* Posts by overton defenestrator

4 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2021

Free Software Foundation urged to free itself of Richard Stallman by hundreds of developers and techies

overton defenestrator

Re: Oh how the woke wimper

When one speaks from personal experience a link is not required, What I find most amusing about the support/avoid debate is the profound lack of personal contact on the support side. People who've actually met him. Loathe him. People who support him have only idealized opinions, their own issues. old news and press reports. If all you have is secondary sources of information and your opponents have first hand knowledge of the man. Why do you think your opinion has any merit at all?

overton defenestrator

Re: Oh how the woke wimper

Calling out someone for decades of scumbag behaviour is not "witchhunting" no matter how many times you smear it on the nursery wall with your diaper. Have you ever met or worked with the man (i have) and frankly the complaints don't live up to the reality. I'm a white middle aged cis male and even I found him to be one of the most offensive,bigoted and overrated intellects I'd ever encountered. He's a plagiarist as he tries to claim credit for work done by others. So he's intellectually dishonest. While he might claim great ideals. In practice and personal behaviour he demonstrates utter disdain for what he preaches. He's as much of a hypocrite as a televangelist in a Notel Motel parking lot. In addition: what exactly has he done for free software other than bring dissension and pointless controversy for the last 20 years ? If you support free software why are you backing this horse? or are you just another desperate loser with no fucking identity outside of opposing essjayduublluuus ? And if that is the case why do you bother consuming oxygen? I mean, other than the fact that I find your flailing around to be pathetically amusing, what possible purpose do you serve? are you a horrible example of wasted potential for future generations? Gods attempt to provide comedic relief to your home town? were the first words your mother said at your birth "Don't flush, it has eyes" ? What caused the obvious trauma that causes you to back such an obviously odious and irrational position?

overton defenestrator

Re: "Punishments" vs "consequences"

your reply is bullshit. calling out stallman as an asshole is not physical violence and only an an utter whiny little child would even attempt to equate them. On the other hand inappropriate touching, (something stallman has been credibly accused of multiple times) is. The violence is on Stallmans side and no amount of idiotic obfuscation on your part will change that.

overton defenestrator

Re: want to control what everyone is allowed to say or think.

You're false preconceptions are really quite amusing! first the violence in "woke" cities is far lower than in rural or suburban areas of the united states unless you are one of those perennially ignorant twats who don't understand what the term "per capita" means. where one suddenly finds that violence is far higher in "white rural America" than it is in "woke cities", But as your family has obviously and avidly misunderstood the term "animal husbandry" for generations I guess In can't hold you responsible for your baseless fact free assertions as they are probably spoon fed to you by OANN.

In a hopelessly vain attempt to correct your wilful ignorance I provide you with a link to the 2019 FBI crime statistics to demonstrate that your initial assumption is as stupid as trying to sexually molest a blender. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-2019-crime-statistics