* Posts by Clausewitz 4.0

358 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2021


China accused of cyberattacks on Indian power grid

Clausewitz 4.0

I think i am a target

I seriously think i am a targwt

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Compromised IP camers

Remember your personal computer most likely uses x86/x64 processors, probably from Intel or AMD.

Chinese or Russian military doesn't.

Ever wondered why?

Fintech platform flaw could have allowed bank transfers, exposed data

Clausewitz 4.0

Approaches to (in)security

whitelisting – and runtime protections - easily bypassed by sideloading SIGNED DLL binaries with LoL bins, using valid certificates - $500 USD in the market

API traffic anomalies - requires the attacker to "train" your AI/ML to accept anomaly as normal business logic. Takes time, but can be done

How do China's cyber-spies snoop on governments, NGOs? Probably like this

Clausewitz 4.0

A high interaction honeypot can be used as a trampolin to attack orher orgs.. Be careful..

Block claims ex-employee downloaded customer data after leaving firm

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Not the first time, won't be the last time.

Same here. I realized I still had access for a multinational after about 5 years I had left.

If I try some old accesses ( are encrypted ) I bet some will work.

Feds slay dark-web souk Hydra: Servers and $25m in crypto-coins seized

Clausewitz 4.0

Hydra hosting provider

So, basically, feds got the prefered hosting provider of Hydra Market and seized servers.

Nothing else.

Borat RAT: Multiple threat of ransomware, DDoS and spyware

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Stupid question?

By the usage of VirtualAllocEx and CreateThread APIs, from the blog post... clearly, Windows systems.

National Security Agency employee indicted for 'leaking top secret info'

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: The NSA's best defense....

And they are not really good on doing even that.

* They tried to extradite a fellow engineer I heard of, but failed. Rumour is it was in Brazil.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Thing about the NSA

Due to its own geopolitical goals, some people would never work for the NSA or any other USA-related organization. Amazingly, some people do not like USA/UK and even DESPISE them.

I know some engineers facing huge professional and personal costs due to this decision. But politiness should prevail.

Google: Russian credential thieves target NATO, Eastern European military

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: So, we know who they are

Its not like a VPS bought and acessed via Tor + 7 proxies, paid in XMR, can be really tied to anyone.

Expect 'long tail of cyber retaliation' from Russia for sanctions, says ExtraHop CEO

Clausewitz 4.0


Offensive cyber weapons with lethal kinetic payloads. This is the next goal after stoping the brain drain.

Zlib crash-an-app bug finally squashed, 17 years later

Clausewitz 4.0

Zlib in embedded

Zlib being used in embedded devices are not going to be updated for a few years.

Enormous potential to be bigger than log4j, not simpler - due to the timespan.

UK Cyber Security Centre advises review of risk posed by Russian tech

Clausewitz 4.0

USA technology

I am seriously more skeptical about American made software, microprocessor, and nanotechnology than its Russian equivalents.

Lapsus$ back? Researchers claim extortion gang attacked software consultancy Globant

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Anonymous successfully deletes 65 Tb of data from Rosaviatsia

Cyberwar, anyone? Remember aeroplanes have a lot of computer code.. Just saying..

‘Precursor malware’ infection may be sign you're about to get ransomware, says startup

Clausewitz 4.0

Advanced Malware - No way to stop

Try to block:

- Command and control using youtube, whatsapp, telegram, google drive, github. You cannot.

- Try to make employees to not open word documents. They can have zero days, not only macros, and those can be sent inside a hijacked email thread from a "trusted" person. If you block, they cannot work.

Basically, you are only going to stop the less skilled hacker which buys "kits" on the open market. High skilled actors will ALWAYS find a way to penetrate your network. ALWAYS.

We blocked North Korea's Chrome exploit, says Google

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: They "checked for Safari on macOS and Firefox"

They couldn't get even all the stages of this exploit, nor the sandbox escape vuln.

Its certain there is a zero day for sandbox escape out there, and possible there are zero days for other browsers.

Well done op.

This is a BlackCat you don't want crossing your path

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: One has to wonder

In my estimates, mix services converting Bitcoin to Monero + Ethereum will boom soon.

You deposit Bitcoin and withdraw small payments of XMR and ETH.

Then, difficult trails to follow.

What does Go-written malware look like? Here's a sample under the microscope

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Fell for the subheading clickbait

Same here.

New US law: Cyberattacks to be reported within 72 hours

Clausewitz 4.0

Law Abiding Citizens

Law Abiding Citizens should know how to report cyber attacks.

Once I see an attack coming from Europe IPs into the servers/emails I administer/own, I use the Europol contact form. Non tech-savvy users should be taught so how to do it, too.

One person's war is another hemisphere's developer crunch

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Missing <whatever> professionals? Check the education system!

Just pay the Russians in crypto. Business as usual.

Extradited Canadian accused of unleashing NetWalker ransomware

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: FBI / US Justice Department

Agree. There are soldiers to do the street work and to take more risks.

Clausewitz 4.0

FBI / US Justice Department

It seems the US Justice department and the FBI can only catch incompetent hackers.

28 million in BTC and no high end encryption? Come-on..

Dunno about you, but we're seeing an 800% increase in cyberattacks, says one MSP

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Never been a better time to lock down

Whielist does not work well if the attacker uses legitimate windows binaries to sideload DLLs, or powershell. A popular brand of ATM uses whitelisting, but attacks using DLLs are still possible.

Firewalls are useless with github, youtube, google drive used as C2. CANVAS from ImmunityInc uses these also.

Finally, zero days.

Infosys, Wipro silent on their Russian operations

Clausewitz 4.0

War and opportunities

If some companies leave Russia, others will enter.

If there's a war, there is an opportunity to make business. Also with Russia.

Moscow to issue HTTPS certs to Russian websites

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: "Z" for zombies

You are describing the NSA

Analysis of leaked Conti files blows lid off ransomware gang

Clausewitz 4.0

It was a Ukrainian security specialist

"It was a Ukrainian security specialist who apparently turned the tables"

More like it was a Ransomware operative who took sides when the war broke out.

Fortinet says it’s all about the security ASICs

Clausewitz 4.0


If you can protect your ASIC from NSA snooping, I bet you have a big market.

If you cannot, you are just a common x86 folk. Yes, other countries will know if you are fake.

Alleged REvil suspect extradited on ransomware spree charges

Clausewitz 4.0

Illegal tactics and due process

Lucky in other countries, the tactics used by USA prosecutors/FBI/NSA are largely considered illegal, and would undermine due process. Actually huge compensations are more likely.

Imagine a NSA confidential program being exposed to the public.

@mark l 2 - I doubt any sane Russian hacker with some intelligence knowledge would use his skills to support USA/NSA. From what I have seem from foreigners, it is either his own country or Russia. Never USA.

Ukraine invasion: This may be the quiet before the cyber-storm, IT staff warned

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: "it's probably best to have a plan in place than lapse into complacency and cynicism"

NUCLEAR reactors can be penetrated. Do you really think Google / Mandiant can protect a hospital with air-gap?

Clausewitz 4.0

FUD - Fear, uncertainty and doubt

Most companies will never be the target of destructive military software implants.

Do not believe this FUD - Fear, uncertainty and doubt of western companies.

They are just snooping into temporarily disabled hackers to enter into your wallets. Beware !

SEC proposes four-day rule for public companies to report cyberattacks

Clausewitz 4.0

Disruptive Cyber

Try to protect those networks with SCADA interconnections.. Like valves, gas pumps, fissile material, eletric grid switches, heavy machinery, etc...

The rest is just childs play. They will encrypt a few documents/databases and your insurance will cough up some millions to the kids.

Business as usual.

Where are the (serious) Russian cyberattacks?

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: "Independence Day" movie quote...

Colonial Pipeline was common hood blokes doing their daily penerration test.

If it was the Army or Intelligence, you would expect SCADA software implants. Then, explosions or a better job.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Maybe we've got it all wrong

Are you serious? We are watching Oil prices skyrocketing in gas pumps at USA

China partnering with Russia, including in banking. If they setup the SWIFT-like alternative, bye bye Petrodollar

USA desperate for oil reaching Iran and Venezuela, lifting sanctions and being dumped by the Saudis

Russian intelligence is currently sitting at a massive throve of Intel from US Military/Justice due to SolarWinds, to be used when it better fits

Patience is not defeat

Ragnar ransomware gang hit 52 critical US orgs, says FBI

Clausewitz 4.0

Better to just add a Russian keyboard layout to your system.

Most programs will not infect detected Russian computers.

Russia mulls making software piracy legal and patent licensing compulsory

Clausewitz 4.0

Safe Heaven for Hackers

The west is pushing Russia to become the true, undeniable safe heaven for hackers.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Fantastic! Russia, you go for it...

You just gave a fantastic idea. To create a legitimate company specialized in software cracks/keygen in Russia. Malware-free, with contracts et al.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: It'll be like cars in Cuba, but software

Russians are know to be good reverse engineers.

Google buys threat intel giant Mandiant for $5.4bn

Clausewitz 4.0

With the Adamantium coverage, we can fund a local hit squad and take care of the Basque Separatists for you.

Lapsus$ extortionists dump Samsung data online, chaebol confirms security breach

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Hackers are capable of misdirection too....

If this was a supply-chain OP you wouldn't see files leaked.

World's top chipmaking equipment maker claims Chinese rival may infringe IP

Clausewitz 4.0

No one steals more IP than USA

With bulk cables tapping, done by NSA and the likes, we only see chinese in the news because it fits an agenda.

US Navy in mad dash to salvage F-35C that fell off a carrier into South China Sea

Clausewitz 4.0

Where Britain leads, America follows

More like Where America leads, British lap-dog follows

Internet Society condemns UK's Online Safety Bill for demonising encryption using 'think of the children' tactic

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Think of the poor NSA/GCHQ

I am not confusing BMI and AI.

Intelligence agencies are used to tease those they illegally implanted with BMI, calling it AI in the news.

Clausewitz 4.0

Think of the poor NSA/GCHQ

How can they protect you if all they want is encrypted?

Illegal Brain-machine interface ( AI ) is just a human rights fiasco.

22-year-old Brit avoids US extradition over SIM-swapping conspiracy after judge deems him to be high suicide risk

Clausewitz 4.0

Most evidence gathered by USA "authorities" are illegal in other courts of law around the world, thus, if no extradiction, no prosecution.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Bad OpSec

That applies well if you don't know how to fight or handle weapons.

Clausewitz 4.0

Bad OpSec

Who uses SKYPE to talk about a heist? Only idiots !

And in the same channel gives his TRUE NAME, and address

Strong Encryption is your friend, not even NSA/GCHQ can get your tools/assets with it

Be smart, stay Immune from prosecution

Microsoft revenue up by a fifth as world shuffles through the pandemic into the metaverse

Clausewitz 4.0

Metaverse is a failure

Everybody knows Metaverse is a failure.

Zucker in bed with Intel agencies cannot get even 1 hacker, so they keep trying to make fun of their own incompetence.

Like any other bubble, some will put money into it until it bursts.

Assange can go to UK Supreme Court (again) to fend off US extradition bid

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Who pays?

CIA/Pentagon are paying. They want Assange dead, even planned the assassination in the streets of London.

Privacy is for paedophiles, UK government seems to be saying while spending £500k demonising online chat encryption

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: what a joke

Engineers and scientists also use uncrackable encryption.

And NSA wants all our good tools, we need to protect our Intellectual Property from the NSA snoopers.

Clausewitz 4.0

Re: Protecting children. We want to know everthing about you.

Maybe call GCHQ to track all adults with a mind-reading-microchip, to protect the children.

