* Posts by duggzdebuggz

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2022

Bank of America app glitch zeroes out people's balances


Emptying Bank Accounts

One of the things I have noticed over the years, is that when it comes to computer glitches regarding money, they always seem to occur to the advantage of the persons or entities who are collecting the money en masse, like banks and financial institutions of some kind, rather than to the advantage of the individual consumer! Could this be because more attention is paid to one part of the transaction, which benefits the financial organisation rather than preserving the safety of looking after the person or entity entitled to the money? Or am I making myself the victim of a very bad conspiracy theory, and that this feeling I have is more based on intuition and gut than actual science or fact...Just a thought...:-).

King Charles III signs off on UK Online Safety Act, with unenforceable spying clause


Re: Safe

Not a factually or legally correct statement. Many types of company do not allow public shareholding. Private, or hedge companies or government or holding companies.

US Supreme Court asked if cops can plant spy cams around homes


Spy cams at home

I didn't think that they needed permission...I thought that they had been doing it for years...with sound, on the television, the radio, your lightbulbs, washing machines, fridges, dishwashers, in your computer laptop and phones...motor car in the driveway or garage...from satellites above and drones. What do they want permission for...