* Posts by IT Guy

7 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2021

PayPal decides fining people $2,500 for 'misinformation' wasn't a great idea

IT Guy

PayPal shows itself as PayBully

It is time that people hold these tech companies accountable. If paypal wants customers, it needs to do better and not implement rules used to harshly control or even harm people. Okay paypal got caught and said it was a mistake which most folks know is bull, time to shape up paypal or be labled paybully.

Meg Whitman – former HP and eBay CEO – nominated as US ambassador to Kenya

IT Guy

One Way Ticket?

It would be value to the United States if Meg just didn't return. Better yet, have Biden come visit and let him stay there forever too!

Having worked in HPE during her time there, she might sound good at first but she can only do what she thinks is right for her and her other friends of privilege. No good will come to the common people there, or the common people anywhere.

VMware's divorce from Dell is complete: Virtualization giant now a separate biz with $64bn valuation

IT Guy

EMC Spin out next?

Hey, maybe Dell can spin out EMC too. LOL

Google's 'Be Evil' business transformation is complete: Time for the end game

IT Guy

"journalism is gone" because most big media outlets were purchased by very big business with the agenda of controlling the narrative. Well, it isn't gone... as it is still physically there, but anyone that wants to use their own mind avoids most of these traditional media sources as that narrative is usually clearly false. When you know one or two news items are clearly wrong, the source can't be trusted which will lead to more and more viewers being gone.

Oracle loses appeal against $3bn payment to HPE over withdrawal of Itanium support

IT Guy

Re: Such mixed feelings

The co-created Itanic, that is how much more!

IT Guy

Re: I needed some good news this morning...

Paying the fine will probably be cheaper than the ongoing lawyer costs.

They can and will always up license fees...

Age discrimination class-action against HP and HPE gets green light to proceed

IT Guy

Re: Don't understand

HP/HPE employees has been though quite the pain train from Executives by the time they got to Meg (a she). That resulted in Meg getting a ton of employee negativity from anyone with history there. The more history, often the more negativity. It doesn't take to much employee survey demographics to show that the most negative comments came from those that were older and more years with the company. It is difficult to fix a company in HP/HPE's position at the time much less do it with a negative base.

As an employee there at the time, I would have preferred swapping out layer by layer of leaders that create negative outcomes for employees but that was felt to take too long and was too difficult to identify. It is also difficult for some leaders to balance the best performers work with their attitudes and fix either item when out of wack.

But first to combat the negative interaction, Meg developed a tight inner-circle of execs. Not a bad thought but that resulted in direction (and new terms) that was viewed as a bit off (being nice). The then vs us mindset and negativity grew to be specific to Meg instead of generic to HP's string of harsh execs. With yet another employee survey results in hand, the direction to dump the old negative people to get the ratings and views raised up really would seem logical. Meg is logical and was quite open about getting rid of the old timers with HP.

"Rule Breakers" were those that didn't like the rules the inner-circle came up with and said directly no to. Many of those rules, seeded heavily with inner-circle created terminology, got harsh employee responses as at that point those employees felt there was nothing else for them to loose. HP/HPE had so many mass staff reductions that most thought it would be a matter of time before they get tapped with ever decreasing severance numbers.

I strongly believe that Meg started out trying to fix the hurting HP, but got increasing impatient and non-tolerant with the (talented yet fairly negative) employee base. The result was go eliminate the employees giving her push back (viewed as the old employees) and when that didn't work (after eliminating 10's of thousands more employees), decided to break the company into a bunch of pieces.