* Posts by Middlet

2 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2021

Bringing gigabit internet to Rural America requires equitable spectrum access, claims industry body


Re: Frozen Hades

Good lord, no. Government absolutely screws up everything it touches.

I do not need them more involved in my internet than they already are. That would just lead to no-bid contracts and greasy palms. We just need competition. Many municipalities have signed agreements to only allow certain providers. It would be the same thing, but on a much grander scale. Get rid of those agreements and watch prices fall.


Re: Frozen Hades

Starlink. I signed up. It blows the rest of this garbage out of the water and it's nonly getting better (instead of steadily worse.) I'm not even in a rural area and there's one privider that HAD the area pretty well locked down and could charge whatever they wanted (my bill went up $80 over the last year for awful service.)

I'll be so happy to call my ISP and tell them to pound sand. Supposed to have everything this summer. Can't freaking wait.