* Posts by sabya

2 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2021

Banking software firm tiptoes off to the cloud with MariaDB after $2m Oracle licence shocker


The article does not provide any clue whatsoever why they migrated to MariaDB whatsoever. The issues talked about may not even need Oracle support at all. Most issues pertain to Application SQL, bad data modelling and poor programming practices. Soon these practices will pop up in MariaDB as well and they will blame MariaDB! We have been using Oracle on Exadata for quite a while now and it's serving our need quite well, without much need for any cheap migration. So despite the rant made in the comment box Oracle is still the No. 1 DB.


I don't know how many years of exp. you have using Oracle databases. Cheaper is not always the better. Oracle has been introducing very rapid change in their database, adding new features and flexibility to use different data models which databases like MariaDB is far from. If they are not able to use Oracle DB properly they need to look deep into their application structure, programming practice and data models. Unless they sort out these problems they will run into the same problems with MariaDB as they have with Oracle. Any database migration motivated by cost alone will eventually fail.