“The navigation system also temporarily had difficulty acquiring a GPS signal as the spacecraft came out of the plasma generated by reentry.”
Same as my usual response… it’s amazing any of this stuff works at all.
736 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2021
Everybody has rules that they think are dumb and should be ignored. When you see stories like this about international businesses and countries around the world, though, it’s not like they can just #RESIST! or whatever. Yeah, Apple’s going to follow China’s onshore data rules. TikTok’s going to follow the EU data rules.
Because the choice is to comply or stop doing business in that country. There really isn’t anything else!
> The ads only appeared after a lot of effort by MM,
> were apparently seen by nobody other than MM,
> who then shotgunned it out to the media
> who duly amplified it as nazis everywhere.
Better luck next time.
If you look around (would require you to disinsert your noggin, a big ask, I know) you would see legal analysts pointing out that Muskie et al concede the central facts of the case right in their own brief. The ads in question really did appear where MM reported them. The rest is just Muskie’s usual fecal spray.
This is a pure SLAPP. No impartial federal judge would have allowed this to cost MM a dime.
I love my Tesla.
Know what my app says as of this morning?
> Earn $500 by Giving Anyone
> $1000 Off a New Tesla
> [Refer]
This is a company that couldn’t make them fast enough two years ago. That fucktwit has done so much damage to the brand, it’s fucking toxic. Worst CEO of any public company, anywhere, ever.
When Dell was in the process of absorbing EMC, there was a week when we got two email broadcasts:
1) Dell was going to build the finest tech workforce around by hiring all of the best people.
2) It was unfair for EMC sites to get free coffee so from now on we would have to pay for it.
Our VP was in town for an all-hands. To his credit, he didn’t even start his intro spiel before saying “Oh and ignore that stupid coffee memo, I’m taking care of it.”
If the options have not vested, they are not really yours. If you no longer work there, they will never vest, so they are null and void.
If the options have vested, you can exercise them. At a previous (private) employer I was given 30 days to exercise them or they would also become null and void.
If you’ve exercised the options, the stock is yours and the company can’t touch it, unless it’s a private company that gave themselves the right to buy it back for a prearranged price.
This kernel module is loading something from the filesystem. So we know it can, and that presumably the directory is trusted.
Why not:
1. Write out canary.txt - “I’m loading channel file X”
2. Load channel file
3. Delete canary.txt
If the kmod loads and finds a canary.txt, don’t load the channel file it lists!
There, global catastrophe prevented.