they have the experience with this. They are the domain experts on their kit

B) it makes them accountable if something goes wrong. There was a very well publicised case in NZ about 10 years back where Alcatel-Lucent took Telecom NZs mobile network off air for a number of hours due to a patch loaded on top of a patch without verification. Cost A-Lu 10’s of millions. If TNZ did it themselves it would have been zero.

In my current role as a national manager with MBNL in the UK, I am dealing with Ericsson and Huawei who both have managed services and deployment contracts and directly touch the network all day every day.

Julian Garrett

Sorry, but if that is Telnet, in 2011, open, with port available (and I cant believe I am saying this) *AT AN OPEN IP ADDRESS* then someone fucked up big time.

TELNET!? Are you fucking serious? That is the most insecure protocol in the history of insecure protocols.

When it comes to 5G kit security, you can go your Huawei, EU tells member nations

Julian Garrett

Re: EU skirting the 'issue'...?

It is hardly "Yet to be proven".

Have a look at the post above - always only 1 software patch away from a cracked system.

Long phone is loooong: Sony swipes at flagship fatigue with 21:9 tall boy

Julian Garrett

Re: "Huawei and OnePlus stole much of their thunder"


Sorry, started in all caps and caught myself halfway through.

Vodafone pinches mobe network nerd metrics from the mighty EE

Julian Garrett

Makes you wonder what GWS was measuring...


One of a kind those guys. No one else comes close (to getting their results)

ZTE can't buy chips from America – but can still get sued for patent infringement in the US

Julian Garrett


Somehow I don't think the letter ZTE will represent anything more than how not to do business.

Pentagon in uproar: 'China's lasers' make US pilots shake in Djibouti

Julian Garrett

Re: Laser canon and sonic death rays.

"We're Heeeeere!!!"


"So are weeeeeee!!"

This is how wars start kids. Everyone is getting pretty leery of the other these days. Call the US whatever you like, but I doubt they would be twatish enough to try this.This is for upstart punkrockers with a chip on their shoulder.

And geez louise - I wonder who that could be.

Crunch time: Maplin in talks to sell the business

Julian Garrett

Re: PWC is managing the process, we are told.

Total nonsense. google “Dick Smith Anchorage heist” for a lesson on how it is done.

Sources: Liberty Global, Vodafone take seats at negotiating table AGAIN

Julian Garrett

Re: Hello Newbury...

Err no it wont - Vodafone just announced they are re-onshoring 2000 customer service jobs.

Thing is that Vodafone's network has improved dramatically in the past couple of years - if their customer service had improved with it Vodafone would be a bit better off by now - but they're starting to get on top of that now too.

Disclosure - Yes, I work for Vodafone.

British Airways, IT staff job cuts, an outsourcing biz ... you get the point

Julian Garrett

What an absolute fucking ballsup

CEO may have his bonus snipped 5% this year as a result.

Don't panic, friends, but the Chinese navy just nicked one of America's underwater drones

Julian Garrett


Probably plays well to the crowd at home, but if I were in Chinese high command they guy that authorised this would get fired right away. It's the most boneheadedly stupid thing they could have done. For what - to get back at Trump for taking a call from Taiwan? To rile the US? To thumb their noses at Yankee aggression?

Two words to China from the rest of civilisation - grow up

If you think your little outburst here didn't go unnoticed by everyone you're wrong, and if you weigh up the potential upsides vs the potential downsides then here goes - on the upside - china gets a commercially available drone that tracks salinity, and gets to play Hector Comacho with the USA. downside - this just went around the world - and China is forever looking less trustworthy and more coercive in every dealing.

Well played douchebags.

IT'S ALIVE! China's Jade Rabbit rover RETURNS from the DEAD

Julian Garrett

Who did they steal the electricity from?

Huawei coming in from the cold in Oz?

Julian Garrett


They "are riddled with security vulnerabilities already"

Women turn on to a throbbing Maserati

Julian Garrett

Hahahaha thats Awesome!

Just bought myself a Mercedes Benz SLK 55 AMG about 2 weeks ago.

5.5l V8 which I turn the radio down just to listen to.

Vodafone says termination rate clampdown would hit the poor

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

iPhone 3G isn't necessarily

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

Man buys $1,000 worth of iPhone pixels by accident

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

US customs: Yes, we can seize your laptop, iPod

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

And so we begin the tech sector's journey into the Heart of Darkness

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

The iPhone 2.0 update - don't do it, kids

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

Jobs bars 3G Jesus Phone sales at Canuck Apple Stores

Julian Garrett

And when it doesn't sell, for the same reasons as last time

They will drop their prices. Shit, I thought Apple put SOME value on what customers thought, obviously not.

If this is the way operators are going to treat their customers, this iPhone will flop just like the last one did (outside of America). Purses are being tightened and people know what extortion is when they see it.

I was going to buy one but I am off to get an N95 instead... better phone too.

Gordon Brown claims a Brit invented the iPod

Julian Garrett

He's actually quite right

Jokes aside, Jonathan Ive was the guy behind the iPod. Yes Steve wanted a MP3 player. Jonathan was the guy who made it what it is now.

I dont believe anyone seriously questions that...

Sony, MS want control of PS3, Xbox iPlayer, Beeb boss claims

Julian Garrett

And fair enough too

One doesn't invest a bilion or so dollars in a piece of hardware to have some third party, even someone as reputable as the BBC, come along and hand you a piece of software without wanting fairly good control over how it integrates with your system.

Apple has taught the world how important the look and feel are. And they would be quite right too.

I'm totally with Sony (and MS, yerk...) on this one.

China promises censor-free Olympic media

Julian Garrett

Brought to you by the same people that said...

That the Dalai Lama (or Dalai Clique as they so fashionably put it) was planning crack suicide squads to attack the Chinese.

How fucking stupid do these people think we are??

Next they'll be telling us they invented golf...

Hang on, that *DID* claim that one too.

3Com finally sells out to China

Julian Garrett

Is the writer on acid?

Jeezus dude, check your grammar!!

I just had an ex girlfriend of mine ring me up just the telling me she was on acid for the first time, and her grammar was about as bad.

Maybe she's hanging out with you...

O2 takes it to the EDGE

Julian Garrett

to the dickhead above who reckons 3g is not wideband

you would be quite wrong. HSDPA is currently at 14.4Mb/s

Julian Garrett

to the dickhead above who reckons 3g is not wideband

you would be quite wrong. HSDPA is currently at 14.4Mb/s