* Posts by ChoHag

1167 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2021


Trump taps Musk to lead 'government efficiency' task force

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Musk's plan

Make America Great Britain Again.

Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Wanna give some examples?

This whole thread is a perfect example of the phenomenon you commented on. Hits all the buttons. Couldn't have done better. 10/10 guys!

Apple accused of hoodwinking UK antitrust cops

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: If it's been fixed what's the problem?

"I'm not killing anybody right now, why do I need to be punished for my previous murders?"

MongoDB takes a swing at PostgreSQL after claiming wins against rival

ChoHag Silver badge

Like a typical dev this guy has no clue about the tech he's wielding but has clearly heard that doing "JSON documents", whatever those are, is hard or important or at least means something buzzwordy that makes people who control budgets nod along sagely as they pretend to understand.

Hint: its 40 years of life *is* postgres' selling point. Everything else it does it just gravy.

Feds claim sinister sysadmin locked up thousands of Windows workstations, demanded ransom

ChoHag Silver badge

I would bet that he felt like his genius was going underpaid and unnoticed.

And now we know.

Broadcom boss Hock Tan says public cloud gave IT departments PTSD

ChoHag Silver badge

The clown is dead! Long live the clown!

Ex-Microsoft engineer resurrects PDP-11 from junkyard parts

ChoHag Silver badge

> The PDP-11 had a long life

Still alive and well in your C compiler.

Chasing the AI dragon? Your IT might be circling the drain, IBM warns

ChoHag Silver badge

> Some 58 percent of the CxOs quizzed by IBM say they are having difficulty filling key technology roles

... at the paltry rate they offer.

Pay us what we're worth to you or fuck off.

And no I'm not going in to your piss poor excuse for an office-cum-adult-day-care.

City council faces £216.5M loss over Oracle system debacle

ChoHag Silver badge

> or was part of a deliberate strategy to deflect blame

> "there's a national crisis in local government caused by 14 years of neglect from the previous Tory government, combined with major rises in demand and cost-led pressures."

That'll be a "yes" then.

California trims AI safety bill to stop tech heads from freaking out

ChoHag Silver badge
Thumb Down

> The changes limit enforcement penalties, such as the injunctive option to require the deletion of models and their weights. Criminal perjury provisions for lying about models were dropped, based on the adequacy of existing law about lying to the government. There's no longer language that would create a Frontier Model Division, though some of the proposed responsibilities will be handled by other government bodies. And the legal standard by which developers must attest to compliance has been reduced from "reasonable assurance" to "reasonable care."

So they don't have to clean up their mess, can lie about it to our faces, offload responsibility to the government and can hire cheap, irresponsible devs?

Great work, lawmakers!

Biden tries to cut through fog of confusion caused by deliberately deceptive customer service tricks

ChoHag Silver badge

Simple. Currently you can deal with the parasitic company directly or instruct your bank to stop paying them. Unfortunately the latter option has its own costs, so direct those costs back to the parasite (with an extra "processing fine" uh I mean "fee") and watch all the sign-out problems disappear.

Elon Musk claims live Trump interview on X derailed by DDoS

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: A request

Surely he is The Florida Man?

Apple tries again to make EU DMA officials happy – with new fees

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Browser

> I don’t see why a browser needs any “special” treatment

Browsers can be used to move money to people who aren't Apple.

Core Python developer suspended for three months

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Time to clean house I guess

October can begin?

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: OK, I'll tell you what I think:

If their project is "make a machine which shovels idiots' money into my pocket" I'd say they both did exceptionally well.

Ransomware groups are better at web app security than you, says researcher

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Sounds pretty normal to me

Conversely, when you want to secure a web site, how can you do it if you don't know how it will be attacked?

NFL to begin using face scanning tech across all of its stadiums

ChoHag Silver badge

The speed of beer will remain unchanged.

Five months after takedown, LockBit is a shadow of its former self

ChoHag Silver badge

> Start a family, perhaps, and sit around the dinner table reminiscing over all the people you robbed, extorted, and hurt to pay for the meal in front of them.

I always admire the disgust woven into sentences like this, as though there's anyone's pile of money that isn't already soaked in centuries of blood and tears.

iPhone kicked out of China’s top 5 smartphone brands as domestic market bounces back

ChoHag Silver badge

I see those attempts to suppress China's development by restricting its access to Western products (that it makes) are going well and in no way spurring China on to building its own industry independent of external requirements.

<UK> How about we influence the richest trading bloc in the world by leaving it?

<USA> How about we retain control over the modern world by encouraging everybody else to make their own?

Great job, guys.

CrowdStrike meets Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will

ChoHag Silver badge

> This serves as a sobering wake-up call for the rest of us in the tech industry.

Good morning lads! Nice of you to join us!

OpenBSD enthusiast cooks up guide for the technically timid

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Thank you Carnat

First line of the upgrade notes of every (?) release, eg. https://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade75.html

Upgrades are only supported from one release to the release immediately following.

You could always do it twice at a time if you want to upgrade anually or for more frequent upgrades run -current and do it whenever you feel like it.

Patch management still seemingly abysmal because no one wants the job

ChoHag Silver badge

Your rate of internal systems churn necessarily follows the rate at which your vendors improve (or just fix) their products. How could it be any other way? If you choose a vendor which requires a weekly cadence that's on you.

HCL's back-to-office plan: Come in three days a week, or forget about holidays

ChoHag Silver badge

So you're saying the two days of the week spent at home ARE the holiday?

CrowdStrike shares sink as global IT outage savages systems worldwide

ChoHag Silver badge


Beijing's attack gang Volt Typhoon was a false flag inside job conspiracy: China

ChoHag Silver badge

If our government was half that good we'd be in some real trouble

> executed by the NSA, the FBI, and the Departments of Justice, Defence, Homeland Security, and Energy.

So ... ALL these government agencies and their equivalents in FIVE distinct countries have managed to work together? In secret? Successfully?

It doesn't need to mention the lizard people. It's firmly in the world of fantasy from the get go.

Agile Manifesto co-author blasts failure rates report, talks up 'reimagining' project

ChoHag Silver badge

Communism isn't a failure, everyone just does it wrong.

China's internet cleanup campaigns are going so well it needs a new one to protect kids

ChoHag Silver badge

We don't need a kindernet

We don't go to the pub because we want a space for children to play in.

Game dev accuses Intel of selling ‘defective’ Raptor Lake CPUs

ChoHag Silver badge

You just can't count on Intel.

Big Tech's eventual response to my LLM-crasher bug report was dire

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Your bug report was clearly an undeserved and unappreciated courtesy...

> I do see a place for responsible disclosure.

There is such a place. It's positioned right after the responsible source code disclosure spot.

Respect is earned.

> Publishing is either OK, or publishing is required.


ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Your bug report was clearly an undeserved and unappreciated courtesy...

"Responsible Disclosure" is a cover for selling substandard trash and only serves to protect the corporations that produce it from having any effective competition. It's very telling that bug bounties are required to bribe security researchers into being complicit with it.

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Good

Not only attention but responsibility. I have a mechanical car so what it does is my fault. If the computer is in control then does Elon go to jail when someone dies?

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Good

Or maybe just into the pedestrian crossing that is empty while the walkers watch from the side of the road waiting for the computer to say yes.

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Good

To their eternal credit the emergency vehicle drivers always looks exceptionally patient. It's my blood that it gets boiling.

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Speeding often not the issue

> when filtering

Oh, on a bike. My bad.

> it is reverb easier to get caught speeding


That would require the police to be out doing their job. Can't remember the last time I saw that.

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Speeding often not the issue

> you do not speed as it is too dangerous in London

Or you just can't.

One fond memory from the Covid days was getting into third gear around Marble Arch. I don't think that will ever happen again.

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Good

We're not in that world any more.

We're in the world where people sit at a red light forcing the ambulance behind them to slowly kill their patient because some people are more afraid of breaking a traffic law than performing murder by proxy. Computer says no!

OpenSSH bug leaves RHEL 9 and the RHELatives vulnerable

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: > potentially nasty, because it affects a part of OpenSSH that's running with reduced privileges

> This means that the affected code is running like an ordinary user account, not an administrative account, so the potential attack is more limited.

And this is why we do privsep.

Apple, Google ease cross-cloud data transfers, perhaps with costly catch

ChoHag Silver badge

> Apple has previously made it possible to export photos and videos from iCloud to Google Photos.

How magnanimous of them. Granting access to your own memories! Unimaginable!

ViperSoftX variant spotted abusing .NET runtime to disguise data theft

ChoHag Silver badge

> ViperSoftX's capabilities suggest a new wave of sophisticated and agile malware threats is breaking.

The attackers have learned shell scripting?

Founder of Indian ride-share biz Ola calls for 70-hour work week

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Dude's not wrong... (except where he is)

Do we also get to count sitting on the toilet "coming up with" new ideas as work?

ChoHag Silver badge

> It is exactly what happened 200 years ago with the East India Company

Not quite. Back then we came in with guns and forced you to do it. Now like a diabetic in a sweet shop you're doing it to yourself.

It seems like only England learned the lesson from its centuries of oppression that oppression comes back to bite you in the arse. Or chop off your head.

Microsoft China staff can't log on with an Android, so Redmond buys them iThings

ChoHag Silver badge

> Microsoft's actions are effectively a vote of no confidence in China's mobile ecosystem

As the article alluded to, Microsoft's actions are a vote of no confidence in its own ability to make software.

They were the last people in the world not admitting that. I don't think they thought this through.

> which it accuses of acquiring a golden cryptographic key

Do you blame the thief for your own unlocked door on the building with the sign that says in bright neon letters "all the money is in here"?

Outback shocker left Aussie techie with a secret not worth sharing

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Ouch!!

Some of them push the inner protective cover out of the way to expose the contacts and leave a small hole in the corner just big enough to poke a paperclip in to...

> poking a screwdriver (or similar) into the earth.

A key will usually do it. Just the once in some of the houses mentioned above.

Epic accuses Apple of foul play over iOS access, wants EU to show DMA red card

ChoHag Silver badge


Come to Brexit Britain! We'll show the EU just how fast a government can move! Eventually...

ChoHag Silver badge

If Apple want their marketplace taken out of their hands entirely, they're going the right way about it.

UN telecom watchdog wags finger at Russia for satellite interference

ChoHag Silver badge

There have already been several downed in Russia over the past couple of years due to their inability to do any maintenance on the planes they stole.

Former Fujitsu engineer apologizes for role in Post Office IT scandal

ChoHag Silver badge

I guess they've found who gets thrown under the bus.

At least he deserves it.

British Airways blames T5 luggage chaos on fault 'outside of our control'

ChoHag Silver badge

"Out of our control" because our partners just show up unannounced, already in business with us.

Humanity's satellite habit could end up choking Earth's ozone layer

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: I think

Honestly it all gets rather boring.

systemd 256.1: Now slightly less likely to delete /home

ChoHag Silver badge

Re: Init marvellous

> avoid all the re-writes for a decade or two until they've had a chance to bed-in.

I don't think you understand how this CADT technique works...
