Re: Good
ESP is for people that cannot steer.
ABS is for people that can’t stop.
In the US both systems are disabled on police cars because they interfere with the driver’s ability to make the vehicle respond to control inputs.
Although the technology has improved I had a Mustang several years ago that every time you pulled out into traffic the differential speed of the inside and outside wheels caused the computer to cut the throttle to idle. It became habit to get in the car, start the engine, and turn off ESP.
ESP MAY keep you from entering a skid. But it will hinder recovery if you do.
ABS is less offensive but still no substitute for a skilled driver. In most cases it will do at least as good as a human in preventing hydroplaning. But on dry pavement the very shortest stopping distance is achieved by the friction of your tires erasing themselves against the pavement.
All these systems are just crutches to enable less qualified people to drive. If the real goal is to reduce accidents a better plan would be testing that you will fail until you learn to properly operate a vehicle.