* Posts by padamiak

4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2021

1Password unsheathes Rusty key, hopes to unlock Linux Desktop world


One client used password safe that way. Essentially many employees were copying the passwords out to store them in Excel or notepad. Pretty horrible


Re: Is that the risk?

Plus if you have a family account you can all share secure access easily between multiple devices.

Fancy trying to explain Microsoft Teams to your parents? They may ask about the new Personal version


This meeting is no longer available. Meeting was going on for too long and was ended.

Given so many actually working options, why would anyone use Teams for free, let alone for serious business?

The stress and pain are just not worth it...

State of Maine lays off 15 independent consultants on $13k a month amid efforts to implement troubled Workday system


"significant gaps in configuration and testing, as well as best practices and methodology that had not been followed." Sadly this is the norm on most projects I have participated in over the last few years. It's like the PMs never ever learn from their mistakes...