* Posts by HoraceTheUnicorn

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2021

Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop reach alpha


mmstick = https://github.com/mmstick


Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate, Budgie, LXQT, Pantheon, Unity, and now WillyWonkaUI

This latest one was a consequence of mardy bums and bun fights within Gnome. Meanwhile, Satya Microsoft and Tim Apple laugh yet more pretty tears of joy.

Ubuntu and Fedora clash in beta race, but who wears GNOME better?


Upgrade current installs or fresh installs?

Fedora Workstation 38 came with the vanilla Gnome, which is 'opinionated ', to say the least. The default fonts, start up screen and massive hidden dock icons and the lack of useful short cuts make it look like some UI that is stuck between a desktop and tablet design, without satisfying either. It's better on laptops with smaller screen. A laundry list of 'tweaks' and 'extension manager' is required to get it usable. I'm afraid my attempts at making Gnome work how I want will break if I upgrade to F39.

Ubuntu comes with a -slightly- better Gnome experience but there's all opinionated packaging stuff, which is tiring after a long day.

Both distros require a lot of faffing about, if starting from a new install, so to bend one's will.

In my case, switching to KDE worked ok for a while, as long any changes to the theming and layout are backed up with a tool like Konsave, for easy restore, as it's easy to mess everything if switching the desktop/panels into edit mode. Then KDE started to feel more and more buggy and freeze a lot. So it was back to Gnome, for a few months. Probably be back on KDE next month.

The woes of choice.

Dutch government: Did we say 10 'high data protection risks' in Google Workspace block adoption? Make that 8


What is and isn't G Suite

Have used G Suite, or whatever it's called these days, a bit in a working setting. I get that being in G Suite "Gmail" and the Docs suite is supposedly "private" to the owning organisation and in theory not being data mined, but, what about, say, YouTube surfing in another tab on the same browser, or, indeed, general browsing for "new coffee machine"- i.e personal topic. Is that non G-Suite activity still being mined by the chocolate factory to sell ads?