* Posts by Lunatic Moonshiner

7 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Feb 2021

Mint 21.2 is desktop Linux without the faff

Lunatic Moonshiner

Re: The best

"it gets a commercial level of support " "M$ helpdesk" from India calls me every now and then although I don't have Windows installed on my PCs, but Linux. ;-)

Leaked footage shows British F-35B falling off HMS Queen Elizabeth and pilot's death-defying ejection

Lunatic Moonshiner

Re: Well...

"The software in the sequencers is written in Ada."

A real-time operating system running under the pilot's butt - wautsi!?

Lunatic Moonshiner

Re: Well...

Or Matti Nykänen...

"Matti Nykänen vs Lauri Karhuvaara"


Compromise reached as Linux kernel community protests about treating compiler warnings as errors

Lunatic Moonshiner

Re: Warnings are usually there for a reason.

Time To Switch To Python. ;-)

Assembly language, arcade games, and YouTube: The Reg speaks to former Microsoft engineer Dave Plummer

Lunatic Moonshiner

Having enjoyed Pascal in school, he "rediscovered much of the same 'elegance and cleanliness' in C#."

Behind Turbo Pascal and C# is a Danish software engineer Anders Hejlsberg.

University duo thought it would be cool to sneak bad code into Linux as an experiment. Of course, it absolutely backfired

Lunatic Moonshiner

Just another Windoz distro...

Microsoft says it found 1,000-plus developers' fingerprints on the SolarWinds attack

Lunatic Moonshiner

Re: Oh those Russians!

"I'm finished. I trust no one, not even myself."

-- Joseph Stalin