* Posts by Nellie The Elephant

4 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2007

Israel deploys robo-snipers on Gaza border

Nellie The Elephant

Yeah, Precedent

John A Blackley - Israel has conscription. Every child will join the army. Therefore you'd agree using your logic, every Israeli child is a viable target as they'll grow up to be a soldier?

You can never justify murdering a child.

'Cops help kill 32 Students', claims furious blogger

Nellie The Elephant


SImon Hobson, we're not talking about criminals though are we. Criminals will always find weapons regardless - that argument is irrelevant.

What we're talking about here is the act of a formerly law abiding student seemingly going mental as his girlfriend was cheating on him. Take the gun away (reports seem to agree it was a legally owned weapon) and there's no deaths. This tragedy was entirely avoidable.

Conspiracy theorists: Feds, web hosts conspire against us

Nellie The Elephant

I love these conspiracy nutters

...one watch of Loose Change and they're experts in the subject.

Regurgitating what someones presented as 'facts' isn't big and it's not clever.

From one purple Elephant to another - stop ruining the internet.

Hornet death squads menace France

Nellie The Elephant


Oh christ, I'm terrified of Bee's as it is - now there's hoards of giant killer bee's heading my way =(