1 billion dollars
Even though he is leaving he is still laughing to the bank the shares going up on his leaving means that he gets nearly $1bn for his 333 million shares.
190 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2007
So if that is all of MS's Cloud offerings it would include Office 365, Team Foundation Service, Xbox Live and Windows Azure.
While I'm sure thats worth over a billion its hardly a fair stick to compare to the rest.
Its also not hard to guess why AWS and Azure are the top performers. Amazon is really easy to get started although their Paas offering was weaker till recently. Azure again is really easy to get started as a Paas and Iaas, but really only existing MS users are going to look at Azure even though they support Java, PHP etc.
I'm most surprised IBM are able to keep up as I didn't even know what their cloud offering is called let alone costs etc ?
It depends what stick you measure with to quote from one of the other two macbook air reviews:
imaginarynumber wrote :
Whilst there are no "cheap" high spec'd ultrabooks, there are ones that cost marginally less, offer similar under-the-hood performance, are lighter and have vastly superior (touch) screens.
The problem regarding compromise is that some people take the Air as the yard stick by which to measure others. Unless another device has identical characteristics at a lower price the devotees scream "compromise".
For years the devotees bragged about the weight of the Air, citing superior Apple design and the use of aluminium. Then the likes of sony start to use the lighter/stronger carbon fibre, eventually getting to the point where you have the Vaio Duo 13: In part lighter because of the carbon fibre and a smaller battery. The smaller capacity battery offers less time between charges than the Air. Now the devotees cite battery life as being the most important metric, who cares about screen resolution (until a retina version is released).
Ok lets find another machine to compare to the Air, lets take the Vaio Duo 13. It has a larger battery which lasts longer than the Air's. The downside being that the unit weighs the same amount as the Air, but it still has the better screen. "No, no, no" (they cry) "it's not as good, it costs more than the Air".
In the event that someone apes the Air' design but making it cheaper, same specs otherwise though, the devotees will accuse them of being a cheap knock off (and then point out that it doesn't run OSX but some variation on W98).
The Air is a decent machine but for the majority of people it is not the "best".
Would it not be more accurate to say "Bootcamps struggles with windows 8" ?
If MS's primary market was to support the Mac the title would make sense unfortunately Windows is primarily for a PC and OSX for a Mac, fortunately the fruity company has made it compatible to run windows on OSX. However it sounds like they need to do some more work to get it to work with Windows 8 (something probally which isn't too much in demand for now).
I agree but it is hypocritical when apple have sued Samsung for copying their iPad and iPhone "in order confuse customers to buy the Samsung model rather than the apple" which they won initially in the US then lost in Germany, samsung counter sued and won and then overturned the US verdict.
It reeks of hypocrisy if apple are they going to turn around and openly copy what Samsung are doing (and probably try and sue later).
Unfortunately since there is a running cost for the service in the form of the call centre I can understand both why the price is so high and why its per authentication.
I would be better if they split the normal 2 factor authentication via software and the more expensive with call center. However I would probably guess that the call centre would not be profitable without the additional users not using it.
when logging in you already can use 2 factor authentication you can even use the google authenticator if you so choose. This is additional service on top of that for example you can phone a call center if you want ( hence the additional cost).
I think its good that they offer it but it will be too pricey for most businesses.
Well if it gets rid of a lot of the celeb perfumes like "Ke$sha's pong", its not all that bad.
It basically means that perfume will cost more. I doubt the trees will just disapear as their value will increase as they become more rare and demand rises.
While trees don't have a predictable growth pattern I would have thought that enough people would be trying to grow them that they wont be wiped out ?