Re: its not just the public charging
@AC: The Guardian claims that two thirds of adults from 20-34 still live with their parents, which sounds about right.
No it doesn't. It claims that two thirds of single childless adults from 20-34 do this.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2021
<i>The UK government will, to the tune of £60m, bankroll two major research projects ...</i>
If these really are MAJOR research projects, from which conclusions would be drawn that change the way we run air traffic control and banking, then £60m is chump change compared to what would be needed for a meaningful in-depth analysis of:
a) how they work (this is AI remember)
b) whether they work
c) how we check that they work and against what criteria
d) what could be the side effects: expected and unexpected
e) how we back out if it's a disaster
f) the costs at every stage: design; implementation; running; disaster recovery
This is just two minutes off the top of my head. £60m is meaningless in this context.
I have to say that this hasn't helped. WTF is <i>configuration-as-code</i> ? Could you please explain more simply for bears of little brain such as I am ...
... oh no: I'm losing the will to live now .. I can feel my live forces drifting away. And you're responsible, El Reg. I hope you can live with yourselves ... aaargh!
No, we call them tinnies ...
Well, fuck me. I can just flush my collection of very rare stubby holders down the dunny now can I? I have NEVER heard anyone in Oz asking for a tinnie holder.
<i>Although I haven't been back for 23 years, so things may have changed, in which case I apologise wholeheartedly and unreservedly.</i>