Alienware HD Sound
As a alienware owner i have nothing but praise for them usually, but its about time they found a solution to the naff sound cards they chuck into their laptops.
It not only has basic playback problems, such as if you press pause on a video or audio track, when you resume playback you will get White Noise blast out until you rewind a second or two, when everything comes back to normal. Very inconvinient!!
The sound quality is pretty shocking as well, HD is definetly not an accurate description. I use the system for true HD audio recording 96khz via a Digidesign 002 rack unit, simply pluggin an audio source into the onboard sound card results in a horrible recording useful for nothing, other than maybe dictating?
I end up using external sound cards the whole time so i forget how useless it is until i take it mobile and get a reminder that i didnt want!.
Anyone used an PCI Express audio cards that are worth theyre money?