Re: Data
Of course the options I suggested are unrealistic but, and this is the important bit, you seem to have taken the step to identify the point I was making. You cannot stop the data slurp but you can reduce the exposure.
There was no mocking involved, I was merely pointing out your apparent browser based bigotry is flawed.
I too prefer to avoid Google products where possible along with the appropriate obfuscation of who I am and where I am but I know that, and you finally comment on it, they will always have some data.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that your original stance which seemed akin to putting your hands on your hips and shouting “Google Bad! Never use Google”, is a fruitless exercise.
You know, in all my time of commenting on el reg I have only ever been triggered to respond in the way I did and maybe (definitely) it was uncalled for however your comments were the straw to break the proverbial.
We are all intelligent enough to know that rather than trying to run away from the data harvesting and the ‘game’, we need to utilise our experience and knowledge to minimise the risk of giving our data lives away.