One more word on the UK...
One more word on the UK, because most here really do not understand what made it tick and why it is going downhill.
The reason is not Brexit. The reason is that the UK was decades ago taken over by the 'financial industry', which produced absolutely nothing, and thrived on cheap money. Those times are over. Apart from that, Russian and Ukranian oligarchs as well as Saudi families parked their money there. That's basically half of the GDP of the last decades.
The tories are clowns. Labour are clowns. Brexit *could* have been a chance for more democracy versus a quite undemocratic EU. But that's not going to happen, and it's definitely not the reason the UK is going downhill.
There is hardly any manufacturing left in the UK, but in many ways that is true of the EU, too. It's all gone to Asia. And energy is owned by Russia and the Saudis. And then, of course, there is the huge welfare state.
(As some commentators here are unfamiliar with more complex views: Of course neoliberalism and neomarxism go hand in hand, just on different levels. They are both totalitarian and globalist, but of course, neither the BBC nor the Guardian tell you much on that.)