* Posts by Terry2000

17 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2021

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


Re: Good

ESP is for people that cannot steer.

ABS is for people that can’t stop.

In the US both systems are disabled on police cars because they interfere with the driver’s ability to make the vehicle respond to control inputs.

Although the technology has improved I had a Mustang several years ago that every time you pulled out into traffic the differential speed of the inside and outside wheels caused the computer to cut the throttle to idle. It became habit to get in the car, start the engine, and turn off ESP.

ESP MAY keep you from entering a skid. But it will hinder recovery if you do.

ABS is less offensive but still no substitute for a skilled driver. In most cases it will do at least as good as a human in preventing hydroplaning. But on dry pavement the very shortest stopping distance is achieved by the friction of your tires erasing themselves against the pavement.

All these systems are just crutches to enable less qualified people to drive. If the real goal is to reduce accidents a better plan would be testing that you will fail until you learn to properly operate a vehicle.

Is Russia using Starlink in Ukraine? Congress demands answers


Re: Should be (relatively) simple...

The downvotes tell you everything you need to know about this war. They can all be summed up as



It is sad to see people that should easily know these points go into histrionics when you tell them the world is less simple than they wished.

As to where the terminals came from and who is paying for them? Probably every one of them were captured directly on the battlefield, which means the US taxpayers are paying for them.

Apple's had it with Epic's app store shenanigans, terminates dev account


I’m going to put a Seven on this check

There isn’t a fine big enough to punish Apple. Their plan seemed tailored to fail.

The solution is for the EU to tell Apple to put a 7 on a check and let Epic add Zeros until they feel vindicated.

Trump-era rules reversed on treating gig workers as contractors


It’s all about the Greed

Everyone always forgets the REAL minimum wage is $0.00 / hr.

Pizza Hut just fired every delivery driver in California because they changed the law (again).

Quite simply an on demand driver is not worth $20++ / hr just in case someone wants a ride. So Uber etc that were already operating on a model with no wiggle room will simply have to close. Then these asshats on their “essential” federal jobs will congratulate themselves on moving the workers from contractor status to welfare status.

Finally as proof the workers control their own fate recall the articles from a couple years ago about how they organize to withhold service at major airports until the Uber app offers them surge pricing. Only then would they consent to carry passengers. In the meantime of course their CONSPIRACY was NOT prosecuted by the government. Because business bad, work stoppages good.

Sooner or later you run out of other people’s money

— Margret Thatcher

(The last, practically ONLY good PM the UK has ever had)

AI safety guardrails easily thwarted, security study finds


One Man's Toxic Content is Another Man's Internet Influencer

The example given about drunk driving is a fantastic example. Not in that it exemplifies the existential danger of the technology. Quite the opposite it shows that the LLM was trained on some Twitter-like feed of the toxic crap that tens of millions of people follow from celebrities, athletes, politicians, and other social savants.

What efforts to "fix" this "problem" reduce to is an effort to make a machine more moral than ourselves as a group.

This same article has been written many times already only from a viewpoint of the so called "guardrails" existing to prevent people from being exposed to factually accurate but inconvenient truths.

If we as imperfect beings are to err, I would err on the side of freedom. If Meta, Google, the CIA, or your favorite religious potentate wants to ensure I don't think a certain way there is probably a first order reason why my life depends on thinking exactly that way.

Forcing Apple to allow third-party app stores isn't enough


Re: “We could be our own gatekeepers.”

The same argument existed 120 years ago about the unwashed masses and the horseless carriage.

And although cars crash into each other far more often than horses ever did, somehow civilization not only survived but actually moved forward.

Your elitism is shining a little too bright if the sun total of your argument is “Freedom is too dangerous for the masses”.


Should be in BBC instead

This is a remarkably cogent article. It does a particularly good job of explaining in ways the non-technical SHOULD be able to comprehend how this new area of human reality has been weaponized in ways that would never be tolerated for centuries old infrastructure.

For once I have very litttle to add other than my opinion that the technocratic totalitarians running the 1st world countries are unlikely to give up this infinitely effective bludgeon for controlling the voting public. They got you a USB-C port; that is probably the extent of what they are willing to throw the serfs this decade.

Musk's first year as Twitter's Dear Leader is nigh


Marxist Totalitarians are back at the helm

Sadly Elon didn’t fire enough of the Marxist ban team. And once he put the Demon-ette as CEO it got MUCH worse.

So the new Twitter is no different from the old.

It was a good try. But ultimately he wasn’t able to save the company from the Nazis.

IBM Software tells workers: Get back to the office three days a week


Triple Productivity?

Anyone that believes software development productivity can be tripled in even the medium term is a genuine fool! He is incapable of understanding what the job is or how it gets done and thus reasonably should be fired with cause.

Return to office is mostly based on the increasingly irrelevant first line manager, which the middle manager needs so he doesn’t have to do anything, which upper management needs to protect him from having to interact with the unwashed masses.

There also appears to be a component of personal investment in commercial real estate companies that are on the verge of going under and taking upper management’s retirement accounts with them.

One thing this is NOT about is improving life, productivity , or technically safety (how many people are killed driving to their home office) of the people that actually produce anything.

Software patching must work like car safety recalls, says US cyber boss


Because I said it should work that way

It is always darkly humorous when fools proclaim "The world should work the way I think it should"!

It is less funny of course when said fool has real power to do real harm in society. Still as idiots with an opinion go I suppose this one is less dangerous than most. And he did stop short of putting the NHTSA in charge of developing regulations for software distribution. So that is something.

I believe the best response is to tell him because the price of diesel fuel is currently so high it is impractical to implement recalls at this time. Maybe when gas gets under $0.99 / gallon we can develop a regimen to distribute software fixes by truck.

AWS CEO: We're not spinning out, likely to seek acquisitions


There is no cloud

There is no cloud. It is just someone else’s computer.

In the 1960s when IBM thought there was only a market for 100 or so computers worldwide they came up with the idea of “Time Sharing”.

Notwithstanding later schemes by the same name to sub-let your condo, IBMs Time Sharing was just what THE CLOUD was originally called.

My hardware. My OS. My system level software and infrastructure. I’ll even install and maintain applications for you - for a price.

Everything old is new again.

US defense department wants to fund open, interoperable 5G


I'm from the government and I'm here to help

"This industry dynamic increases costs, slows innovation, and reduces competition, often making security issues difficult to detect and resolve,"

Translation: closed source systems that use proprietary protocols are expensive and inconvenient to hack. We would much prefer every system uses exactly the same software. We'll even pay to help you write it.

APNIC: Big Tech's use of carrier-grade NAT is holding back internet innovation


Re: I knew this would hapoen

The way this is usually done is you take 1 bit and use it as a flag to say look for the rest of the address somewhere else. There is no requirement that the bits are contiguous in the headers.

I would suggest something like taking the SECOND class A network assigned to the "Defense Information Systems Agency" whatever the hell they do. I find it quite unlikely that they need TWO Class A network ranges.

Thus the 28 dot class A network becomes the high order part of a 56 bit address. Or make it a 128 bit address. It doesn't matter. Just have the routers look for the new extension header on all 28 dot class A routing.

That the DoD spooks would then be relegated to ONLY THIRTEEN Class A networks seems a lot smaller ask than clearing scores of satellites and thousands of user terminals from C-Band RF to make way for 5G cell phones.


I knew this would hapoen

When I first saw IPV6 I wondered why the idiots that botched WEP security were allowed to go off in a vacuum and build a new 100% incompatible protocol. And how they envisaged anyone, anywhere, would ever use it.

For a new addressing scheme to be adopted it HAD to be an extension of IPV4. This would have been trivial to do. But the authors were either too stupid or too full of hubris to even consider that. No. You MUST adopt their vision and throw away everything that came before.

Color me surprised that that didn’t happen. News flash boys: it isn’t going to happen either.

Bonus news flash: even people that are using IPV6 e.g. Hugjsnet are NOT using it correctly. That have intentionally broken the entire scheme and turned it into just a NAT with a bigger pool. It is NOT routable from outside their network.

It is not too late for IPV7 which could be a proper superset of IPV4.

Or we could just complain that no one wants to be the first to lose all their customers by switching to a new network that doesn’t connect (in any reasonable manner) with, you know, THE INTERNET.

Remote code execution flaws lurk in countless routers, IoT gear, cameras using Realtek Wi-Fi module SDKs


Another day for Realtek

Many years ago when doing custom ROMs for Android phones Realtek made itself known to my conscious mind. Not in a good way.

Closed source, buggy, unmaintained drivers for the cheapest GARBAGE hardware in the industry describes my experience. OH! Did I mention that they will disavow they ever heard of a chip not 5 years later; not 1 year later; but while the last batch is still on the loading dock as each little dip package waits breathlessly to RUIN the day of some unsuspecting customer somewhere.

There is literally NOTHING this shite organization could do that would surprise me. The only reason they are not involved in CCP spying is because they are too incompetent to put the right code on the right chips.

Cloudflare stops offering to block LGBTQ webpages


What happened to NSFW

With very (very very) few exceptions I cannot envisage sites dedicated to sexual preference being suitable for work.

No one said it was porn. It is just another example of "Stuff we are NOT paying you to do". If you are my employee I don't want to pay you to browse: ebay, etsy, nra, your favorite (OR least favorite) political party, anything whatsoever to do with sex AND sexuality, and a rather endless list of other such things.

Crap like this is why companies just ban the entire internet outright.

Intel laid me off for being too old, engineer claims in lawsuit


This isn't believable

Obviously he deserves his day in court. But I started skimming the outlandish accusations before the part about his manager ENCRYPTED his performance review? Seriously? Not in any sort of HR system I've ever seen. Or heard of. Or any corporate lawyer ever knew existed. This whole thing sounds nothing short of sheer fantasy.

Let him present evidence in court. But when it is done one side or the other of this lawsuit needs to be locked up: either the Intel staff that so monstrously violated about half the entire employment law of the country -- or this guy that imagined such a ridiculous tale.