* Posts by Macnot

2 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2021

Clothes retailer Fatface: Someone's broken in and accessed your personal data, including partial card payment details... Don't tell anyone


The email signed by CEO Evans says they knew about the breach on 17 January. The Directors Report in their accounts filed at Companies House in February is signed by CEO Evans and dated 2 February! No mention of any breach in that report. Oh dear.......!!!!

Can anything this company says now be trusted? Or should we keep that strictly confidential???


Their Helpline is in fact Experian who are unable, it seems, to answer questions despite what it says in the Email. Seems their Call Centre Supervisors can't be bothered to call back either.

Wonder what Lloyds Bank and Goldman Sachs (current owners of FatFace think of this???