* Posts by bikernutz

20 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2021

Microsoft dusts off ancient MS-DOS 4.0 code for release on GitHub


Re: I had a different experience of early dos and even 95 than most users.

Yes, they were just after a sale at PC World. But denying something exists when a customer can show you it does just proves they can't be trusted.

Although only over serial interface Twin Express an Amiga DOS utility that also had an MS-DOS .exe worked brilliantly too. Not only could you copy files to the remote computer from either to the other. Or 'pull' them from the remote side but the Amiga supported long file names. Even if the MS-DOS at the other end could only access them with the file~1 etc. format it made it possible to transfer files the Win95 could access.

Yes I have used Laplink, and still have it. I also tried PCAnywhere. But Interlnk/Intersvr as a freebie in DOS was adequate and mapped drive letters automatically - Non IT Manager safe!

For my sins I still have a working version of Ability Office for DOS. Ballistic-ally fast and a pleasure to use in a dosbox session, pulled from my old Amiga hard drive.


Just because and nostalgia of days when everything wasn't bloated in size.


I had a different experience of early dos and even 95 than most users.

Not really running on a 68000 CPU unless you count by software - PC Task. Dos 4.0 ran surprisingly well on my expanded and accelerated Amiga, but slow compared to even my KCS board.

I had both a KCS PC board and a GVP 286 PC board fitted to my Amiga. I was given an earlier version of MS-Dos on original disks but it wouldn't install on my HDD for either PC board.

So I bit the bullet and bought MS-Dos 6.0 which I could only find on 1.44MB floppies and at that point in time hadn't fitted a suitable drive in my Amiga. I wrote to Microsoft and asked if they could possibly supply me with my DOS on 720K floppies. They did so, free of charge.

DOS installed and worked perfectly for both boards.

I bought Windows 286 at a computer fair - it installed on both but drat!, it was in German only? So I bought Windows 3.0 and 3.1. Windows 3.0 ran fine on the KCS board in VGA colour - interlaced. Windows 3.1 on the GVP, 286 board in monochrome EGA mode.

I couldn't get < Dos 6.0 working correctly for either PC board.

Others in the comments infer that Dos 6.22 was OK but 6.0 not. I never had any issues only with 4.x and 5.0.

Once I bought my own 486 PC I spent endless hours trying to get OS2/Warp installed (I bought it with Dos 6.0 and Windows 3.11) OS2 during install lost access to the CD drive so I had to create dozens of floppy disks to install the 2 CD's worth of OS and extras. Not long after I gave up on OS2/Warp and bought and installed Windows 95. Which for me was stable and worked really well. Although others I knew hated it.

I even used the intersvr and interlnk programs from dos 6.0 to copy and install Windows 95 on to the management teams computer at work they had also bought the CD but had no way to install it on their PC. They had no CD drive and no high density 3/12 floppy drive on the office computer. I made up a parallel lead to do so from the documents in the dos help files.

PC World told me they didn't exist even after showing them the help files on their screens.

For me the DOS help files were clear and well documented. Memmaker was fairly useless as it was easier and more stable to optimise the memory manually. Other than that buying my Dos disks was certainly value for money.

I try and avoid Microsoft products nowadays, but all those years ago I found them helpful to my requests and both of their unpopular OSes worked great for me. Win 98 first edition and Me were the ones I would of liked to have avoided if I could go back in time. YMMV as people would say.

Farewell WordPad, we hardly knew ye


Re: slow transformation

Using the command line, Win 11 Home will happily set up a local user, via the net user commands. OK it used the msutil.exe trick on the login screen to do it which meant a reboot first from the install media. But my win2go 11 home works just fine on a local account and not using any Microsoft login. Not that I've needed to use it for anything since setting it up. I had planned to use it as a way to test what computers could actually run Windows 11, unofficially. It turns out almost anything 64 bit capable. Home or Pro keep nagging telling me it is so much better and get more from Windows using a Microsoft account but it isn't essential!


Re: Kids nowadays ... Sigh!

Ability Office/ Ability Plus

Blisteringly fast even on old hardware as a no mouse keyboard operated GUI. It works under Freedos, Dosbox or even real DOS. Who needs more? :O)

File format compatibility might be an issue.

30 years on, Debian is at the heart of the world's most successful Linux distros


Re: We should distinguish between server and desktop

Only 8 years! I expect to be able to run my computers for at least as long as my current car is old! It's a 59 plate :) Which for none Americans is second half of 2009 it might not be possible to run Linux on it if it were 64 years old:)

Soon the most popular 'real' desktop will be the Linux desktop


Re: re: ""This computer is broken"

I don't like Windows 11 but have installed it to use knowing at some point family, friends or even strangers in the village who neighbours have told them will come and ask me about it and as a free source of help.

It installs fine without Internet, it installs fine with Internet on local storage or to Win2go on a USB. No need for a Microsoft account even on the basic edition. Simply use Rufus when creating the install media or switch to console and use net user /add Works easily. Would a none techie person do that - NO. But it is easy. A none techie person would just buy a new computer or take their current one to a computer service shop. I wouldn't but you could argue that Microsoft doing what they do keeps more people in work!

personally I retired early instead and still keep being 'tapped up' to help.

Want to live dangerously? Try running Windows XP in 2023


XP on HP NX6325

It came with XP installed when I was given it by a brother who's work place was throwing it out. Because they couldn't get Windows 7 to install on it.

XP had become bloated and slow beyond belief, after cleaning up it ran very well. But I wouldn't want to use it online.

Label on the front said Vista compatible. Although it has had various OSes installed in the last few years.

Recently installed Windows 10 on it so my wife can use it in her craft room for accessing the embroidery designs for her machine.

It runs faster than it did with XP, though part of that is it now has an SSD installed. It can run the versions of software she needs to use and it can access newer than SMB1 shares.

It also means the new i5 laptop bought last Christmas for her stays less bloated, faster and away from her craft room where it might get accidentally damaged.

So her indoors is happy for multiple reasons and an old piece of kit still has life and not become land fill.

Inkscape/Inkstitch is unusably slow for creating or modifying any of her/my designs, but they can be done on other faster computers in a more comfortable part of the house!

I don't think there is anything wrong with using old technology it can be much more fun.

I would still love driving around in my 1972 mini if I had it, but I wouldn't want to tour Europe or get anywhere fast and in comfort using the mini. I have boring modern technology for that.

Techie wasn't being paid, until he taught HR a lesson


The same names causing issues

At a company I worked for many years ago our office had two female colleagues that had the same exact names, first name, middle name and even surname. They even lived only a few hundred metres apart on the same road but hadn't known each other before working for the company. There was quite a few things went wrong or were confusing for a while as they both did the same job too! The only difference was their employee staff number and which team of engineers they were the work controller for! Any mishaps soon got sorted though as they sat only 10 feet apart in the office and were both there and waiting when IT support were needed to sort issues out for them.

More recently on my second to last job I had the same circumstances of name for myself. First, second and surname, however my name-sake was based in the USA and I was based in Cheshire in the U.K

I did receive lots of invites to sales conferences across America. Which my managers wouldn't let me go to - 'Its a mistake your an engineer'

My last job which was through an agency is the only one they ever 'forgot' to pay me. Not due to name confusion just sheer incompetence, twice they did it. The second time and them sending me everyone working through the agency salary and bank details in a plain text email had me walk out the door. Only returning to hand my uniform and ID back to the company the agency had me working for. They weren't best pleased and the senior manager couldn't understand why I wanted to stop working just because of a few errors by the agency they were using. The irony being 3 days earlier I attended a course for the company about the importance of data security and absolute confidentiality within their business. Was I only supposed to protect their data and not worry about my own or other employees?

Florida man insists he didn't violate the law by keeping Top Secret docs


Re: Even a turd

Not quite true, In the UK we technically vote for a named person as candidate for MP. We don't actually even vote for a party, let alone for our PM.

The PM is appointed as being the leader of the party with the most MP's backing them.

If we technically voted for a party and not a named person then when MP's defect to another party someone would have taken them to court by now to force a by-election.

It isn't possible as it is the named person as an MP regardless of what party they are in.

Which makes our system even more screwed up. All the governments claiming a mandate from the people? If you check official websites it is multiples of decades since a party won with over 50 percent of the total of votes cast. As you can only ignore those that didn't vote at all.

Even more worrying is there have been two governments elected with majority of seats that received less votes than their major opposition and that is just since I was born!

At least America has a written constitution something we are well overdue. The irony is that an American former president has called for the immediate ending of their written constitution as one of his goals and requirements of self preservation.


Re: 37 charges...

If playing Bridge, although impossible wouldn't 'no trumps' be the most powerful bid? As he likes to show his power would he consider bidding no trumps and looking like a vote against himself?

Icon as the nearest one to his 'hair do'

Microsoft will upgrade Windows 10 21H2 users whether they like it or not


Re: @AC - If Microsoft wants better Win 11 acceptance

I can vouch for how easy Rufus made it to install Windows 11 hassle free on a 15 year old Lenovo T400 laptop. It has no TP module V2, no UEFI, no GPT disk support. But it does have a dual core CPU and 8GB of RAM and a 500GB SSD.

The laptop already dual boots a 64 bit and 32 bit version of Windows 10 so it activated on the same licence key automatically - to Windows 11 Pro edition

Rufus had all the options I needed to make it painless.

Not that the experience after install is painless. Even though it was mainly for test purposes. Win 11 has hissy fits at most programs I have tried to install that work perfectly on the Win 10-64 22H2.

If your Start menu or apps are freezing up on Windows, Microsoft has a suggestion


Re: It Took One Hour To Solve A Similar Problem....

I have used Rufus for creating bootable usb pens for Windows installs for a while now. When I updated my Rufus recently it now seems to have the option to specify a user to create automatically during installation. It seemed to work as did other options I asked it to use via Rufus. Including the options to disable that allowed Win 11 (as a test) to install on unsupported hardware as a win2go.


Re: It Took One Hour To Solve A Similar Problem....

And as a bonus you can set it as a metered connection before it starts getting things before it has even completed installing. Also you can install shutup10 or sledgehammer etc. before it ever gets online then too.

Windows 10 paid downloads end but buyers need not fear ISO-lation


Re: 500+ million PC's obsolete in 2025 unable to run Windows 11, 2026 might just be year of Linux

Windows 10 works, I wouldn't say run, definitely not sprint on Pentium 4 laptop with 1.5GB RAM. Painfully slow due to software rendered graphics.

It runs much better on single core Atom netbooks, It is usable, I use it specifically for the OBD tools for my cars. They also run Win 7, which has same basic hardware requirements. But what can pass as acceptable performance (Considering the age and hardware) slows to molasses if you have fully bloated windows installs.

The only time Win 10 wouldnt install on an atom netbook that I tested was the beta version, all publicly released builds have. The beta would if you connected an external monitor as it didn't like 1024x600 resolution.

So there are many reasons not to run Win 10 you could give that are valid for you or other users, however, They have had the option of using a 'supported' OS by upgrading. My purchased Win 7 keys even activated the Win 10 installs. My netbooks still get used and all have at least triple boot options. At least one flavour of Gnu/Linux and two Windows versions. They each have useful tools on them that work better on specific OSes.

Hang on, that's what an OS is for to run programs you need. It should get the hell out of your way at all other times!

This was posted from my 10 year old quad core desktop running Debian 10, my left leg to its right, to the right of my left leg sits my 10 year old quad core desktop running Windows 10. The Windows box will even run Windows 11 (As a win2go ddrive), Now that is running Win 11 on unsupported hardware.

The last time the Windows PC was booted was to play around with dosbox-portable version and a menu system to allow a Ukraine teenager to play the original Lemmings, Lemmings 2 and other really old games. He has been complaining a laptop he was given by the hosts of one of his relatives was too slow. Too slow to boot, too slow to play anything, too slow for him trying to use Roblox to develop his own game. After giving him all my original CD's of old games and suggesting he tries some of them to learn about playability and keeping the gamer interested. It isn't all about eye candy graphics. I've sorted out the slow booting and miraculously he thinks his laptop is usable. He still wants a new Ryzen computer - his parents cant afford. But at least he appreciates playability and games that make you think.

So oddly enough a supported OS sometimes needs a 'leg up' to run programs that users try and run but get pop up messages saying their computer doesnt support it

Where there is a will there is normally a way.

Fixing an upside-down USB plug: A case of supporting the insupportable


240V versus 110V

In the days when the UK was still rating the mains at 240V.

I had a call out to a customer that said they couldn't connect to their network printer from all 5 of their PC's and wanted me to come out to fix it.

On arrival the boss who had a laptop was the only one who could work. The reason the PC's couldn't connect is they were all dead.

Checking the mains fuses, checking the sockets themselves they should of been getting power.

It took me longer than it should to find the issue.

The boss himself had operated the switch on the power supplies on all the PC's from 240V to 110V - 'Because it would save power and therefore his bills.

Unfortunately he had popped the internal fuses on all the PSU's So he had to buy himself new ones plus face a bill for my time as it wasn't work covered by his contract.

He saved heating bills for his office for the day though. As he was rather red faced with embarrassment. My company charged my time at £150/h at the time for any work not under contract including time travelling to and from the job. So I charged him £225 just for getting there, but I didn't charge him for travel to next job as I told him I would take my lunch (1 hour unpaid for me, so the company couldn't charge them either)

On the plus side I had a cup of coffee ready waiting every time I ever had to do a call there afterwards!

PC component scavenging queue jumper pulled into line with a screensaver


Dance of the sugar plum fairy

Helping a very good friend one evening with upgrading his PC and also repairing an old school friend of his I/we got a little bored.

His friend was being really annoying on the phone so having sorted out the problems with it then it became time for a little fun.

I set up for windows to play the midi file of dance of the sugar plum fairy, constantly, with the program hidden so he couldn't see it to close it.

The sound card was quite basic - no wave table so it sounded like a childs electronic keyboard.

He collected the PC from my friend over the next few days and took it down to the west country where he had moved.

He found out very quickly that it was playing constantly but couldn't work out how to stop it. He got very annoyed but wouldn't ask how to stop it playing over the top of everything.

For two years instead he decided to use the computer with the sound permanently turned off.

Eventually he messaged my friend all triumphant that he had sorted it. Then admitted that it was a computer shop that was near him that had sorted it out for him.

What had the shop done? They also couldn't work out how I had set it up to play the file. But recognised the file and knew what it was named. So they simply deleted it from the hard drive.

Problem solved of the midi file constantly playing, Only an error message every time windows started warning him that the file was missing.

We both laughed our socks off when he said how it was now fixed and he didn't need to ask for our help fixing his computer again.

For my friend and myself we were both grateful for the peace and quiet of not spending hours every few days fixing the faults he had created on his computer.

Weird Flex, but OK: Now you can officially turn these PCs, Macs into Chromebooks


Re: Wait... what? Now you can officially turn Macs into Chromebooks!?!

We are hosting a Ukrainian family of 7! The mum has a Mac Book Pro only about 2 years old.

It has Windows 10 installed via boot camp and set as the default. When asked to find out if there was a way to get a non working keyboard functioning, as I looked at it I asked the mother why was it running Windows 10 as the default not Mac OS. Her reply was, What is Mac OS, I dont understand what you ask. It has Microsoft Windows on it like all laptops have.

So it appears to be easily possible that Mac users/buyers might want something else. Her Mac did straight from where ever they bought it as new!

Luckily menu items are all in the same place so I could easily add English as a Locale and use the onscreen keyboard. A pain to use but still functional until the trip to a mac repair workshop.

FreeDOS puts out first new version in six years


Re: "It installs to a FAT32 partition"

Ah, I knew there was a reason why I kept my OS/2 Warp CD's I bought with my first ever modem!

Also have a OS/2 2.1 CD that came as a cover disk on a PC magazine. I have kept all my old OS disks

Plus my 720K and 1.44MB DOS 6 floppies (and manual)

The DOS disks came as high density which I couldn't use in my Amiga at the time and Microsoft kindly sent me the 720K disks free of charge on request! The Windows 3 disks came in 720K format and they could all be used with the KCS and GVP PC board's fitted and even PCTask. Until Power computing started selling the HD floppy drive.

OS/2 Warp was a pain to install on my 486 DX2 66 and I had to create floppy images off the CD to install as the Install CD wouldn't recognise either drive connected to the souncard or the IDE bus. They would work fine after the install had completed. Windows 95 installed instantly, the problems only started afterwards! For 'kicks' I once installed Warp on a 386 Dx16 4MB of ram laptop. It was still stable but to say it 'ran' was an overstatement, somewhere between baby rolling and crawling. Doom could be played on it too if you shrank the screen area being used to display small enough.

I had far too much time on my hands to test such things out when I was younger and more foolish!.

The Slackware on Walnut Creek CD's is the only other OS of that era that I ever had to create a large pile of floppies to install on a Toshiba 486 DX4 75 laptop. It was the first PC I ever set to multiboot. Win 95, Win NT4, Slackware and Corel Linux all in 1.1GB hard drive with space left to be usable!

Canon makes 'all-in-one' printers that refuse to scan when out of ink, lawsuit claims


Horses for Courses

Inkjets have a vastly superior colour space over any colour laser printer by a significant size factor. If you need to print top quality photos or other images you wouldnt use a laser printer. You would only use a laser printer for soft proofing.

Canon many years ago produced a cartridge that replaced the inks and turned the printer in to a scanner. It worked quite well but everyone needs/uses much higher resolution nowadays.

I worked for Canon for over 17 years and bought a BJ20 on staff purchase to use at home. Over £300 list price. It worked great but the ink was water soluble and if my stock sheets for parts in my car got wet it was end of stock sheets and stock control out the window. Cartridges were so expensive on staff purchase even then I bought 3rd party cartridges or refill inks. The refill inks weren't as water soluble - so they were actually better.

I bought an early colour bubblejet MFD based on the the BJC4000 it was great but they never produced drivers for anything other than Windows 95/98. It would still FAX or scan with the inks low. But it was horrendously expensive to run..

Since leaving Canon I've used only Epson printers/scanners and a MFD. The MFD still works to scan even on low/no ink either in push or pull scanning modes to a Debian desktop.

When everything went digital/multi function at my customers businesses I spent lots of time setting everything up on the network for them. If they had multiple devices for everything that was fine. But I cant recount how many small customers such as a single accountant or financial adviser I would suggest putting their old scanners/faxes and printers in to a cupboard to keep as an emergency. The advantage of a single do everything device soon becomes a nightmare if you have an E000/E030 or similar error. Eggs all in one basket springs to mind. For big offices it is still a pain but they will live with it if they can walk to another coffee machine to get to the next printer/device

Regarding FAX it is still used as someone has already suggested because you can get a receipt to prove it was received by someone/FAX. It doesnt prove who read it but is accepted in courts of having sent documents. IF you have sent it to the right telephone number of course!

Legal documents to courts would have to be on set size papers according to which country they were in or for. Until inkjets became more complex then it wouldnt matter if the paper inserted was A4, Ltr, Argentinian legal etc. The printer will just print out to what it thinks is there and the formatting would all go wrong or print off the sides. With a laser printer you could watch them stall if it had the wrong paper inserted. Canon used a series of switches at the back of cassettes to configure the paper size and hundreds of customers placed calls for their MFD office machine saying things such as Insert A4 paper because it believed it had Ltr loaded due to damaged paper from a paper jam being incorrectly removed going down the back of the cassette and fooling the switches.

Just like all technology. Dot matrix, Thermal, inkjet, laser/toner all have their benefits and pitfalls.

Inkjets dont need a hot fuser and all the errors that can occur. They dont need pressure rollers to assist the fusing process. Lasers that dont use pressure rollers don't fix/fuse the toner to heavy quality layered papers. Cold fused toners produce a shiny surface and the inherent danger of anyone working on such high pressure systems. Still thinking of Canon machines not necessarily digital printers or MFD's. An old cold fuse NP120 series copier had advantages over the NP150 heated rollers of the same era and had some disadvantages. The same with GP200/215 series MFD's that used a low pressure surface fusing over IR 2200's that came later.

I worked for Canon but I rather suspect the same could be said about devices and technology from all office and consumer equipment manufacturers. :)

Happy with your existing Windows 10 setup? Good, because Windows 11 could turn its nose up at your CPU


Re: Another option:

I have a 13 year old desktop, 5 n270 CPU'd netbooks a 14 year old Lenovo laptop, a 15 year old HP laptop and a 18 year old Fujitsi laptop all running Windows 10. Not necessarily the latest build. 3 Linx 7 tablets and a W8 nettop box connected to one of the TV's also running Windows 10.

Most though not all at least dual boot if needed. For instance the HP NX6325 keeps trying to update to the latest Windows build and fails. The Antix linux distro on it has no such issues and it runs faster too. Indeed the Atom based netbook runs it faster than the Sempron based HP. The advantage the HP has is a larger screen size than the netbooks without connecting to an external monitor. This message being typed on an almost identical specced desktop that is purely running 2 different builds of Debian. The Windows unit boots faster (It has an SSD installed), programs open faster than the Debian box but the Debian box is far more stable and easy to keep up to date when I want to do it. It is my daily use machine.

I dont need anything newer hardware wise as I'm not a games player and the performance of both desktop systems is perfectly adequate now I am semi or greater retired!

If Windows 11 doesnt support the hardware any more I wont be buying new I will simply retire the existing off from any use online and switch to fully retired mode myself.

Before anyone says Atom based netbooks must be painfully slow using Windows 10, they are. But they work really well connected to a terminal server or even using RDP across the Internet using a vpn and fibre connection. Cheap enough not to worry about taking them anywhere by 2 or 4 wheeled transport or even on a boat.