* Posts by Matter_of_Perspective

3 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Feb 2021

Boss installed software from behind the Iron Curtain, techies ended up Putin things back together


When they own the business............

Back in the early 00's I implemented an internet filter to prevent people from getting to bad websites, downloading virus's and such.

Imagine my pleasure reading the reports of all the nasty websites and content that had been blocked across the UK organisation keeping the users safe........

Queue a visiting Chairman from head office from elsewhere, I get told to go to his office immediately expecting a jolly good pat on the back instead this guy starts screaming and shouting at me that he could get porn to work on his laptop and for me to fix it immediately.

Ah the memories!

Amazon sues 10,000 Facebook Group admins for offering fake reviews


Pays random $10 to leave a false review - illegal.

Pays celeb super star $8m to pretend to drink your fizzy pop that's absolutely fine.

Wonder why that is?

Amazon coughs up $62m to shoo away claims it stole driver tips, cut pay rates without telling them


Back in my day..............

I remember at the turn of the century M$ was sue and prosecuted left right and centre with anti-trust cases their doesn't seem the same appetite for Google, Amazon, Apple, M$ etc. anymore........