Public health experts wonder what took so long
The amount of money they were loosing because of the COVID deniers finally got to high and was starting to eat into profits.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Aug 2021
Had a game released back in July that had no issues under Linux. Game back from 2020 that ran with no issues. A few older ones that ran without issues as well.
Hell, the only game I have ran into that has issues with Linux, is the Linux version of Black Mesa.
Another thing. Why don't we get details about these so called studies?
How many people were asked? What were their qualifications? (My 10 years in the business should have a lot more weight than my mother's who pretty much uses her computer to search the internet for arts and craft patterns) What did these piece of paper look like? How much time was given? What if there was a feature not on a piece of paper? Were they allowed to add it?
The more and more I think about it, the more it sounds like bullshit. The new Start Menu looks like they had an Android launcher sitting around not being used and some suit saw it and said make a new Windows version around that. That is why there is an 11.
They need to stop trying to be Apple. They need to stop trying to Linux as well. Be the boring app people. Embrace it.
They used paper to choose the layout of the Start Menu?
What in the fuck?
Were these Windows Users they interview also in Pre-K?
Don't see how this reduces clutter. All the new Start Menu has done is increased it, since I have to pin a lot more to the task bar since it isn't as easy to access apps any longer.