* Posts by Daniel

66 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2007


Gamer takes Microsoft to court over Halo 3 'errors'



i believe we're discounting the validity of the claim because it is likely that the console is faulty, or even the disc.

Microsoft is well aware of issues with consoles and has hence extended the warranty. The games were known to have issues in the box with the disc coming loose and causing damage. i havent heard of any other issues. This guy is after money he doesnt deserve. if he contacted microsoft they would tell him to either take his console or game back to the store he bought it from for an exchange.

This guy has no damages. how can he sue? what could possibly have caused damage? a faulty game/console is not a reason to sue in the same way that if a pc is faulty you can't sue you can only ask it be repaired/replaced

AMD reveals 'Spider' platform


ok not clever

but why go and buy something inferior just because they actually have marketing? you wouldnt would you. and id be very suprised if you bought something without reading up on it right?

all im saying is that for the price for performance this a is a fantastic set of graphics cards. i expect the cpus to drop in price or they will seriously tank. but hell its the cheapest quad core on the market so for domestic use. why not?

i will buy the best i can afford at the time. no offence but sod brand loyalty im getting my monies worth.



I dont consider myself misinformed or lacking understanding, but i take things for what they are, i dont see the top of the range model think wow thats amazing then go and spend my money on lesser model without research as im sure you dont either. If you do you are truly a fool.

End of the day i dont care who has the performance crown, i care what i can get for my money, i cant afford a grands worth of PC every year so why bother. I stick to midrange as do many many others. such as the previous guy who mentioned a crossfire setup for dirt cheap money.

There is a flaw in his argument as obviously crossfire and Sli dont generally scale well and lots of games dont make much use of the second card.

What im saying is that there is a lot of comments from people that theres no reason to buy and AMD. yes they are "generally" lower in performance however its always worth weighing up pro's and cons to any purchase generally i have found AMD machines to be great little machines which are cheap to build when you factor in motherboards (although i have to say recently theres some great budget boards for intel). Im sick of people who rag a product instantly because they dont do any research and generally its by the same narrowminded people who bash vista for no good reason having never tried it. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)

The 38xx series is a brilliant performer for the price. thats fact. Its cool, thats fact. and it SOUNDS as though it will be in good supply. yes the 8800GT is a very good card, but with stock problems and such a variety in prices causes issues.

Amd cannot perform in the high end. im pretty sure they know that, but isnt this how AMD started out? they were the underdog, but suddenly stomped on Intel. Its a battle which keeps going, its going to keep going for a long time. Intel may have dirty tactics and may start annoying people with changing chipsets but at the end of the day i rarely upgrade my machine, i will usually rebuild. which means trauling through review after review finding the best for my money. WHICH IS 3870 at the moment (dont go blabbering on about the 8800GT because a graphics card is only good if you can actually buy one and use it)

the 8800gt is a paper launch from nvidia to steal some spotlight. hell if they can get them in stock i will happily retract this statement, but 90% of shops have sold out of them.

im not trying to be an arse i promise. but read my oriignal post, its regarding domestic markets, not entusiasts so water cooled machines dont really apply to the domestic market. as for my original graphics comments i stand by them. i will never buy a processor just because a company makes the best one ever!!? think about it do you? if you do then you are nothing but a victim of clever marketing.


can you say fanboy?

excuse me, im as impartial as the next guy but "having their arses handed to them" is a bit of a bold statement, weigh up the facts, at the price range of the ati 3870 there doesnt seem to be much of a challenge? the 8800gt is more expensive and only marginally better (yes it is better) but at the end of the day people buy this kind of card for price for performance if not you would buy the ultra would you not? so they win there. secondly they are expected to actually be in stock, again this cant be said for the Nvidia. so nvidia have a brilliant card, but its more expensive and almost impossible to get hold of.. yes i see amd are getting their arses handed to them?!

as for the processors, not a clue, but given the fact that the X2 ranges arent that far from the core 2 in terms of price for performance it should be able to give a tiny bit of a battle. and dont tell me all that ill educated crap about core 2's being better, yes they run cooler yes they overclock better, but for the consumer market and not enthusiasts who cares if its cooler or overclocks well. price for performance is the main issue and it can be very very close in some areas.

Bike bonk bloke cops three years' probation



am i the only one who see's the funny side?

i know guys that would do something similar just to mess with the staff.. u know just for laughs. fair play they'd have to have a few drinks first.

Queues start a day ahead of UK iPhone arrival


bloody "computing" students

it does really amuse me. i find that most "computer" related students are blissfully unaware and generally are only there because their careers advisor told them that the future is computing. it amuses me even more so when a 3rd year student turns up at PC World (i realise that by saying this i lose all respect as yes i am a pcworld techie, allbeit temporarily) with a BSOD and instantly thinks he knows the cause. Why won't universities teach hardware aswell as software so we dont have these little know-it-all Sh*t bags who havent the faintest clue about what "RAM" is.

Then and only then will we manage to rule these kind of people out. majority of true "geeks" as i like to call myself will steer clear from the iphone unless they have an image to portray.

So what gets me, is why has noone else done this. The iPhone is nothing new, its just a well designed phone with a crappy feature set which is very highly software limited. why can't HTC make a sleek elegant phone? why do mojority of manufacturers stick to cheap silver painted plastics... WHY!?

rant over

Oh, and paris is nothing more than an animate barbie

there we go, think i covered all sorts in that one.

SaveTheInterneters to save the internet from Comcast

Paris Hilton

WOW your all full of it

Right well first of all, torrents arent illegal, second of all. most of them are. there are many more illegal torrents than there are legal. so all of you bitching because "my legal torrents are being capped" get off your high horses because we are all being punished for those annoying Tw*ts who download 24/7 illegal movies. Second of all, due to the high amount of bandwith and legality questions surely its a no brainer to cap the bandwith used? rather than giving anyone a crappy service?

It seems a lot of people here jumped on the "torrents are illegal" bandwagon and then other people retaliated without thinking. "i use it to share work files" what sized files are you sharing?? what kind of files (work related) would you possibly want to host on P2P that are that large that it would take hours and hours at a capped rate?! and dont answer with something along the lines of video files or 3d renders etc... because you know your making it up.

California teen offers GPS challenge to speeding rap


Buy a bike

Simple, buy a bike. no licence plate on the front and a pic from the back cant incriminate you. ;)

How many $$$s does Apple make from an iPhone?


Whats so good?

Just out of interest, i've read the reviews, i've seen the pro's and con's.. and well,


its just another smart phone with an apple logo stuck on the back, except its more limited than other smart phones. I can understand the apple victims getting them, but even your average Joe wants to go and buy one?!?! has the world gone mad?

Now i am not an anti-apple campaigner, i see apple as a designer PC (yes i said it, PC) but in terms of hardware, they use a lot of foxxcon parts, which arent exactly renown amongst the PC industry for "high end". And then theres lawsuits with certain models which jsut stop working after a certain time due to a dry joint.. so tell me... why do people see me day in day out and come up with the argument that "theyre more stable" or "more reliable" with out any evidence?!!?

rant over

Court convicts 'million pound' modchip man


Ok in moderation

Mod Chips aren't the problem, they allow you to play imports which are much cheaper and offer the same experience, they allow the wii to play DVD's (some mod chips) or your Xbox to be a media centre.


after talking to a gent a couple of days back, it seems some people take all of this in excess. When i asked what games he had for his "modded" 360.. he replied "all of them" he had downloaded every game available for his 360... and for his wii "all of them"... i think you can see where i'm going here. I would happily download a game before i buy it to test it. kinda like windows gives a 30 day trial. but i find it rediculous that people can own every game and not pay a penny. these are the people who should be prosicuted, not the people who fit the chips.

Acme unveils 'ideal' mobile gaming PC


Sli...multi monitor...!??!

Well if it is a multimonitor setup, how can it run on an Sli setup? multi monitor setups arent supported? if its combined and shown as one screen... tell me how!

Record labels to ditch CD singles for USB Flash drives


new formats

i agree in the fact we need a new format, cd is old now and dvd audio... well what happened to it?

CD's although perfect quality are large in size and dont offer anything fantastic. well mini dvd's are around why did noone think to just bung a cd's worth onto a mini dvd? that would cut down space and offer the same if not more space. If this isnt a good enough solution, the data density of blueray is huge in comparison, imagine what little size is needed to fit a high quality cd's worth, it would be tiny. Innovation doesnt have to be leaps and bounds, just enough everynow and again to keep us interested!

The Christmas Console Wars: round one to Xbox?


Hardcore gamers

What makes me laugh is the mention of "hardcore gamers" and "next gen consoles" "HD", All i can say is WOW. not as in world of warcraft, just wow, how many people are truly missing the point. Now i have a wii and recently bought a ps3, and i dont consider either to be a "next gen" console. Yes they have their benefits, but both have massive downfalls.

The PS3 is obviously a beast, graphics are awesome and the games ive played are fantastic. You can browse the web, download trailers and demos and even games (rub a dub is a laugh) but its very isolated. High end graphics mean nothing if its boring to play or if your on single player. And online play,... well give me a mouse and keyboard anyday.

Now for the Wii. I will say that it will win in the christmas sales, but it is flawed. It doesnt play DVD's. I know what your thinking.. Why? well it has a DVD drive... WHY THE HELL NOT?! You can use a modchip to get it to work but i quite like my warranty for now. And the online content is a bit lacking, slow and generally annoying. As for gameplay, FANTASTIC cant beat it. you can have a beautiful crisp scene with the sun setting and perfectly rendered characters, but until you have your girlfriend/mate dancing like an idiot infront of a TV for all to see, you have no idea.

HD is pointless unless the consoles can support it, XBOX elite... not very elite now is it. The PS3 have it right, its quiet and powerful. Whereas the Xbox HD-DVD drive is loud and annoying. But to be fair i have only ever played one Blueray film.


Best console is the Wii. reason is because it isnt trying to comete with the true "hardcore gamers", and anyone can play it and can have a laugh.

The reason XBOX360 and PS3 lose... because i'm a PC fanatic and wouldnt ever give up my mouse and keyboard.

PC superstore suffers breakdown over Linux notebook



I Didnt mention anything to do with the OS, your warranty is not void by the OS, you just lose support... try and keep up


Another comment

Right i posted on the original as i am a worker for PCWorld. As much as i would like to defend PCWorld i can admit it has numerous faults. infact i had the chance to enter a "top of customer services" achievement award thing... anyway the reason i didnt answer??... all i had to do was fill in a form with 2 questions;

Q: "Can you name one instance of high customer service"

A: Easy as believe it or not i pride myself on helping people.

Q2: "what one thing would you change to improve customer service"


Needless to say i didnt get it.

Anyway as for this subject the only reason PCWorld could refuse is if the fault was actually caused by accidental damage. and the instore techies dont even touch the bloody machine when it comes to fixing it. so why the hell this guy doesnt dial 0870 901 3000 and book it his bloody self i dont know.

And as for all the bullsh*tters in this post, shut the hell up. First of all we're not all that retarded. (but a lot are). The reason a system restore is highly recommended... well if it is to be repaired we have to rule out the OS as a cause, and if you deal with hundreds of customers a day who regularly screw their operating systems, you would see why we recommend it. And how about this in online stores they charge you if you try and send something back faulty and it isnt (for wasting their time). We dont do that, you want us to waste our time diagnosing a machine that "doesnt connect to the internet" well thats because you have no idea how the hell the internet works and its not our fault, we offered to set it up but you declined saying "my mate dave will help"

End of the day we cater to a market, PCWorld will soon realise that as the younger generation learn more and more, their sales will go down and down, simple as. They will be down the drain within 5 years unless they sort it out.

PC superstore unhinged by Linux


PCW Employee

Right Then, i realise im probably gonna get the sh**te ripped outta me for this...

Anyway I am and have been an employee of PCWorld for about 3 years, i am a student so i only work part time. I am one of the techies at the store. Now majority of this is negative comments although i do genuinely want to know how many of you are talking from personal experience because this seems to me like the whole "vista scenario" of well my mate says its crap and i read.....

Basically PCWorld is far from perfect and i am in no way defending many of their actions. But PCWorld warranty doesnt apply to software, hence software isnt covered by warranty, you screw your operating system, you fix it!

The fact he had installed linux shouldnt have come into it.


I have also experienced some of the "very special" people who work within the company and have expressed my views on many opinions which has landed me in a great deal of trouble.

The point of this post is that we're not all incompetant fools, infact the PCWorld which i work at located in Hull is actually pretty good for service. Some people will complain about us, some will praise us. But as with all retail sales, thats how things go. All i will say is that if you come in with you "im superior" attitude you will get nowhere, we can refuse refunds (against the SOGA, you say?) well no it isnt because we can refuse to deal with any customer who is rude to us, we are employed to serve, not take sh**t from some trumped up "IT techie" who believes he knows more than he does.

If someone comes in to ask me a question i will gladly serve them to the best of my capability. No i am not perfect, but amongst our tech team, we have one weak link (dont come in on a wednesday morning).

Oh and all of you spouting this sales of goods act rubbish, WE DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE YOU A REFUND AFTER 28 DAYS, we are well within our rights to repair the fault.

And to the guy who worked for "the tech guys" call centre, i have on many occasions had a good chat with some of your software supports, of which many know what they're doing, and some do not. like in all things it isnt always black and white, you and i both know you dont talk through the tests with all the pcw tech guys because some of us actually know enough to diagnose a PC.

The problem with PCWorld is the complete lack of touch with the computer industry. Theyre investing in stupid pilot schemes, releasing videos on youtube and generally making a ballsup of their hiring process. (For the job i was not asked a single technical question). Their recent brain wave is a knowledge training scheme which again is flawed because it is designed by head office who have the technical knowhow of a small shrew. e.g. this is a question posed for a "knowledge test"

What are three common features of a PDA




FM Radio

Apparently FM radio is a common one and email is not. Nuff said.

Any questions email me: pcwtechie@googlemail.com
