I know I said "Oh the humanity!" But c'mon!
"And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, there's a dog having sex with a woman!"
1284 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2021
"And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, there's a dog having sex with a woman!"
People spot trains. They can be proud of having visited every service station on the M25[1] as a hobby. Tracking balloons on a website sounds highly advanced!
[1] For those that don't know, the M25 is London's largest car park, masquerading as a ring road.
"AI told human how to defeat AI"
Not arguing with that. But if we rephrase the "AI" bit, to avoid confusion, we get:
Human uses Tool B to break Tool A.
There's nothing new here, no mysticism, no AI. Humans use tools (see: My Opposing Thumb!). In this case it's data systems we're playing with. We evolve tools: bronze axe better than stone axe. We don't say "bronze axe teaches human how to better stone axe" as we evolved them both. Same here, using data, statistical analysis etc.
...are all A and no I.
...that adding more and more complexity to cover the blind spots is partly why it is so hard to get it working well...
Adding more complexity is not the be-all and end-all in producing intelligent machines. Humans learn very quickly by having developed brains that function, in part, heuristically, not adding complexity. Although, of course, the brain itself is complex, heuristics is simplicity. Both are needed for intelligence. And so is sentience. And so is environmental awareness - we meatbags only have our understanding of intelligence in unison with our meaty parts, ergo black box AI cannot be achieved in any way the we perceive intelligence.
There is no consensus at any level as to the definition of intelligence[1], so I know with certainty that AI is not extant despite the hype. My 17 or 18 year old self, drunk in a country pub one evening discussing this matter produced this definition. It's not complete, but it's a useful start, and it explains why the GoBot(s) got defeated. "Intelligence is the ability to foresee the outcome of one's actions and modify those actions accordingly (to produce a more desirable outcome)." Complete? Nope, not by a long shot.
"Learning" may be easier to define: a growth of accumulated data on which to call. But is it learning without some level of awareness, an intention to deploy that which is learnt? Or is it merely unconscious, involuntary Darwinism?
Any fellow nerds that played AD&D know the discussion about the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom. So knowing could equate to WIS - a pool of knowledge. INT would be creating original thought, learning.
Sorry.... I've just realised I'm waffling - I should grab that second coffee. Make it a strong one, please!
[1] Which is a huge problem for the EU AI Act, if they try to define it - stick to defining prohibited usage/effects of IT systems.
I doubt many would dispute China's flagrant flouting of others' IP for their own uses. So why not just rip off existing designs here?
Conspiratorially: These designs are riddled with backdoors not controlled by us, we need our own backdoors!
Evidentially: These designs are riddled with security holes and other bugs. We need our own backdoors security holes. I mean "no security holes"!
GoDaddy is unsure of the root cause of the incident...
Oh, allow me: your negligence - monumental negligence in your duty of care to your customers and, by extension, the users of their services.
Bad for any company, regarding IT security. For a tech company with a focus on inter-networking services that should be terminal.
Bad Daddy, bad! You may Go now.
[Reposting as ancestor deleted, but the package comment may be useful to someone.]
I'm certainly not opposed to the BSDs, and Slackware was my first Linux distro way-back-when.
But, it's Devuan for me. Mostly as I prefer apt as a package tool, especially in those rare cases of package dependency issues. There's also an abundance of debs too - backports, sid, Ubuntu's (often more up-to-date than Debian's) - again making pick'n'mix easier for me in time o' trouble. I know debs can be used in Slackware, but I've no need to add the extra layers - I prefer staying with indigenous tools.
Also XFCE as default, KDE got a bit bloated for me. Again, I know Slackware has XFCE as an option, but my track record for breaking a non-default desktop is, er... admirable?!
That said, I've not poked around with Slackware for some time - perhaps I'll rectify that.
I'll conclude with a concise opinion: fuck systemd.
IanRS: ...how is it going to predict this? -- future.
Article: ... to improve the model's resolution to four square kilometers... and use machine-learning techniques... -- future.
It seems likely that IanRS is referring to the future modelling effort, not the current one as you say. Over to you Ian...
A significant difference between CCTV (camera) sourced gait (motion) analysis and data slurped from a VR environment is that with VR the data is in a 3D space already. For a single camera view, the data source is a 2D surface, the projection plane in a 3D engine. Simple trig can be used to reverse that 2D projection plane into a 3D space. Multiple cameras focussed on the subject increase accuracy, but either way accuracy is decreased (to some extent). A VR environment gives "perfect" data.
@captain veg
Legalisation: pretty self explanatory, it's legal, no restrictions.
Decriminalisation: no longer a criminal offence, but as it's not legal nominal action may be taken, eg. forced to throw your stash down the nearest drain. If you're being a problem, eg. toking outside a school, a fine may still be applied or another criminal offence that covers the angles.
Currently cannabis in the UK is a Schedule B drug, meaning it's one below heroin and crack, it is not decriminalised. The current position of most constabularies in the UK is that they don't have the man power to police the proliferation of cannabis. It's still very much criminal, they just aren't chasing it, other than grow factories and those causing unacceptable grief (either upsetting neighbours repeatedly, or nearby such as a school). If caught in possession up to 5 years prison, supply up to 14 years. That'd be quite unusual though, you'd have to be asking for it.
This is one of the things I hate about UK laws at the mo, grey areas: "we won't do anything", until they do.
I agree with your sentiments. I'm going to chip in to say that since Debian 10 perhaps, certainly 11, that the old days of compatibility problems (that we've shared, for sure) seem to have eased. Perhaps I just know the workarounds or perhaps I'm lucky with my hardware. I remember having Realtek nightmares!
I used to use Ubuntu for gaming, graphics intensive 3D stuff with Nvidia[1], which was a problem with Debian. I ditched Ubuntu for a return to Debian a while back, and have had no bumps in the road.
I'll repeat: I agree with your sentiments, especially re: stable, so YMMV.
[1] I've not used AMD GPUs for a long time, so can't compare. I use Nvidia proprietary drivers on Debian rather than the package options.
@chris street -- Tescos 5 clicks
For your own sanity, don't try Ocado then! I think it was 7 upsale clicks at least. As that'd already put me in a terrible mood, when I checked my order the next day to find they'd cancelled my order at a minute past midnight they got a prompt "fuck off, remove all of my details - an SAR will follow to verify". At least they enacted the "right to be forgotten" correctly. /end-rant!
Certainly heading up-stream from Ubuntu to Debian is a headless option - I've been maintaining Debian VPSes for donkey's. I expect any mainstream distro would be fine, Fedora and Slackware for instance, as it's part of the Linux culture to bolt desktops on top of the CLI.
If you want to avoid systemd, Slackware or Devuan. Look for distros that happily live on a VPS, away you go.
...and my `mount` command gave much cleaner output.
I first encountered snap on a Focal Fossa install. I didn't see it coming (bad I know) but I physically recoiled on my first lsblk, wide-eyed I nearly fell off of my chair! (Slight hyperbole! :D ) I honestly thought I had a major problem with all those loop devices. Snap got ripped out straight away. I appreciate the intention of snap, but there's gotta be a tidier way of accomplishing the objective.
Thanks for the articles Liam - good stuff and much appreciated. Cheers!
stiine, what you're asking for has been available to sysads of SME scale platforms for decades: apt allows holding of packages and pinning of various package releases. And the only reboot needed is after a kernel upgrade.
Okay, I'll stop pretending that I don't know you mean on Windows! But one last gloat: On Windows?! Haha! You're joking! (Ah, thanks!)
Seriously though, one can be a mercenary and go the Windows route for the low hanging fruit, or stop encouraging the feckers and take your skills and your enthusiasm for the field to a platform that doesn't work against you and mess with your sanity.
I know Windows is prolific and is here for a long time. But that doesn't mean you have to put up with it. Abandon the Dark Side!
I'm certain that bad news from the UK Government would be better received than none. Given any policy would permit an organisation to decide to weather it out and stay, giving them nothing promotes only relocation - decision makers cannot work with nothing.
The incompetent indecision makers forming the non-partisan committee handling this are a farcical disgrace. I hope they're happy with their pay-offs at the expense of the UK's image (like they care). The Carry-On crew would've done better >:|
I'm thinking A-10. Yeah, the operational ceiling is too low for most of the targets, but even an inanimate object would crap itself knowing a Warthog was after it! Seeing one of those things fly defies visual comprehension, they just shouldn't be able to be up there, they appear to just hang in the sky. Amazing!
Some fantastic images on universemagazine.com from the Moon, and livescience.com shows a nice composite of daily images on Danuri's BLT[1] journey around L1, amongst others.
Always humbling to see images like these, puts a bit of perspective on our position in the Universe... Hey! I think I can see my house!
Gratz KARI!
[1] Why'd they have to call it BLT (Ballistic Lunar Transfer), I want to go to Burger King now!