* Posts by very cowardly anonymous

9 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2021

Linus Torvalds declares war on the passive voice

very cowardly anonymous

Re: Clarity

He did provide examples. Read the source thread before complaining.

Russia tells citizens to switch off home surveillance because the Ukrainians are coming

very cowardly anonymous

Re: Ukraine is spying on your ring

Putin lies and breaks contracts on a habitual basis. Mins 1 and 2 are waving at you. Putin must be stopped. His wars must end. His crimes must not be rewarded anymore.

very cowardly anonymous

Re: Ukraine is spying on your ring

So you have no problem with Russia's Nazi battalions and it's fascist, imperial leaders but some Ukrainian hotheads get your panties into a knot?

Maximum hypocrisy there

Make-me-root 'Looney Tunables' security hole on Linux needs your attention

very cowardly anonymous

Re: Patching, my dear

well, that again works in theory. And then in practice you have Program A needing libWTF.1.1, Program B needing libWTF.1.2. and Program C hard depending in libWTF.1.1.25-rc3-git0123456 which program A can not use because of a slight change in behaviour...

and so you load all three in your ram anyway.

very cowardly anonymous

in theory. In practice you often enough can't, because $incompetent $company hard wired its software only to work with one very specific version of a lib. Replace it, and the software breaks.

So there goes that advantage out of the window.

very cowardly anonymous

and all this because of dynamic linking.

Why are we even doing it? It is a waste of ressources, a waste of time, it lowers security.

I know why it was introduced, but does it really have any benefits?

And don't start with 'oh, but with static linked you have to recompile everything' - so what? With dynamic linked execs you still have to recompile plenty of times - and with garbage like snap, flatpack, containers, you rebuilt THAT crap anyway. So what is heavier on a system? A container/snap/flatpak or a static linked exec? If you have to rebuild have of your apps anyway - why not static link in the first place? No dll hell. No linker leaks&hacks, faster startup, no ressource wastage on loading the same lib a gazillion times, because every snap/flatpak/container started brings its own copy...

BYOD should stand for bring your own disaster, according to Microsoft ransomware data

very cowardly anonymous

Someone call Captain Obvious.

Also - could someone remind the C* suits that the main attack vector is:


If you want a secure IT - best to get rid of that and then worry about everything else..

Slackware wasn't the first Linux distro, but it's the oldest still alive and kicking

very cowardly anonymous

Slackware was my second distribution.

Started with Suse 6.2 from a magazine cover. Then BOUGHT 6.2. The handbook was heavy and amazing.

Did some updates and around 7 I switched over to Slackware - out of curiosity mostly. But also Suse came with a lot of stuff I really did not want to have installed. And slackware didn't.

And I loved it.

Back then I was using a K6-2 400. On Suse building my own kernel made watching mpeg-2 bearable. On Slackware it was mostly fine.

But there was something that made it great: some group (swiss IIRC) provided optimized packages for Slackware! It helped a lot. Really a lot. From 'video stutters once in a while' to 'video never stutters' kind of improvements.

Which is probably why when I stumbled over gentoo 1.0. Switched over. Stayed there. Apart from a short 3 month stint when a nuked ssd and the need to install something ASAP made me use opensuse for a couple of weeks.

While I don't run Slackware anymore, I always remember it fondly and I am always tempted to install it again. What is holding me back is that my gentoo installation is so customized to my desires, that I am very, very reluctant to switch. Maybe the next time my root ssd dies....

Linux developers get ready to wield the secateurs against elderly microprocessors

very cowardly anonymous

Re: what is linux good for?

Sie hat ein paar Schuhe im Schrank (she has a couple of shoes in her closet)

Sie hat ein Paar Schuhe im Schrank (she has one pair of shoes in her closet)

There you go. One letter. Utterly different meaning.