"text editor", you'll find three
> "...if you search the KDE Applications website for "text editor", you'll find three: Kate, KWrite, and Nota. If you search for "file manager", you'll find four; and "web browser", three. .....multiple start-menu tools, multiple app-switching panel-button bars, and so on."
On my decrepit Win7 machine I have at least four 'text editors' installed. MS-Notepad in there somewhere, UltraEdit always running, and a couple 'Note***' apps for special chores. At least as many more tried-and-deleted. (Not looking in Archives where I hide PC-Write, and the text-app from WordPerfect5.1, and a couple WordStars.) Taskbar has links to FireFox, Chrome, and WaterFox, and I have Lynx buried, and I may still have an MSIE lurking in a dark corner/coffin. I know I have installed/removed many file managers; nothing better than 1DIR+, but MS Explorer handles many tasks and is already linked, aside from many programs having their own file browse/manage tools. I -started- writing start-menus for DOS2.1 (in ASIC!), so am not inclined to revisit that wheel. And yes I did a TSR to hide a game-screen and put up a Lotus 1-2-3 screen.
But as you see I went out and hunted for many of my side-apps. I end up with multiples of a "same type" when there is a PROBLEM. App A does this but not that, App B does that but not this. In an ideal world, or under a benevolent dictator, A and B would hash their differences so one app does this AND that. MS kinda used to be that unifying force; I'd have to go to TuCows (or the cover of PCMag) to get anything non-MS.
> "search the KDE Applications website for 'text editor'"
Recall that in the day, SimTel, SunSite, TuCows might have dozens or hundreds of apps to do "same" jobs.
Distro curators should try to pick ONE tool for each job and default it. With a small side-trek "Maybe one of this small number of other apps would suit you better?" like Amazon does? ("Compare with similar items")