* Posts by lamp

40 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2021

Linux Mint 22.1 Xia arrives fashionably late


And the keyboard & mouse freeze issue sadly continues to occur with Cinnamon under Mint, Ubuntu and Debian....

Apple AirPods Pro 2 can be sold as hearing aids, says FDA


A good thing

It would provide a cost-effective solution for many people, and could be a disruptive technology as far as the hearing aid industry is concerned. The Android industry had better step up, I think! I say all this, even though I don't use an iPhone and I personally dislike the look of these...

Australia drops legal action that aimed to have X take down stabbing vid


Re: Would love to learn he truth

Musk provided personal information about the Commissioner's children, who were subsequently doxxed by Musk's fans. Disgusting.

Codd almighty! Has it been half a century of SQL already?


Reminds me of the old saying: Definition of an optimistic is an Oracle salesman who irons 5 shirts on Sunday night.

OpenAI's GPT-4 can exploit real vulnerabilities by reading security advisories


Who? Alan Turing?

Red Hat tries on a McKinsey cap in quest to streamline techies' jobs


Re: Clueless

Big Blue must think very little of their employees if it thinks they can't see what's coming...

Year of Linux on the desktop creeps closer as market share rises a little


Re: Repeat after me:

The Thunderbird calendar is excellent. It works with our company calendar server and also Google calendar. So Linux desk is taken care of! On my Android phone I can sync with both of them using davx5. So much better than Notes calendar which we once used during our IBM partner days, but it wouldn't talk to anything...

Google wants regulators to take Microsoft down a notch before it stifles AI


Indeed. I don't use any of them, haven't for decades. Linux, OpenOffice, Firefox and Thunderbird at home and at work, and our cloud computing is a secure Openstack with Linux VMs.

Untangling Meta's plan for its homegrown AI chips, set to actually roll out this year


Well, they can use the chips to process all that child porn that they refuse to remove from Facebook:-(

Asahi Linux team issues promising update on efforts to conquer Apple Silicon


Re: Congratulations

Why do it at all? Because it was there! Definitely it is an outstanding achievement - but will punters use it? I think very few. Perhaps some hard core techies.

Postgres pioneer Michael Stonebraker promises to upend the database once more


Re: Vertica

Please, it's Stonebraker.

HCL modernizes Notes by adding 2023's hot new item ... mail merge?


Oh dear

Some of us suffered for decades with this, so last century. Time it was put out to pasture

How to deorbit the Chromebook... and repurpose it for innovators


Re: De-orbit?

I would be thinking of Liam Proven, he's perfect for the job.

FTX crypto-villain Sam Bankman-Fried convicted on all charges


Re: Whats wrong with crypto

My perception is that crypto, dark web, criminals, child porn etc are often to be found as companions. So, to be avoided at all costs.

Apple lifts the sheet on a trio of 'scary fast' M3 SoCs built on a 3nm process


Re: We need a new metric

Mac book Air vs Windows - Unix!

Indian authorities raid fake tech support rings after tipoff from Amazon and Microsoft


Since we binned our home phone during COVID and now only use our mobiles for phone calls, all the bogus calls purporting to be from the tax office etc have disappeared.


They rang once and spoke to my wife. They were adamant that we have a problem with our Windows. She gave them short shrift and explained that we certainly didn't. But my non-technical partner of almost 50 years didn't need to explain that we don't use Windows. We use Ubuntu exclusively (and some Linux Mint) for two decades.

Amazon unveils new drone design, plans liftoff of aerial delivery in UK, Italy


Re: Attack of the drones

Not over my house, please.

Atlassian buys 'asynchronous video' outfit Loom for almost $1 billion


He buys ridiculous numbers of very expensive houses as well - but I guess he can afford it. To his credit, he has also purchased a significant shareholding in AGL, gotten rid of the board, and is accelerating the shut-down of their coal fired power stations. Also building a cable to pipe solar power to Singapore from a vast solar farm. Pretty impressive in my view.

After a clean and inclusive Ubuntu-based desktop? Elementary, dear user



I've been using 7.0 for a while now. I'm going to try this release.

Why Chromebooks are the new immortals of tech


Re: Data

I definitely wouldn't do my finances and tax on one.

With version 117, Firefox finally speaks Chrome's translation language


Re: Same here

I started with Netscape Navigator on day one then went with Firefox after Microsoft "influenced" Netscape, and have used it exclusively ever since without any problems. It was great as a developer of Web apps during the IE6 nightmare.

LibreOffice 7.6 arrives: Open source stalwart is showing its maturity


Re: long-form writers...

...as soon as they broke the single paragraph into proper separate paragraphs... do you mean started using the program properly? Doing this and only using styles for formatting makes LO sing.

Version 5 of systemd-free Debian remix Devuan is here


Re: Being based off ...

I need something like Google Translate when visiting the North of England. All those British shows on streaming, as good as they are, require me to use subtitles.

Indian armed forces gives Windows its marching orders, but only for desktop warriors


Re: What were the alternatives?

Actually, the Indian defence forces are significantly larger than the Munich authorities and would have more influence on software suppliers in their porting decisions. They might even fund the porting (that has been my experience when working for a leading database vendor years ago). Note also that a lot of software runs in the cloud nowadays so would only need to be deployed into an Indian data centre. I think this development is a great advertisement for Ubuntu, which is so much more secure than Windows. Personally, I have been using it exclusively for 20 years as my desktop environment, and I'm a big supporter.

Open the pod bay doors, GPT, and see if you're smart enough for the real world


Regulation is what

is needed here. Before the horse has bolted - or has it already?

Debian 12 'Bookworm' is the excitement-free Linux you've been waiting for


Thanks Liam

Once again for another insightful, excellent article. I always enjoy reading your work - more please!


Oh dear, don't talk to me about Teams

Electric two-wheelers are set to scoot past EVs in road race


Re: What do these give you that an electric bicycle does not?

A higher price

Red Hat at 30: Biggest Linux company of them all still pushing to become cloud power


Re: Red Hat at 40

Will IBM let it wither on the vine as they have so many other acquisitions? Lotus, Rational, ...

It's official: Ubuntu Cinnamon remix has been voted in


Re: Not familiar with US school system

Well , she is actually. She achieved high honours...

OpenAI claims GPT-4 will beat 90% of you in an exam


Sophisticated Regurgitation

is what it seems to me, minus an ethical framework. Original human thought? Could it come up with the differential calculus? Could it have come up with the Xerox Alto in 1973? Never.

UNIX co-creator Ken Thompson is a… what user now?


Re: Only slightly off-topic

Indeed. And I loved his Elements of Programming Style as well.

The Stonehenge of PC design, Xerox Alto, appeared 50 years ago this month


Re: Proper paper orientation

I had a portrait monitor connected to my Mac in 1991. It was excellent. Had on the network, using the VAX as a server.

Catholic clergy surveillance org 'outs gay priests'


It's fine for them to be gay

Just leave them alone. Instead, track and hunt down the paedophiles, whatever their orientation.

Boffins deploy machine learning in search for intelligent ET


Space is very, very, very big ...

... and they're have difficulty in finding us

Linux Mint 21.2 includes a bit of feature creep from the GNOME world


Let's not be too critical

There are so many complaints from people about software that has been created by hard working volunteers. I for one am thankful for their contributions, they're doing a fantastic job job.

IBM quietly announces Power-powered private cloud in a rack to 'evolve' your apps


Re: roomer has it

I wonder what the power bill will be like for one of these...

We regret to inform you the professor teaching your online course is already dead


Re: Jeremy Bentham

Quite confronting, don't you think, to come across this particular "exhibit"?

We'd rather go down in Down Under, says Google: Search biz threatens to quit Australia if forced to pay for news


Re: Google isn't the internet

Well, you can always use duckduckgo and search using !guk - my experience is that it provides the standard Google search results.