* Posts by DufDaf

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2021

Don't rush to adopt QUIC – it's a slog to make it faster than TCP


Re: Patience, my dear

The knobs are important.


Configuration needs tweaking...

The default settings you get when installing it does not help, and you typically need to make sure you have configure 0-rtt and that your congestion window size is set correctly, not a lot but essential, and for that you remove almost all the overhead from TLS/HTTPS rountips for setting up encryption, and that you don't need to pause and wait for congestion protocols in the middle of an average size document you sen/receive.

So why not use UDP - UDP have no relaibility, the QUIC protocol adds that without additional coding, just like TCP does.

In short, you can easily win 200-600ms while having zero downside from lossy UDP.

Source: I did it.