Displays are good though
My Dell Ultra-sharps have been on for many years now and still calibrate inside limits.
82 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2021
I have a friend who was a fireman - he said the local nurses home - quite a large block - was subject to kitchen and other false alarms.
He said the tender was crewed in record time for these - especially at night.
One imagines many sleepy nurses in the parking lot in less than normal clothing but he would not be drawn further.
I have a nice browser extension that lets me block YT clips based on title keywords. It can do RegEx too. (BlockTube)
Thus I never see clips with words such as { insane, sick, unboxing, cat, dog, kitten, puppy, awesome, crazy} etc in there titles.
Works well but what I really want is a filter to remove clips with people wearing baseball caps* back to front - I would then be spared an even greater deal of dumbness. I know I don't have to click on these clips of course but just seeing people like this makes me grrrrr.
* Where do they buy those hats anyway? I can only see the normal facing ones when I looked on Amazon. ( I wanted to see what else people who bought these bought)
I know that this extension can see what I'm looking at but that ship sailed long ago and I don't care.
Looking forward to a 4080 replacing my 4 (?) year old 1080ti.
People may moan about price but I don't really care - it is what it is and, in hobby cost terms not so expensive - seen the price of a bike frame or decent DSLR lens recently?
We buy tech for what it can do and this looks like the first card to render 4k at a decent frame rate.
I am hoping that the 12GB version is enough though as power consumption is a thing now.
"FishPig said affected customers can also reach out for "a free clean up service for anyone who is worried that this is affecting their site and needs help to resolve it."
As if I would let then into the root of my site *!
Their InfoSec is not exactly trustworthy at this point although I suppose for some WP "admins" this might be welcome
( * If I was dumb enough to run Magneto as a WP plugin)
Anyone using a RED camera system (8K) is going to be opening their wallets. This costs less than many camera add-ons (like preview screens).
2 Grand is more or less nothing in 8K video land.
(Yes I know that few can watch 8k - not the point - that massive frame lets editors do wonderful things before it all gets downscaled to 4k)
About 5 years ago while doing some website admin training at a company whose website I looked after I showed said admin how she could change system / user messages via the localisation feature and how one could include tokens such as user names and how messages where tied to roles.
I did this as an exercise after she asked what the localisation system was for. Tuition moved on and I thought no more about it.
About 2 years later I got a a call from the companies MD demanding to know why, when he tried to delete some users, the website told him by name that he did not have the intelligence to carry out this operation and that he should employ a proper admin and not be such a cheap *******.
Turns out he had made the website admin redundant and she had left some "Easter eggs" for him (and other execs) some of which were very rude and probably impossible.
She exhibited a high degree of Bofh'ness so I hope she went on to have a nice career.