* Posts by olekrf

1 publicly visible post • joined 19 May 2021

Us? Pwn SolarWinds? With our reputation? Russian spy chief makes laughable denial of supply chain attack


Mitigation strategy

> As Stanford Internet Observatory's research manager Renee DiResta explained at last year's Black Hat conference: "Russia simply wants to divide people along existing social fissures, so they only have to reaffirm what their targets already believe."

> "Russians are not trying to tell a story," explained DiResta in her 2020 talk, "They are simply dividing the population of the adversary."

Let's assume this is correct, what would the logical countermeasure for someone realizing this be?

1) Blame the Russians and increase the divide

2) Reach out across the existing social fissure to mitigate the attack

The most effective choice of the two above is pretty obvious. If the obvious countermeasure is not implemented ...